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The Truth About Kard Farang (hang Dong)


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The impression from my only visit was that given the shopping space was 75% empty what had induced The Duke to open a branch there. I hope they're doing OK but I must say that to me it looked and felt a bit like the retail equivalent of Siberia (without the cold).

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I went once recently

and call it a spooky coincidence, but the 49bht buffet I had at 2.30 pm was . . .































I think we need know no more!


Edited by DavidOxon
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I'm working to open the scene behind the people and managing of Kard Farang (moo baan and shopping plaza)

There is a lot of terrible things going on and people should be informed. If anybody has some more info and dare

to post it. It would be more that welcome.

I will post soon the stories of my own experience over there.

You sure take your time.  Are you going to write something afterall?

Urothai is pissing you off? :o

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This thread is totally ridiculous and stupid. Please remove it Mr. Moderator. There is not a single post with any information at all.

Some sad people around with nothing better to do?

Until you posted in this thread, the only sad person was the OP. Please Mr Moderator don't remove this ridiculous (I agree on this one) but harmless thread, it's quite funny and god knows we do need some fun these days.

Edited by adjan jb
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I think members are just killing time until eurothai posts feedback/updates. :o No harm so far and I think community forums should be allowed a little banter/fun as long as within forum rules <that's my personal opinion as a mod and not policy>. The CM bunch do like to banter a lot though. :D

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Here is the first of some stories.

The man on the pictures was a security guard at the small village in the back. (the village what used to be a cemetary)

At the other picture you can see the gate that weights more than 250 kilo's.

The man reported that the gate was broken already 2 months. The management didn't take care at all.

In the night time I received a call from this man. He was under the gate. The gate fell down on him. The head

of the security was just only facing him without doing anything. He said "I have no car to bring him to the hospital"

His pick up was parked at the tarng dong office group (what is for sale right now). So, I brought him to the hospital

and the final result was

+ broken hip on 3 places

+ broken leg on 2 places

+ broken jeaw on 1 place

+ inside bleedings

Imagine this 60 year old man.

I told the story to the management and they didn't do anything. They offered his family 2000 thb.

his normal salary was 4500 for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We asked the management about his bills for the hospital. They just don't care. They gave him 2000 thb already.

They also didn't pay any social security or insurance for him. So, he was left on himself.

We paid his bills and we still supporting his family 4500thb a month. This was the only income for this family.

The man was never sick, always on time for almost 2 years there.

If you understand my point now, and you also feel sorry for this I can give you his number so he can confirm this

story and feel free to give him some money as well. He is really a good guy.

Do I need to tell more? If you want I can.post-65449-1235562708_thumb.jpgpost-65449-1235562727_thumb.jpgpost-65449-1235562750_thumb.jpg

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eurothai, if accurate, that is indeed a very sad story. I wonder, if you were to collect a lot of data/info on this including photographic evidence and written statements, one of the newspapers would be interested in helping out by reporting? Or some organisation. Sadly I really dont know what one can do in these situations, but im sure the guys here on TV, who have lived here much longer and know ins-and-outs better than me, can offer advice.

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Oh..and regarding your photos. They dont actually show any injuries or broken gate. If you really want to collect photographic evidence, then really should be of his injuries and showing evidence of the broken gate.

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Here is the first of some stories.

The man on the pictures was a security guard at the small village in the back. (the village what used to be a cemetary)

At the other picture you can see the gate that weights more than 250 kilo's.

The man reported that the gate was broken already 2 months. The management didn't take care at all.

In the night time I received a call from this man. He was under the gate. The gate fell down on him. The head

of the security was just only facing him without doing anything. He said "I have no car to bring him to the hospital"

His pick up was parked at the tarng dong office group (what is for sale right now). So, I brought him to the hospital

and the final result was

+ broken hip on 3 places

+ broken leg on 2 places

+ broken jeaw on 1 place

+ inside bleedings

Imagine this 60 year old man.

I told the story to the management and they didn't do anything. They offered his family 2000 thb.

his normal salary was 4500 for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We asked the management about his bills for the hospital. They just don't care. They gave him 2000 thb already.

