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whether it's free food stamps in East St Louis or the citizens of Greece, it seems like so many people now relying on free handouts just to exist.


Hundreds of people jostled for free vegetables handed out by farmers in a symbolic protest earlier on Wednesday, trampling one man and prompting an outcry over the growing desperation created by economic crisis.


Wait to see what happens when the money runs out.

Fight at East St. Louis food stamp office.

According to officials, the women involved had been waiting to get food stamps when the fists started to fly. Two women can be seen holding onto each other as a third punches one of them in the back of the head.

a clear sign that the long awaited financial meltdown will start next wednesday right after the Chinese New Year celebrations.


Wait to see what happens when the money runs out.

Fight at East St. Louis food stamp office.


According to officials, the women involved had been waiting to get food stamps when the fists started to fly. Two women can be seen holding onto each other as a third punches one of them in the back of the head.

a clear sign that the long awaited financial meltdown will start next wednesday right after the Chinese New Year celebrations.

Their financial meltdown is here and now.


Why would any private citizen in Florida (and possibly other parts of USA) ever trust the judicial system again?

A Florida Supreme Court ruling involving a Greenacres foreclosure allows banks to get away with fraud, as long as they voluntarily dismiss the case, attorneys said today.


Florida law professors said the case, which was heard by the Supreme Court in May, was significant because it speaks to the integrity (or lack of it) of Florida’s judiciary.


Naam, Your telling me that currently the US can demand to see foreign accounts of foreign nationals simply because they have one account with a US company?

the U.S. can see (since many years) any account and its details of any national if that account is with a financial institution located in the U.S.

interesting is also the fact that the U.S. can see (in details) any transfer denominated in U.S. Dollars if this transfer is done from one bank in Singapore to another bank in Singapore even if these two banks are located in the same building.

But that is because the money actaully travels via a couple or 3 designated banks located in NYC isn't it.


Why would any private citizen in Florida (and possibly other parts of USA) ever trust the judicial system again?

I sure don't ....

This was a comment on one of sites

I'm going to petition UCLA to start offering courses in Fraud. It'd be the best career orientated courses offered. Probably get them lot of student loan money



It would be funny................ if it wasn't so serious and bleak



Why would any private citizen in Florida (and possibly other parts of USA) ever trust the judicial system again?

I sure don't ....

This was a comment on one of sites

I'm going to petition UCLA to start offering courses in Fraud. It'd be the best career orientated courses offered. Probably get them lot of student loan money



It would be funny................ if it wasn't so serious and bleak


Midas, The US politicians, both Clinton and BUsh sold the US down the river when they exported so many jobs overseas yet one of those 2 is still held in very high regard for his 8 yrs of smoozing, getting head and avoiding the watchful eye of SWMBO. No I am not a democrat nor a Republican, I hate'em all.


I sure don't ....

This was a comment on one of sites

I'm going to petition UCLA to start offering courses in Fraud. It'd be the best career orientated courses offered. Probably get them lot of student loan money



It would be funny................ if it wasn't so serious and bleak


Midas, The US politicians, both Clinton and BUsh sold the US down the river when they exported so many jobs overseas yet one of those 2 is still held in very high regard for his 8 yrs of smoozing, getting head and avoiding the watchful eye of SWMBO. No I am not a democrat nor a Republican, I hate'em all.

Thailand Bound I totally agree and I don't understand why more people don't seem see that there is no substantive difference between the two parties? It is all theatre ! What's even worse is that people even voted for politicians like Peter Stark in California who is probably one of the most obnoxious characters I have ever seen in public service. Do you know him ? Have you seen the way he speaks to his constituents? I was gobsmacked when I saw it for the first timeohmy.png

Of more immediate danger I believe is in a month that saw record gun sales (all this talk about gun control has well and truly backfired on the silly buggers in power

giggle.gif) I am wondering if the unintended consequences of this kind of blatant bias in the judicial system could result in the public resorting to vigilante justice?

I don't know if you're aware of a legal us case in England in 1924, when this now famous phrase was coined "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done."


