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I Am Looking For A Wife (not A Bar Girl)

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If you are serious, I have the "perfect" lady for you.

She is a Hairdresser in Pattaya.

She was once engaged but he died and she has not been with anyone else since.

I know because her friends (one of which is my wife) tease her about being a female monk.

I can vouch for her being a lovely, generous and funny lady.

She is 33 years old and very beautiful.


I would love to meet her.

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If you are serious, I have the "perfect" lady for you.

She is a Hairdresser in Pattaya.

She was once engaged but he died and she has not been with anyone else since.

I know because her friends (one of which is my wife) tease her about being a female monk.

I can vouch for her being a lovely, generous and funny lady.

She is 33 years old and very beautiful.


I would love to meet her.

Good to hear. When I get home I will get the ball rolling.

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Gentleman, what's all this talk of divorce/lawyers etc? If you are good, loving husbands, why on earth would a woman want a divorce? Presuming of course, you married a decent woman and you are a decent man to her.

I think we place too much emphisis on possible divorces and not enough on just finding someone we truly love and who loves us in equal measure. And then nurturing that love.

And Lookingforwife, there are many good lasses to be found in the States. You can't honestly tell me that with such a huge population, there can't be one decent woman out there. Men who run to Asian countries to find wives usually have some sought of issue/s that are a turn off for their own local women. I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with you (and by the way, your photo wasn't that bad!) but just don't think you will find nirvana in another distant land.

My own darling is Thai but I can tell you, I didn't go to Thailand to search for a man. We just happened to meet (we left everything to the angels) and now we're blissfully happy. Have faith, develop yourself and love will come.

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maybe it's just me, but i'm not sure this is the best way to find a wife.. good, bad or anything else.. why set your sights so high? why not look for a person first and let the rest happen... then again, a day trip in Isan should sort you out.. each to their own... :o

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If you are serious, I have the "perfect" lady for you.

She is a Hairdresser in Pattaya.

She was once engaged but he died and she has not been with anyone else since.

I know because her friends (one of which is my wife) tease her about being a female monk.

I can vouch for her being a lovely, generous and funny lady.

She is 33 years old and very beautiful.


I would love to meet her.

You might even get a free haircut :o

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I think that "lookingforthaiwife" has made a valid point....Maybe he has been scared off by the comments here. For a forum that is about Thailand there is a lot of negative comments not just about Thailand but also Thai women...

I was married to a Thai for 3 years and finished it when she cheated on me in my own country while on a paid for holiday, this was a non BG from Isan. since then I have been back many times and I am now, after 7 years, at the start of what I hope will be a good relationship. The girl I am with now no longer works in the bar trade and when she did it was as a daytime waitress, sure she went with some guys but nowhere near as many as the night girls did. She left the bar because of some problems with the owner and another staff member, two of them quit the same day. This was before we started as an item.

I knew the send money issue would arise and was dreading it....I used to send money to my ex and wasnt keen to go down that road again. In anticipation of this I asked some other guys there, all long termers with wives for their opinion and they all said "dont send money"...Anyway the issue did arise, and basically it was down to this. If I couldnt send some money then she would have to go back to the bar and there was no guarantee that she would not find someone more financial. I can hear cries of Blackmail from here already....really the choice was mine....did I want her to go back to the bars and knowing full well that she would go as a night girl....She has a 10 yo boy to support as well as herself. I considered my options and hers, and remembered what advice I was given...Well I didnt want her to work the bars again and risk losing her, so I said ok I will send you 6000 baht a month...a little more than she earned in the bar. After disclosing this to the guys I had sought advice from earlier, It appears that most of them sent their wives money from the start. BTW 6000 baht was acceptable.

Now the other point about sending money to Thai girls is...Showing of committment....Many of them have heard stories of the farang who promises the world and does not give a sod of earth. They want to know you are serious about them and your future with them. Words are meaningless, they cant eat words, words dont give them a better life, words dont hold them at night nor do they allow them little luxuries that all women like. They want something tangible so they can believe in you, after all there are two of you in this long distance relationship. And the fears you have about them is equal to the fears they have about you.

Too many guys put these girls on some kind of pedestal and are disappointed when the girls dont match the expectations that the guy holds in his mind. They are not some kind of mythical creature, they are women and want the same as all women want, someone to look after them, protect them and to love them. Sure there are gold diggers as in any place and some guys do get taken in, same as anywhere else, and with the hundreds of thousands of men who visit Thailand sure the percentage of guys burnt is likely to be higher than other places.

"lookingforthaiwife"... dont be put off by negative comments, There are many good ladies in Thailand, in and out of the bars, Go and meet some and if it happens for you then good luck to you.

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If you would have called me today I would given you mine along with one years maintenance, cash in USD. It's kind of like a lawn, once you get it, you have to work on it a lot to keep it how you want it. Love my family and I love my kids, but, sometimes.......... :o

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OK. I am no longer going to Thailand. You scared me away. I am going to do a Peter Hughes live aboard in the Galapagos Islands instead. Sounds like hammerheads are tamer than Thai women. You guys make Thai women sound bad.

