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To Farang Girls Who Have Thai Boyfriends/husbands


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i don't want to pry or anything, but i'm just curious about how your love or romantic stories start? like... how did you two meet one another? how did you two fall in love? how did he approach you (or vice versa)? what is the most romantic thing he has done for you? what do you like in him?

please share your stories.... :o

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got to agree with nampueng, why do you want to know? Are we really that interesting? Just so you know, we live a normal life the same as the majority of other couples from any country & met in the same way that the majority of people from any country met & started their relationship :o

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got to agree with nampueng, why do you want to know? Are we really that interesting? Just so you know, we live a normal life the same as the majority of other couples from any country & met in the same way that the majority of people from any country met & started their relationship :o

well, i love "love stories" and how those romantic stories happen and also i love watching romantic-comedy films like "when harry met sally", "love actually", "nottinghill", "serendipity" etc. and i just thought to myself... wow..how sweet it is!! and i wonder if "love" is a destiny or it just happen. by the way, i'm a thai guy who never had a good experience about love though. i am quite shy and less self-confident ,but, fortunately, i once had a farang girlfriend who was introduced to me by my thai friend. but it didn't work out between us. and something unexpected happen to me. it is that instead of hating farang girls, i just admire them so much as they're so smart and confident and straightforward unlike many thai girls i know from college. so i just want to know about other farang girl/thai guy couples' love stories like how you two met or what makes you like him or what you two do to cherish your love and strengthen your relationship when there are lots of cultural differences between you two.

Edited by oan
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Full moon party!!!!! Ha ha ha...I know how to pick em!

I got hideously drunk after my previous boyfriend was an a-hole...and I spent about 3 hours moaning to Mr Sabai and then tried to pick him up. He declined saying he had a girlfriend and told me I would be back with my boy before I knew it. Needless to say I was.... but a few months down the line we were both free agents and lets just say the next time I was hideously drunk and propositioned him....he didn't say no!!!!

How romantic eh?? Think I am going to use sbk's pirate story in future....

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I was living in bangkok. My sister came over from the USA to visit and I took her up to Chiang Rai to go to the HillTRibe Village. The first village we went to had a little one room school house and the teacher ate dinner with us and the chief's family because he could speak english. He asked for my phone number, even though he didint have a phone. We started writing lettters and talking on the phone and a few months later he took a job with an NGO in Bangkok so I wouldn't be alone inthe big city. Now we live in Ubon and are so happy. He is a wonderful person and takes good care fo me. He treats me so much better than anyfarang boyfriend I ever had.

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A year ago I noticed a tall handsome Thai man had moved into my apartment block. I was seriously shy to meet anyone, so when he said Hi to me a couple of times, I croaked back a hello and smiled. A week later he stopped me when I was walking home and asked if we could exchange Thai/English lessons (yes, i know that was really just a "line", but I liked him and decided to go for it). He invited me the next day to go visit a farm he had in CM hills. That day he was SO full on that I avoided him for days and days afterwards. He was persistent and kept putting notes and things under my door. Anyway, I saw him and told him I was going to Cambodia for a few days, but would talk to him on my return. On my return at Bangkok Airport, I heard someone call my name. Looked up and it was him! He had come all the way the way from Chiang Mai to meet me off the plane. Flabbergasted! I spend a few days in Bangkok with him talking and getting to know each other.

The crunch point was when i met his wonderful children and saw what a loving and caring father he is to them. I knew then that although he can be intense, he is a good man. Complicated relationship at times, with some things that I have had to have an open mind about (wont go into detail atm), but always open and honest. Something I value highly in a person.

Will be one year next month. Been a rollercoaster ride, but I still feel it was only yesterday that i met him.

