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Someone Kicked My Dog, Nearly Killed Her!


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Wasn’t sure whether to put this in the pet or Chiang Mai forum but I think other CM residents advice will be the most useful.

Recently my dog got very sick and when I took her to the vets they had to run all these tests and then perform urgent surgery and basically she very nearly died. The vet was very doubtful about her chance of survival and said it was a miracle when she did. They also told me the cause was that she had been kicked by someone. I was shocked. She had only been outside for half an hour for the last two weeks as she was supposed to be resting after heartworm treatment.

Anyway my dog’s treatment finishes tomorrow and then she will be allowed outside as normal again (she actually made a miraculously speedy recovery) and I don’t know what to do as I’m terrified something like this will happen again. I feel it is cruel to keep her in the house all day. I can’t keep her in the garden as she can easily escape from the garden outside. She likes being able to go out and do what she wants when I’m at work. Is it fair to try and stop her? How can I make sure someone doesn’t kick her again? She is a very sweet skinny little thing I don’t know how anyone could do this to her.

Does anyone have any experience of anything like this in your neighbourhood? Any advice would be very welcome.

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Any advice would be very welcome.

I am not condoning your dog being kicked but maybe you should think of your responsibilities to both it and to all other residents of Thailand. Dogs are special...but do you know what your dog does when it is away. Maybe it plays by biting pople or chasing them on their vehicles and threating them. It is also a risky environment outside. SO please restrain your dog and take it for walks. Do not just let it join a pack.

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Any advice would be very welcome.

I am not condoning your dog being kicked but maybe you should think of your responsibilities to both it and to all other residents of Thailand. Dogs are special...but do you know what your dog does when it is away. Maybe it plays by biting pople or chasing them on their vehicles and threating them. It is also a risky environment outside. SO please restrain your dog and take it for walks. Do not just let it join a pack.

I do take her for walks as well. It's difficult around here since I'm not allowed to take her to the park apparently (although I still do.) Yes I do know what she does. I see her running around doing her thing all the time. She's actually very frightened of people, especially falang people although Thai people not so much now. She doesn't go near people she doesn't know so I'm very shocked this has happened. She is tiny little thing so definitely not threatening and she does not bite. She never chases anything, not even cats. She killed a rat once, that's the most viscous thing she's ever done.

She was rescued from Care 4 Dogs so she's always been shy. I do know however that she goes into other people's gardens... that's it.

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A proper fence would most likely solve your problem and make her happy.

I have a proper fence but she tore through the chicken wire in the gate. I fixed it, but she did it again. Then I had to leave it because I realised she can jump over the fence even though she is a small dog and it's about 6 feet high. I would have to somehow extend the whole fence and she'd probably still find some other way.

edit for typo

Edited by Krupnik
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A proper fence would most likely solve your problem and make her happy.

I have a proper fence but she tore through the chicken wire in the gate. I fixed it, but she did it again. Then I had to leave it because I realised she can jump over the fence even though she is a small dog and it's about 6 feet high. I would have to somehow extend the whole fence and she'd probably still find some other way.

edit for typo

Can't fault you for no fence then. Perhaps over feed her and maybe she will gain so much weight she will not be able to jump the fence or go through it> :o Sorry don't have a practical solution to offer.

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Actually the vet has no way of knowing whether your dog was actually kicked. She must have had some kind of internal injury, but it could have been caused by something else, such as getting bumped hard by a bicycle or motorcycle. The vet was just speculating.

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Any advice would be very welcome.

I am not condoning your dog being kicked but maybe you should think of your responsibilities to both it and to all other residents of Thailand. Dogs are special...but do you know what your dog does when it is away. Maybe it plays by biting pople or chasing them on their vehicles and threating them. It is also a risky environment outside. SO please restrain your dog and take it for walks. Do not just let it join a pack.

I do take her for walks as well. It's difficult around here since I'm not allowed to take her to the park apparently (although I still do.) Yes I do know what she does. I see her running around doing her thing all the time. She's actually very frightened of people, especially falang people although Thai people not so much now. She doesn't go near people she doesn't know so I'm very shocked this has happened. She is tiny little thing so definitely not threatening and she does not bite. She never chases anything, not even cats. She killed a rat once, that's the most viscous thing she's ever done.