Ok, sorry, but I have to say this. If you are scared by this, then best don't even think about a Thai lady. This type of marriage take a lot of 'balls' at least the way I did it. I visited Thailand once and decided I wanted to marry a Thai woman. I put an ad in the Island Trader, Phuket Gazette... and read the ads. I ended up getting an email from a Thai woman wanting to learn English... I explained that I did not want to teach somebody English by email... We emailed a few times... we exchanged photos etc. I found out later that she was just having a laugh with her friends about me and had no intentions of marrying somebody from emailing... I then decied to take another trip to Thailand with the sole purpose of meeting her. I went ot Thailand ot meet her and her three friends were there at the airport... I was there for 10 days. To cut a long story short... we decided to marry in 5 short days. I made another trip to Thailand a month later and we married. The first 6 months was somewhat difficult for both of us and of course we did not love each other in the begining... But now 2 years and more later, I would not swap her for the world. Love developed over time and as each month goes by we get closer and closer.

You would have to know me to understand me... but I could tell within a few hours, whether I would be prepared to marry somebody or not. My first 4 wives I lived with for at least six months to "make sure it was going to work". They lasted 3 years, 3 years, 10 years and 5 years. You can never make sure! Therefore my philosophy is, that you have as much chance of making a marriage work with a completes stranger where mutual attraction is at work, than you have marrying somebody you've known for 2-4 years and lived with.

You sound like a guy who has not been around enough and not worldly enough to make instant decisions on such important issues.

??? your reputation for being an intellectual are quickly slipping.... and you had started out so well, Ravisher... ???

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I think that "lookingforthaiwife" has made a valid point....Maybe he has been scared off by the comments here. For a forum that is about Thailand there is a lot of negative comments not just about Thailand but also Thai women...

I was married to a Thai for 3 years and finished it when she cheated on me in my own country while on a paid for holiday, this was a non BG from Isan. since then I have been back many times and I am now, after 7 years, at the start of what I hope will be a good relationship. The girl I am with now no longer works in the bar trade and when she did it was as a daytime waitress, sure she went with some guys but nowhere near as many as the night girls did. She left the bar because of some problems with the owner and another staff member, two of them quit the same day. This was before we started as an item.

I knew the send money issue would arise and was dreading it....I used to send money to my ex and wasnt keen to go down that road again. In anticipation of this I asked some other guys there, all long termers with wives for their opinion and they all said "dont send money"...Anyway the issue did arise, and basically it was down to this.  If I couldnt send some money then she would have to go back to the bar and there was no guarantee that she would not find someone more financial. I can hear cries of Blackmail from here already....really the choice was mine....did I want her to go back to the bars and knowing full well that she would go as a night girl....She has a 10 yo boy to support as well as herself. I considered my options and hers, and remembered what advice I was given...Well I didnt want her to work the bars again and risk losing her, so I said ok I will send you 6000 baht a month...a little more than she earned in the bar. After disclosing this to the guys I had sought advice from earlier, It appears that most of them sent their wives money from the start. BTW 6000 baht was acceptable.

Now the other point about sending money to Thai girls is...Showing of committment....Many of them have heard stories of the farang who promises the world and does not give a sod of earth. They want to know you are serious about them and your future with them. Words are meaningless, they cant eat words, words dont give them a better life, words dont hold them at night nor do they allow them little luxuries that all women like. They want something tangible so they can believe in you, after all there are two of you in this long distance relationship. And the fears you have about them is equal to the fears they have about you.

Too many guys put these girls on some kind of pedestal and are disappointed when the girls dont match the expectations that the guy holds in his mind. They are not some kind of mythical creature, they are women and want the same as all women want, someone to look after them, protect them and to love them. Sure there are gold diggers as in any place and some guys do get taken in, same as anywhere else, and with the hundreds of thousands of men who visit Thailand sure the percentage of guys burnt is likely to be higher than other places.

"lookingforthaiwife"... dont be put off by negative comments, There are many good ladies in Thailand, in and out of the bars, Go and meet some and if it happens for you then good luck to you.

***shaking my head in disbelief at the above nonsense***

Sheesh....P.T. Barnum was right.

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Try Korat.

I just showed your pic to my Thai wife... she said, "He look like killer."

To be honest mate, with those 'scary' eyes I don't think anybody is going to cheat on you. :o

Having said that, some women will be unfaithful even in countries where the penalty is disfigurement or death. It's what they do.... eventually and if they think they won't get caught... :D

My Missus thought you look nice , but I'm a scary looking bastard as well. :D

Try Kalasin! :D

I got it I got it. I have a faithful thai g/f, 20 y/o. I've turned queer. You want her? I said do you want her man?

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I think that "lookingforthaiwife" has made a valid point....Maybe he has been scared off by the comments here. For a forum that is about Thailand there is a lot of negative comments not just about Thailand but also Thai women...

