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Re-ignite Or Leave


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It's always harder to bail out, the longer you've stayed together. Even if you maybe doesn't like your relation, you may be worried about going through the whole process of meeting someone new. If you succeed, you may one day wake up feeling great and wonder why it took so long before you finally broke up.

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If you succeed, you may one day wake up feeling great and wonder why it took so long before you finally broke up.

That is definitely one possibility.

Another possibility is that you may form a pattern of behavior that makes you incapable of truly committing to another person, leading to a series of successively shorter and shallower relationships, an inability to love, and ultimately ending in loneliness, loss, and regret.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Ok, simple and straight to the point. When you feel that the fire is slowly dying out in your relationship, what would you do. Try to reignite it or pack up and leave?...hmmm.. :o

No one can answer that ... there are so many issues to be considered that without some understanding of them and the experiances of the relationship to date its an impossible question to answer.

None the less that fact that you say "... or packup and leave" gives me the feeling that moving over here/staying here has been largely motivated to date by the relationship - and that from what I have seen over the years in so-called "cross cultural" relationships has seldom been a good enough reason in its-self to stay in Thailand - so maybe start off by taking a close look at your real motives for wanting to sustain the relationship (?)

All the best.


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but seriously how can a bike save a marriage?

you wouldn't understand. all i know is that my marriage is working again. different things for different people. if all you see everyday is your partner then of course she will get boring and she will be bored of you. get yourself a hobby and spend less of your time with her and you will find yourself wanting each other more.

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