She was rescued from Care 4 Dogs so she's always been shy. I do know however that she goes into other people's gardens... that's it.

I am not in any way condoning your dog bring kicked (and you only have the vets word / opinion that this did in fact happen) BUT you have admitted that "she goes into other people's gardens" so there you have it in one. Your dog is not under control and where does the fault lie?? Not with your dog but with you my friend as you do not have your dog under control.

Many places in the word the dog would be shot on sight, no questions asled, no apologies and no beg your pardon.

Control your dog and you won't (and your dog won't) have a problem.

Edited by john b good
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Did the vet tell you how s/he thought that the kicking was the cause of her being so ill?

You said she was under treatment of heartworm infestation. Did the vet tell you about the side-effects of this treatment, and that it is certainly not dangerous free?

Before the treatment the vet should do a throughough examination to see if the dog doesn't have any heart, liver or kidney problems. If that's ok, then the vet may decide to start with buffered asperine before the treatment, followed after about a week by administering an agent to kill the adult worms.

Adverse reaction can be: loss of appetite, cough, vomiting and jaundice. If any of these symptoms are noticed the vet may decide to postpone the treatment.

Acute pulmonary thromboembolism with loss of lung function and cardiac failure can be caused when a large mass of dead worms dislodge and travel to the lungs. (I wonder if the kicking may have caused this, IF this was the cause of her illness). That is why the dog must take it very easy for SEVERAL WEEKS. So, no running unsupervised on the streets. After treatment the vet may decide to give another buffered asperine cure, following by treating the micro-filarea.

As for stopping this kind of incidents of happening again you'd better make sure she can't break out again. You may look into putting a wire net (not the chicken wire, that's to easy to break out for those freedom loving dogs) of 2 meters high around the garden. If she still climbs over, than you can welt poles in a 45* angle on top of the straight poles and put another net around that. Bit costly, though.

Edited by Nienke
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Dogs should be exercised, walked, and shouldn't be locked up. But i must say that one of the worst things about Thailand is the dogs. How bloody annoying having them bark and snap at you all the time. Try going for a run or even a walk at night. Any dog snaps at me and it gets a kick in the head, sorry, self preservation.

Did the vet tell you how s/he thought that the kicking was the cause of her being so ill?

You said she was under treatment of heartworm infestation. Did the vet tell you about the side-effects of this treatment, and that it is certainly not dangerous free?

Before the treatment the vet should do a throughough examination to see if the dog doesn't have any heart, liver or kidney problems. If that's ok, then the vet may decide to start with buffered asperine before the treatment, followed after about a week by administering an agent to kill the adult worms.

Adverse reaction can be: loss of appetite, cough, vomiting and jaundice. If any of these symptoms are noticed the vet may decide to postpone the treatment.

Acute pulmonary thromboembolism with loss of lung function and cardiac failure can be caused when a large mass of dead worms dislodge and travel to the lungs. (I wonder if the kicking may have caused this, IF this was the cause of her illness). That is why the dog must take it very easy for SEVERAL WEEKS. So, no running unsupervised on the streets. After treatment the vet may decide to give another buffered asperine cure, following by treating the micro-filarea.

As for stopping this kind of incidents of happening again you'd better make sure she can't break out again. You may look into putting a wire net (not the chicken wire, that's to easy to break out for those freedom loving dogs) of 2 meters high around the garden. If she still climbs over, than you can welt poles in a 45* angle on top of the straight poles and put another net around that. Bit costly, though.

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You are NOT looking after your dog,as it roaming free during the day.Stop acting like a thai dog owner and take reponsibility for your animal or DONT have one.

Iwould love a dog but i know that i cannot take it for walks due to nowhere for poo-poo and the soi dogs wil cause a nuisance of themselves.You have given all the reasons why should not have had a dog.

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The vet is adamant, absolutely adamant that the injury was from a kick. I couldn't believe it myself. She says not a fall, or fight, or bike. She also says it was not related to the heartworm that she had.

I don't see why I shouldn't have one, I take full responsibility for her! I take her for a long walk every day and I also take her most places with me in the evenings and at the weekends, where possible. During the day when I am at work my other house mate is usually here so she is very rarely on her own, what is the problem?? I just feel it is cruel to take her independence when most other dogs around here can do as they please, not locked up. She is very nice natured, and like I said the only thing she does is go in to other people's gardens sometimes but she'd never snap at people - she'd run away! I can't really train her not to do it!