I was married to a Thai for 3 years and finished it when she cheated on me in my own country while on a paid for holiday, this was a non BG from Isan. since then I have been back many times and I am now, after 7 years, at the start of what I hope will be a good relationship. The girl I am with now no longer works in the bar trade and when she did it was as a daytime waitress, sure she went with some guys but nowhere near as many as the night girls did. She left the bar because of some problems with the owner and another staff member, two of them quit the same day. This was before we started as an item.

I knew the send money issue would arise and was dreading it....I used to send money to my ex and wasnt keen to go down that road again. In anticipation of this I asked some other guys there, all long termers with wives for their opinion and they all said "dont send money"...Anyway the issue did arise, and basically it was down to this.  If I couldnt send some money then she would have to go back to the bar and there was no guarantee that she would not find someone more financial. I can hear cries of Blackmail from here already....really the choice was mine....did I want her to go back to the bars and knowing full well that she would go as a night girl....She has a 10 yo boy to support as well as herself. I considered my options and hers, and remembered what advice I was given...Well I didnt want her to work the bars again and risk losing her, so I said ok I will send you 6000 baht a month...a little more than she earned in the bar. After disclosing this to the guys I had sought advice from earlier, It appears that most of them sent their wives money from the start. BTW 6000 baht was acceptable.

Now the other point about sending money to Thai girls is...Showing of committment....Many of them have heard stories of the farang who promises the world and does not give a sod of earth. They want to know you are serious about them and your future with them. Words are meaningless, they cant eat words, words dont give them a better life, words dont hold them at night nor do they allow them little luxuries that all women like. They want something tangible so they can believe in you, after all there are two of you in this long distance relationship. And the fears you have about them is equal to the fears they have about you.

Too many guys put these girls on some kind of pedestal and are disappointed when the girls dont match the expectations that the guy holds in his mind. They are not some kind of mythical creature, they are women and want the same as all women want, someone to look after them, protect them and to love them. Sure there are gold diggers as in any place and some guys do get taken in, same as anywhere else, and with the hundreds of thousands of men who visit Thailand sure the percentage of guys burnt is likely to be higher than other places.

"lookingforthaiwife"... dont be put off by negative comments, There are many good ladies in Thailand, in and out of the bars, Go and meet some and if it happens for you then good luck to you.

So if your lady get 6000 from you and 6 other customers, she's doing ok. countless girls use this great strategy

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Galapagos Islands just sounds better at this piont. When I return from Galapagos. I will go to Thailand at the end of Feb.

Choosing a priority to view tortoises over a wife search. Do all of us a favor and skip the trip to Thailand entirely.


might be able to make a wife out of this 4 legged good boy

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Do you have any connections in Thailand at all?..

I think it would be rough for you to go there and just find a wife.

There are plenty of Thai girls that would love to be marry to a western but you atleast must have some connections.

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OK guys. I will be in Thailand the first part of Feb. I am going there hoping to find a wife. I will want to bring her back to the US on a fiancé visa.  I was married for 21 years so want my next wife to be my last. I am very faithful to the one I love. Would take care of her. I am 41 but I work out and run so I have a 20-year-old body:>) I really am not looking for a 20-year-old girl. Maybe a girl in her 30’s.  I don’t want kids. I’m being picky.

Should I go to the north and get away from Bangkok? I would like to find a girl that like the water so I could teach her to scuba dive. I love islands.



Come to Pattaya, You'll definatley find a good girl there. :o:D


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Edited by Darknight
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If you are serious, I have the "perfect" lady for you.

She is a Hairdresser in Pattaya.

She was once engaged but he died and she has not been with anyone else since.

I know because her friends (one of which is my wife) tease her about being a female monk.

I can vouch for her being a lovely, generous and funny lady.

She is 33 years old and very beautiful.


I would love to meet her.

Man if your stupid enough to let anyone set you up you get what you deserve,,, Thailand is the land of smiles, also the land of lies and some of the worst are the longtime stay falangs ,, they love to ###### the newbees up,,,,,,, you buffalo.... BIG :o:D:D:D

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If you are serious, I have the "perfect" lady for you.

She is a Hairdresser in Pattaya.

She was once engaged but he died and she has not been with anyone else since.

I know because her friends (one of which is my wife) tease her about being a female monk.

I can vouch for her being a lovely, generous and funny lady.

She is 33 years old and very beautiful.


I would love to meet her.

Man if your stupid enough to let anyone set you up you get what you deserve,,, Thailand is the land of smiles, also the land of lies and some of the worst are the longtime stay falangs ,, they love to ###### the newbees up,,,,,,, you buffalo.... BIG :o:D:D:D

Idiot :D

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Looking is part of the fun :o

And why are you the perfect guy for some lovely inteligent thai ladies we know??

What skeletons in your closet?

What age group are you looking for??

Why does a person have to have skeletons in the closet.

I don't smoke, drink, or cheat. If you want a bad guy don't contact me.

I was not married for 21 years being a bad guy. I worked to much. I learned me lesson.

Looking for a someone in her 30's

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