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most of u know my and anon's story but in a nutshell:

i was divorced from my israeli kibbutz husband, became a mia noi for a thai worker here on kibbutzfor about 5 yrs; he went home for 3 month home vacation, anon came along to work with me in place of this guy, and convinced me that i was wasting my time (well, duh, i knew the other guy had a wife and kids, and i think she knew about me too, as i sent many presents to the family's kids, but she was glad that someone was taking care of her guy away from home for six years... complex), and we just really connected. it was like we knew each other from a previous time (chat paan, the thai say)... anyway, i called my 'faan' in thailand to tell him so that he would be prepared when he came back and needless to say, when he got back , the shit hit the fan in a major way. obviously to even the thai group that was here, it was better for me to be with a single guy than be a mia noi but a big mess involving visas, police, and help from lots of other thai workers and my two best friends on kibbutz, the situation eventually worked out (three years of problems and rocky roads), we got married, he got his permanent residency here, and now it is smoother sailing, apart from the usual man /woman thai/farang differences and misunderstandings and culture shocks.

the guy that i was with previously btw was a gambler, a drunk, and very much less strong minded than anon, less artistic, less intelligent, really rather weak, but he was a fun loving guy, very very good hearted, i was his true love im sure since his own marriage was arranged thru his family- he cared for his wife and loved his kids and it was clear that he would always go back, like many other migrant thai workers with women here, it is temporary permanent, until the visa finishes. i think he never really fell in love before this. i know that now, back in thailand he has had one more child, and life has continued on for him.

anon was persistent, took risks to meet up with me, lived in the woods in the winter (february, actually, with snow and sleet) for a week or so w/o visa, phoned constantly, showed up at my door regardless of the risks he was taking that he could be caught, and absolutely refused to take NO for an answer. he was obsessive about me. he definately proved himself. btw, these same qualities are also problems for him at work. he is very 'in your face' to his employers, doestn take 'shit' from anyone and has a temper on him. but we seem to be perfectly matched in all ways. wierd.

the opposite of metrosexual yuck yuck that we find around here.



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i believe that in english its called 'mistress'.... but in this case, as far as we were concerned, to all the guys here, we were an acknowledged couple , string ceremony and all but still discreet. that is, others from his village that were here also knew, but 'mai mi kwaam laap' as they say in thai, so i know she knew, but i also know she preferred that to other options (hm going to prostitutes), in addition, in this case, he gave me no monetary help so i wasnt infringing on her familial benefits. ... its a bit different than the norm here in farangland i admit, and different i guess than the 'giks' and 'faan' that are also types of couples sort of...

at any rate, not bad, not good. it served its purpose for both of us for the time span needed/wanted. now happily married to thai man, visa's organized, life goes on, blablabla.



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i believe that in english its called 'mistress'.... but in this case, as far as we were concerned, to all the guys here, we were an acknowledged couple , string ceremony and all but still discreet. that is, others from his village that were here also knew, but 'mai mi kwaam laap' as they say in thai, so i know she knew, but i also know she preferred that to other options (hm going to prostitutes), in addition, in this case, he gave me no monetary help so i wasnt infringing on her familial benefits. ... its a bit different than the norm here in farangland i admit, and different i guess than the 'giks' and 'faan' that are also types of couples sort of...

at any rate, not bad, not good. it served its purpose for both of us for the time span needed/wanted. now happily married to thai man, visa's organized, life goes on, blablabla.



Nice one,

Good luck for the future Bina.

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I would like to tell our story (my bf and mine) too if anyone is interested!

He's my highschool sweetheart! I met my boyfriend here in Canada when we were both just 17, he's an international student and we met in high school. He approached me first, I had a crush on another boy, and even though I knew my bf had a crush on me, I ignored him somewhat for a while. Eventually our friendship became closer, and I began to see the other boy was only ever going to string me along. One day, my bf got brave and kissed me, rather unexpectedly. It was my first 'real' kiss (as lame as that sounds, its true). My bf asked me to go steady, and I refused since he was going to return to Thailand soon. When he left I was so upset and even though he called often, I tried to distance myself from him.

He decided to return the following year for senior year... even though I was continually reluctant at first I eventually gave in to the feelings I knew were there all along. (just meant he had to work harder lol) :D

He managed after some conflicts to be allowed to continue his university studies here (his parents wanted him to study elsewhere, and I didn't pressure him to stay but he has continually chosen to), and the following year I applied to the same University and the rest is history.

Been together 5 years now.