I don't care about the cost but the garden is quite big I'm sure she'd just find another way, she's very small and agile. The only sure way would be inside the house.....

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The vet is adamant, absolutely adamant that the injury was from a kick. I couldn't believe it myself. She says not a fall, or fight, or bike. She also says it was not related to the heartworm that she had.

I don't see why I shouldn't have one, I take full responsibility for her! I take her for a long walk every day and I also take her most places with me in the evenings and at the weekends, where possible. During the day when I am at work my other house mate is usually here so she is very rarely on her own, what is the problem?? I just feel it is cruel to take her independence when most other dogs around here can do as they please, not locked up. She is very nice natured, and like I said the only thing she does is go in to other people's gardens sometimes but she'd never snap at people - she'd run away! I can't really train her not to do it!

I don't care about the cost but the garden is quite big I'm sure she'd just find another way, she's very small and agile. The only sure way would be inside the house.....

but you don't take full responsibility for her, not if she gets into people's gardens. especially if they have small children there, they have every right to react with force to get your dog out. just because you can vouch for her kindly nature doesn't mean everyone else can feel at ease having a strange dog in their yard. sometimes the small ones are the most aggressive. i know several people who have been bitten by dogs in chiang mai. even the best-trained or gentle ones will bite under the right circumstances.

if you think she should be "free" like the other dogs in the neighborhood, then you're going to have to deal with the danger that she's going to get hurt, just like the other "free" dogs -- if not by getting kicked, then by getting run over by a car or motorcycle.

bottom line: it's in your dog's best interests and the best interests of your neighbors that you find a way to keep her on your property.

Edited by ollylama
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The vet is adamant, absolutely adamant that the injury was from a kick. I couldn't believe it myself. She says not a fall, or fight, or bike. She also says it was not related to the heartworm that she had.

I don't see why I shouldn't have one, I take full responsibility for her! I take her for a long walk every day and I also take her most places with me in the evenings and at the weekends, where possible. During the day when I am at work my other house mate is usually here so she is very rarely on her own, what is the problem?? I just feel it is cruel to take her independence when most other dogs around here can do as they please, not locked up. She is very nice natured, and like I said the only thing she does is go in to other people's gardens sometimes but she'd never snap at people - she'd run away! I can't really train her not to do it!

I don't care about the cost but the garden is quite big I'm sure she'd just find another way, she's very small and agile. The only sure way would be inside the house.....

but you don't take full responsibility for her, not if she gets into people's gardens. especially if they have small children there, they have every right to react with force to get your dog out. just because you can vouch for her kindly nature doesn't mean everyone else can feel at ease having a strange dog in their yard. sometimes the small ones are the most aggressive. i know several people who have been bitten by dogs in chiang mai. even the best-trained or gentle ones will bite under the right circumstances.

if you think she should be "free" like the other dogs in the neighborhood, then you're going to have to deal with the danger that she's going to get hurt, just like the other "free" dogs -- if not by getting kicked, then by getting run over by a car or motorcycle.

bottom line: it's in your dog's best interests and the best interests of your neighbors that you find a way to keep her on your property.


Pure common sense realy.

there are no excuses,your dog will act like a soi dog and get out of control,dogs love to be controlled and they get the rewards from it.

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The vet is adamant, absolutely adamant that the injury was from a kick. I couldn't believe it myself. She says not a fall, or fight, or bike. She also says it was not related to the heartworm that she had.

I don't see why I shouldn't have one, I take full responsibility for her! I take her for a long walk every day and I also take her most places with me in the evenings and at the weekends, where possible. During the day when I am at work my other house mate is usually here so she is very rarely on her own, what is the problem?? I just feel it is cruel to take her independence when most other dogs around here can do as they please, not locked up. She is very nice natured, and like I said the only thing she does is go in to other people's gardens sometimes but she'd never snap at people - she'd run away! I can't really train her not to do it!

I don't care about the cost but the garden is quite big I'm sure she'd just find another way, she's very small and agile. The only sure way would be inside the house.....