Thailand Bound I totally agree and I don't understand why more people don't seem see that there is no substantive difference between the two parties? It is all theatre ! What's even worse is that people even voted for politicians like Peter Stark in California who is probably one of the most obnoxious characters I have ever seen in public service. Do you know him ? Have you seen the way he speaks to his constituents? I was gobsmacked when I saw it for the first timeohmy.png

Of more immediate danger I believe is in a month that saw record gun sales (all this talk about gun control has well and truly backfired on the silly buggers in power

giggle.gif) I am wondering if the unintended consequences of this kind of blatant bias in the judicial system could result in the public resorting to vigilante justice?

I don't know if you're aware of a legal us case in England in 1924, when this now famous phrase was coined "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done."

Hi Midas, no I don't know Stark (I try to ignore most politicians as much as I can besides I am from the other coast, the Old Dominion to be exact) but I will make it point to Google him via Youtube tomorrow and check him out. I am 56, I never voted in my life, never even registered until Obama came along, he excited everyone and if he had kept his word and did what he campaigned on the US would be a better place. I did register and vote for him in 2008 but he failed to live up to any of the things he ran on except what the health coverage bill and I did not vote again since and nver will. F***'em all.

I assume the Obama administration made the overture for gun reform was to try and quell the outrage over the slaughter of the 20 kids and 8 adults at the Connecticut elementary school. As usual they did not expect that outrage over the gun reform would over power the quell from the shooting. Besides no one wants to see this go to the Supremes because that is where it will go if it ever goes to court.

Speaking of vigilante justice I can see that happening, more and more people unemployed and no jobs to really work and make a decent living, the US is only a service industry now and has been one since the last 4 years of Bush's tenure. Bush and Greenspan created the huge financial bubble and Greenspan never created an exit strategy and the credit rating companies failed to do their job. Obama, just like Bush, is lying about how many are truly unemployed there are and people are pissed off. I beleive it could be somce very dangerous cities in the country to live in in the next 5 to 10 years if things get worse.

I just Googled the phrase above and when McCarthy's name came up I thougth of Joe but it was before his time. Exactl how fast could he have been going on his motorcycle of 1924 i wonder? Laws and such are manipulated every day now in every country even in the Land of the free and Home of the Brave by people with ulterior, illegal and financial gain motives, it is truly sad from where I sit. I will hate to see what Obama does next in the case of the guns and now this immigration bill that these pathetic 6 have come up with which makes a lot of people that followed and gained access the legal way makes them look like fools that actually followed the law, what kind of message is that to send out to the American public?. I have not stepped on US soil in over 23 years if you don't count the embassy's sovereign territory and don't plan on it before I die. I'lll stick to being what I have basically been the last 28 years neutral sort of like the Swiss were (wink wink nudge nudge, say no more) during WWII. Of all of our holdings I beleive if all counted up less than 5% remains in actually USD.


Tech is give me hope for the future:


I think a cheap clean energy revolution is the only thing that will be able to break out from what would otherwise be Indefinate declining living standards from price inflation due to the post peak rescourses situation we are in.

Good luck with that, with all the money the oil and gas crowd have they would buy up anything that threatens them.


Naam, Your telling me that currently the US can demand to see foreign accounts of foreign nationals simply because they have one account with a US company?

the U.S. can see (since many years) any account and its details of any national if that account is with a financial institution located in the U.S.

interesting is also the fact that the U.S. can see (in details) any transfer denominated in U.S. Dollars if this transfer is done from one bank in Singapore to another bank in Singapore even if these two banks are located in the same building.

But that is because the money actaully travels via a couple or 3 designated banks located in NYC isn't it.



Tech is give me hope for the future:


I think a cheap clean energy revolution is the only thing that will be able to break out from what would otherwise be Indefinate declining living standards from price inflation due to the post peak rescourses situation we are in.

Good luck with that, with all the money the oil and gas crowd have they would buy up anything that threatens them.


But maybe some big tech company from the east would rather make billions than sell out to big oil like all the small inventors seem to do.