Looking back I would never have guessed it would last so long.. we have all kinds of differences but somehow seem to work through them. We have lived together for the past two years and I visited Thailand and met his family this year. Wherever it goes from here is yet to come I suppose, we sometimes have very different ideas about where we would like to see ourselves both individually and professionally, but most couples have these thoughts. He's going to graduate soon & has to start working, his plans for the near future seem to be finding a job in Canada, but we'll see I guess. I want to continue studying further and have plans of my own. Were still young and very different people, so not planning any rings or anything yet thanks lol. :D

(On another note that same boy I liked before has made sport of harassing us everytime we return back to my home town, as recent in history as last week. :o He's a loser, lol isn't it funny when you look back at people you thought you had feelings for and think "What was I thinking?"... but thats a different story.)

Love is a funny thing, it finds you when your not looking.

Edited by shikonjewel
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I met my Thai bf at the elephant festival in Surin. We exchanged phone numbers and I went back to BKK. Then he called me everyday from Surin for over 6 months and talked to me in my crapy (at first) Thai, he basically taught me to speak thai. He finally came to visit me in Bangkok and it was so much fun. I went to his village a few times and we've gone to the beach and to Khon Khen a few times together. I've since come back to Canada to study and am comtemplating what to when I get back to thailand in august - as you may know from my other posts he messed up pretty bad recently.

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So being drunk and/or having a stalker is the main starting point? :o

Haha, too true, I guess I had a semi-stalker! My hubby had seen me many times over a number of months at his workplace, even though I never saw him. He told his workmates he was in love with me from afar, which might explain why there were lots of giggles whenever I went there :D One day in his spare time he was helping a friend advertise his new business, an upmarket spa. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing nearby and he decided it was 'now or never'. He literally jumped in front of me on the pretext of handing out the advertising material. He was so sweet and earnest he managed to convince me to take a look at the shop. That led to coffee and later dates 'to learn English'. Fast forward nearly 2 years and here we are happily married.

Edited by Goinghomesoon
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So being drunk and/or having a stalker is the main starting point? :D
^ Which, when you think about it, is actually International dating techniques 0Mix1up :D

I tried to approach farang girls nicely and politely at Khaosan Rd. just to make friends. But they seemed afraid and tried to ignore me :D .... Maybe it's not the right place to do so because there are lots of con men there that all foreigners should be careful, right?... :o

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So being drunk and/or having a stalker is the main starting point? :o

Haha, too true, I guess I had a semi-stalker! My hubby had seen me many times over a number of months at his workplace, even though I never saw him. He told his workmates he was in love with me from afar, which might explain why there were lots of giggles whenever I went there :D One day in his spare time he was helping a friend advertise his new business, an upmarket spa. I stopped at a pedestrian crossing nearby and he decided it was 'now or never'. He literally jumped in front of me on the pretext of handing out the advertising material. He was so sweet and earnest he managed to convince me to take a look at the shop. That led to coffee and later dates 'to learn English'. Fast forward nearly 2 years and here we are happily married.

soooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeettttt!!!

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So being drunk and/or having a stalker is the main starting point? :D
^ Which, when you think about it, is actually International dating techniques 0Mix1up :D

I tried to approach farang girls nicely and politely at Khaosan Rd. just to make friends. But they seemed afraid and tried to ignore me :D .... Maybe it's not the right place to do so because there are lots of con men there that all foreigners should be careful, right?... :o

Im not sure oan, but I can imagine a lot of girls might be quite cautious, especially in areas like Khaosan Rd where they may have been given warnings. I have only been there a couple of times and both times a few Thai guys said out some things to me, which i found uncharacteristic in Thai. Maybe they were genuine and were trying to be more "western" in some way, but just felt like pick-up lines which personally is not how i like to meet someone, as i feel its fake. But, I have to say, im not very easy-going in that way, so maybe im not the best person to give advice.

For me the nicest way to get to know someone is through a shared interest. Ie: meeting someone when studying something such as a language course. Im sure there must be some kind of mutual Thai/English practice get togethers there..? Where people help each other out for free at a coffee shop or something. That way you can get to know someone over time and at ease. Also, girls there are probably more likely to be living in Thailand longer term, so I imagine you would have a better chance of a relationship than a passing through Khaosan tourist.

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I met my bf in a bar close to a university that I used to attend in Thailand. It was my birthday and I was out with two other girls. He worked there so he put on the happy birthday song and gave me a small cake later on in the night. We talked only briefly during this night.