Well hope you don't feel too bad when your dog ends up squashed in the road, poisoned, mangy or comes to some other nasty end...... Just like the other dogs that can do as they please :o ...

If you have a dog you have a responsibility to it and to your neighbors to keep it inside your property and not let it roam around.. No matter how 'bad' you feel.. How will you feel when it runs into the road and causes an accident.. Hundreds of Thais (and others no doubt) are killed and injured every year when dogs run in front of their cars and scooters...

Guess you must be one of those who figure a pet dog is the most important thing in the World ?

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Don't know what happen to cause someone to kick your dog, I don't care to hit, kick or hurt anything, now having said that, if I was walking near your place and your dog was out and tried to attack(bit) me I would do my best to kick the living day light out of it. Bottom line CONTROL your DOG! :D:o:D

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To prove you are not a good pet owner.

1/ it is illegal to allow a pet to roam

2/ it is illegal to allow a pet to shit on the floor without cleaning it up.

3/ it is illegal not to have a yearly rabies injection for your pet.

would it be possible to answer these questions please.

If a dog come onto my premisses and shit i would kick the mutt and post the crap thru your letter box

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To prove you are not a good pet owner.

1/ it is illegal to allow a pet to roam

2/ it is illegal to allow a pet to shit on the floor without cleaning it up.

3/ it is illegal not to have a yearly rabies injection for your pet.

would it be possible to answer these questions please.

If a dog come onto my premisses and shit i would kick the mutt and post the crap thru your letter box

Jeez mate,you're getting a bit carried away there...Do you know how hard it is to get dog crap off your hands?The stink just lingers... :o

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Sorry but I spent too much time in trauma operating rooms to believe that a vet can tell the difference between a kick injury and one caused by being run over by a motorbike which is a VERY common occurance over here. I myself ran over one that gave me no reaction time whatsoever and my wife actually went down in the street trying to avoid running over one that suddenly appeared in front of her. She now has very strict instructions to keep riding the machine and run over the dog rather than risk her own life or the life of her passenger (her own sister at the time).

I would accept this possibility rather than envision some cruel, intentional act, especially since you did not witness it. Thais rarely assault an animal unless it has stepped way outside the bounds of reason and a small, fast dog that can catch a rat would be very hard to kick.

My dog is very well trained but still does stupid things when in the mental 'dog zone', like when a pickup goes by with a dog or two he knows in the back and he runs alongside and even a bit in front of the vehicle in his excitement. Oh well, we just may have to deal with a flat dog someday but I will not contain him unless he harrasses other people.

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To prove you are not a good pet owner.

1/ it is illegal to allow a pet to roam

2/ it is illegal to allow a pet to shit on the floor without cleaning it up.

3/ it is illegal not to have a yearly rabies injection for your pet.

would it be possible to answer these questions please.

If a dog come onto my premisses and shit i would kick the mutt and post the crap thru your letter box

Jeez mate,you're getting a bit carried away there...Do you know how hard it is to get dog crap off your hands?The stink just lingers... :o

not getting carried away,these are FACTS and you can get big fines if not adhered to.Have you heard of a spade??????

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To prove you are not a good pet owner.

1/ it is illegal to allow a pet to roam

2/ it is illegal to allow a pet to shit on the floor without cleaning it up.

3/ it is illegal not to have a yearly rabies injection for your pet.

would it be possible to answer these questions please.

If a dog come onto my premisses and shit i would kick the mutt and post the crap thru your letter box

Jeez mate,you're getting a bit carried away there...Do you know how hard it is to get dog crap off your hands?The stink just lingers... :o

not getting carried away,these are FACTS and you can get big fines if not adhered to.Have you heard of a spade??????

Have you ever tried to get a spade in a letter box? :D

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QUOTE (patklang @ 2009-02-17 19:28:46)

To prove you are not a good pet owner.

1/ it is illegal to allow a pet to roam

2/ it is illegal to allow a pet to shit on the floor without cleaning it up.

3/ it is illegal not to have a yearly rabies injection for your pet.

Except for #3, in Thailand?

She now has very strict instructions to keep riding the machine and run over the dog rather than risk her own life or the life of her passenger (her own sister at the time).

Is it possible to run over a dog on a bike with a speed of ... say 60 km/hr ... without risking to break your own neck?

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