Apply seems to have so much cash and not know what to do with it- shame they not think out side the box a bit further and put that money in to really revolutionary tech.


Tech is give me hope for the future:


I think a cheap clean energy revolution is the only thing that will be able to break out from what would otherwise be Indefinate declining living standards from price inflation due to the post peak rescourses situation we are in.

Good luck with that, with all the money the oil and gas crowd have they would buy up anything that threatens them.


But maybe some big tech company from the east would rather make billions than sell out to big oil like all the small inventors seem to do.

Apply seems to have so much cash and not know what to do with it- shame they not think out side the box a bit further and put that money in to really revolutionary tech.

you can't put money into something that does not exist.


Tech is give me hope for the future:


I think a cheap clean energy revolution is the only thing that will be able to break out from what would otherwise be Indefinate declining living standards from price inflation due to the post peak rescourses situation we are in.

Good luck with that, with all the money the oil and gas crowd have they would buy up anything that threatens them.


But maybe some big tech company from the east would rather make billions than sell out to big oil like all the small inventors seem to do.

Apply seems to have so much cash and not know what to do with it- shame they not think out side the box a bit further and put that money in to really revolutionary tech.

you can't put money into something that does not exist.

Money in to R&D of power generating tech I mean


Naam, Your telling me that currently the US can demand to see foreign accounts of foreign nationals simply because they have one account with a US company?

the U.S. can see (since many years) any account and its details of any national if that account is with a financial institution located in the U.S.

interesting is also the fact that the U.S. can see (in details) any transfer denominated in U.S. Dollars if this transfer is done from one bank in Singapore to another bank in Singapore even if these two banks are located in the same building.

But that is because the money actaully travels via a couple or 3 designated banks located in NYC isn't it.


That is what I thought so to hide the transfer could you hand walk a cashiers check over or would that go via NYC as well? Only other way to do it is take a loss and trade to SGD and back again at the bank it is going too.


Thailand Bound I totally agree and I don't understand why more people don't seem see that there is no substantive difference between the two parties? It is all theatre ! What's even worse is that people even voted for politicians like Peter Stark in California who is probably one of the most obnoxious characters I have ever seen in public service. Do you know him ? Have you seen the way he speaks to his constituents? I was gobsmacked when I saw it for the first timeohmy.png

Of more immediate danger I believe is in a month that saw record gun sales (all this talk about gun control has well and truly backfired on the silly buggers in power

giggle.gif) I am wondering if the unintended consequences of this kind of blatant bias in the judicial system could result in the public resorting to vigilante justice?

I don't know if you're aware of a legal us case in England in 1924, when this now famous phrase was coined "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done."

Hi Midas, no I don't know Stark (I try to ignore most politicians as much as I can besides I am from the other coast, the Old Dominion to be exact) but I will make it point to Google him via Youtube tomorrow and check him out. I am 56, I never voted in my life, never even registered until Obama came along, he excited everyone and if he had kept his word and did what he campaigned on the US would be a better place. I did register and vote for him in 2008 but he failed to live up to any of the things he ran on except what the health coverage bill and I did not vote again since and nver will. F***'em all.

I assume the Obama administration made the overture for gun reform was to try and quell the outrage over the slaughter of the 20 kids and 8 adults at the Connecticut elementary school. As usual they did not expect that outrage over the gun reform would over power the quell from the shooting. Besides no one wants to see this go to the Supremes because that is where it will go if it ever goes to court.

Speaking of vigilante justice I can see that happening, more and more people unemployed and no jobs to really work and make a decent living, the US is only a service industry now and has been one since the last 4 years of Bush's tenure. Bush and Greenspan created the huge financial bubble and Greenspan never created an exit strategy and the credit rating companies failed to do their job. Obama, just like Bush, is lying about how many are truly unemployed there are and people are pissed off. I beleive it could be somce very dangerous cities in the country to live in in the next 5 to 10 years if things get worse.