I had no intention of going back to that bar to see him because I was sort of seeing someone else at the time (unofficially). However, a friend of mine went into that bar about 3 weeks later and he asked if I would be joining them. She sent me a SMS that he had asked about me so I decided to go back the next weekend.

That weekend when we went back we talked more. My friend and I stayed after close to finish a beverage and he closed up. We talked outside. He asked where I lived because he knew that we both lived on the same side of the university and he seemed concerned about my friend and me getting home safely. My friend went to a 7-11 and while she was gone he asked if he could kiss me (and I said yes). We went home separately and did not exchange contact information.

Three days later there was a note left at the front desk of my apartment building for me with his name and phone number on it. (Now that I think about it, I guess that can be seen as sort of stalkerly, but I thought it was sweet) I sent him a SMS and we have talked every day since.

We've been together for almost 7 months now. Unfortunately, 3 of those months have been long distance :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

I met my boyfriend 3 yrs ago when i first started working in a thai restaurant in NYC, he had moved here for school ...at the time when i first started i had just gotten back from thailand, i had went with my boyfriend at the time...he is also thai, but american born thai....things between him and i didnt really work out..i still have love for him...like a family like way not really a boyfriend way..anyways...i was still with him when i met earth..

the first moment i saw him..i was soo into him..i even told him "earth..ur so kute..i like u" but hes really quiet and and didnt seem to care...eventually a few months later my boyfriend and i broke up..i still kinda had a thing for earth but..i didnt really act on it cuz i didnt feel like he was into me at all lol..usually my style is..if someone doesnt like me..then i dont like them..or try not to..so just as i pretty much gave up all together....one day earth asked me to come check out his dj equipment cuz i mentioned to him that im interested and maybe i wanna buy it..so i came...and saw...and then my ex at the time he asked me what im doing and he wanted to come check out the equipment too...im like DAMNNN...WHY DOES HE HAVE TO COME!?!? when i was trying to be alone with earth ahahahah..anyways i told earth that he was also coming to check out the equipment too...but that i wanted to come again the next week and see by myself...

and so that next week i did...ahhh and so one thing led to another and we have been together ever since AHHH i keep thinking of how this happened..so silly...

and now im moving with him to thailand i leave may 31st..im excited <3 and nervous....and scared im gonna get dehydrated lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've REALLY been enjoying the stories, ladies! We're a rare breed, for sure...

I haven't posted in a long time, but I thought I'd share my story.

Next month marks the five year wedding anniversary with my Thai husband. Where and how did we meet? Right here, in the Ladies Forum of ThaiVisa.com!

LOL! Back in 2003 I was complaining about a Thai man who was leading me on with his sweet words and attention, not to mention his really good looks, and I was terribly hurt by this guy. Golf later PM'd me saying that not all Thai men were like that and if I was interested, could we meet for coffee. A few days passed by and I answered him and we agreed to meet at the Starbucks at Siam Center.

We had so much in common and he was so easy to talk to (incredibly good English), and one of the most coincidental things we learned from one another was that he lived and worked in the area of California where I had lived for about 10 years! Needless to say, when we decided to move back to the United States, there was no argument or question as to where we would settle.

Golf and I have a son, Aidan, who is nearly 4 years old and the light of our lives. Golf takes very good care of us and I couldn't ask for a better husband or father. He doesn't drink to excess, he doesn't gamble or have any destructive habits. He's so committed to his family and I feel truly blessed and lucky that he found me. So I guess I have Thai Visa to thank for bringing us together!

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You're the one who snagged Golf! I never knew! Well, kudos to you Amyji, he's always been one of my personal favorites and I was sorry to see him leave Thai Visa, although perfectly understandable, frankly. Glad my husband doesn't read half the crap posted on this forum. :o

A Thai Visa love story. How wonderful :D

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You're the one who snagged Golf! I never knew! Well, kudos to you Amyji, he's always been one of my personal favorites and I was sorry to see him leave Thai Visa, although perfectly understandable, frankly. Glad my husband doesn't read half the crap posted on this forum. :o

A Thai Visa love story. How wonderful :D

Hello sbk,

No, she did not snag me. It was me who snagged her!


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