I just Googled the phrase above and when McCarthy's name came up I thougth of Joe but it was before his time. Exactl how fast could he have been going on his motorcycle of 1924 i wonder? Laws and such are manipulated every day now in every country even in the Land of the free and Home of the Brave by people with ulterior, illegal and financial gain motives, it is truly sad from where I sit. I will hate to see what Obama does next in the case of the guns and now this immigration bill that these pathetic 6 have come up with which makes a lot of people that followed and gained access the legal way makes them look like fools that actually followed the law, what kind of message is that to send out to the American public?. I have not stepped on US soil in over 23 years if you don't count the embassy's sovereign territory and don't plan on it before I die. I'lll stick to being what I have basically been the last 28 years neutral sort of like the Swiss were (wink wink nudge nudge, say no more) during WWII. Of all of our holdings I beleive if all counted up less than 5% remains in actually USD.

Obama, just like Bush, is lying about how many are truly unemployed there are and people are pissed off. I beleive it could be somce very dangerous cities in the country to live in in the next 5 to 10 years if things get worse.

and they dont just lie about the number of unemployed.....

a stunning 54% of those who’d been laid off and were lucky enough to find a job, now make less money than before. Less money in nominal terms, not even adjusted for inflation. A third of them got whacked by a pay cut of 11% to 30%. Another third reported that their pay had been slashed by over 30%. Ouch!



That is what I thought so to hide the transfer could you hand walk a cashiers check over or would that go via NYC as well? Only other way to do it is take a loss and trade to SGD and back again at the bank it is going too.

SGD, AUD, NZD, CHF, JPY and a few others = thumbsup.gif


Robots may bring factory jobs back to the US for engineers, managers, financial types etc. and require a lot of retraining of the unskilled into different jobs because their old jobs won't come back.


Yiu know for the good of the country we all hope so but already so many high tech companies are using the excuse of there are not enough engineers in the US so they apply for H1B visas or something like that too bring in cheaper engineers from China, India and SE Asia. The US compnaies do not want to hire US engineers and such with proper US salaries they would rather hire overseas staff, import them and pay them 1/2 the pay package they would normally have to give a US ciitzen.


Robots may bring factory jobs back to the US for engineers, managers, financial types etc. and require a lot of retraining of the unskilled into different jobs because their old jobs won't come back.


Yiu know for the good of the country we all hope so but already so many high tech companies are using the excuse of there are not enough engineers in the US so they apply for H1B visas or something like that too bring in cheaper engineers from China, India and SE Asia. The US compnaies do not want to hire US engineers and such with proper US salaries they would rather hire overseas staff, import them and pay them 1/2 the pay package they would normally have to give a US ciitzen.

There were a very interesting statements.

“ What are the people going to do” ? “ That is the $64,000 question “ !!!

And surely it's not just about one Baxter equals one half humans but also the Baxter doesn't expect a pension, healthcare benefits, sick leave, fringe benefits etc

And Baxter wont need a mortgage and he won’t be a very good consumer ?

Apparently Barack Obama will be focusing his State of the union address this Tuesday on boosting job creation!.


College coeds may not only become debt and tax slaves to pay their college tuition and fees but also start selling their eggs (not chicken eggs).


Tuition, fees and taxes have to be high enough to pay that $5+ million a year football coach etc. and the other college elites plus all their assistants and their extravagant facilities even though they also make money from endorsements, government contracts, etc.




College coeds may not only become debt and tax slaves to pay their college tuition and fees but also start selling their eggs (not chicken eggs).


Tuition, fees and taxes have to be high enough to pay that $5+ million a year football coach etc. and the other college elites plus all their assistants and their extravagant facilities even though they also make money from endorsements, government contracts, etc.



Dump your pet beef here.


College coeds may not only become debt and tax slaves to pay their college tuition and fees but also start selling their eggs (not chicken eggs).


Tuition, fees and taxes have to be high enough to pay that $5+ million a year football coach etc. and the other college elites plus all their assistants and their extravagant facilities even though they also make money from endorsements, government contracts, etc.



Dump your pet beef here.

I think it's CJD infected Romanian donkey meat , we should be dumping


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