They also didn't pay any social security or insurance for him. So, he was left on himself.

We paid his bills and we still supporting his family 4500thb a month. This was the only income for this family.

The man was never sick, always on time for almost 2 years there.

If you understand my point now, and you also feel sorry for this I can give you his number so he can confirm this

story and feel free to give him some money as well. He is really a good guy.

Do I need to tell more? If you want I can.post-65449-1235562708_thumb.jpgpost-65449-1235562727_thumb.jpgpost-65449-1235562750_thumb.jpg

You're a good guy too, Eurothai !

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We have enough evidence, even the docters reports and all the X-rays. At least he's doing better right now.

Try to imagine that even his wife didn't has enough money to visit him in the hospital by a red bus.

As I said in my previous post. I only want to inform people. It don't have to be in the big news. At least not for

me. If you or any body else, feels like it has to be on the big boards, go ahead. I'll be on the supportings site.

There will be more news to come. Just give me a time. The truth should be based on evidence and results.


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Not taking responsibility is a Thai trait. At the scene of a road accident the guilty driver flees; you return something to a shop, the staff disappear; you fall down a hole in the pavement, the tessabahn laugh at you if you tell them they are responsible. I think most Thais would believe that the gate fell on this old man because of his karma. You may not agree with this, but it's the reality of living here.

I know someone who was a defendant in a civil court case who was told before the trial began that she was in court because of some previous past karma - this was the judge that said this!

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You're a good guy too, Eurothai !

I second that! :o

I' like to third that and I think that whilst your initial post just might have been better-timed , I think some other members could possibly extend an apology to you

for their nastiness.


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I do admire the OP for tackling this and I wish him all the best in it. It is very sad that there are these kinds of situations for lower end workers in Thailand. Too many people can be easily taken advantage of or not given proper consideration when they are desperate for any kind of work.

I have to say too though that im not surprised at some of the comments. Agree that meaness isnt nice at all, but most (myself included) became a bit silly because the opening post was so obscure. I really think for such a serious topic the opening post would have been better put if it had been open and direct.

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Thanks for the positive replies.I understand that I opened the topic to soon without any information.

Also, I understand the people who thought it was neccesary to post in CAPS or making a decission on my

topic or person. Wheter they are quiet right now.

There are more stories to come. But, a discussion or opinions on a topic is always welcome.



I'll keep on posting, don't worry.

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Thanks for the positive replies.I understand that I opened the topic to soon without any information.

Also, I understand the people who thought it was neccesary to post in CAPS or making a decission on my

topic or person. Wheter they are quiet right now.

There are more stories to come. But, a discussion or opinions on a topic is always welcome.



I'll keep on posting, don't worry.

i'm afraid i'm a bit let down by the big shocking story of corruption at hang dong... this is nothing out of the ordinary. their are far more atrocious things going on on a daily basis than an injured worker that can't get compensation.

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Thanks for the positive replies.I understand that I opened the topic to soon without any information.

Also, I understand the people who thought it was neccesary to post in CAPS or making a decission on my

topic or person. Wheter they are quiet right now.

There are more stories to come. But, a discussion or opinions on a topic is always welcome.



I'll keep on posting, don't worry.

i'm afraid i'm a bit let down by the big shocking story of corruption at hang dong... this is nothing out of the ordinary. their are far more atrocious things going on on a daily basis than an injured worker that can't get compensation.

So, tell me your story...

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Thanks for the positive replies.I understand that I opened the topic to soon without any information.

Also, I understand the people who thought it was neccesary to post in CAPS or making a decission on my

topic or person. Wheter they are quiet right now.

There are more stories to come. But, a discussion or opinions on a topic is always welcome.



I'll keep on posting, don't worry.

i'm afraid i'm a bit let down by the big shocking story of corruption at hang dong... this is nothing out of the ordinary. their are far more atrocious things going on on a daily basis than an injured worker that can't get compensation.

So, tell me your story...

wait, i'm still gathering evidence.

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I'm working to open the scene behind the people and managing of Kard Farang (moo baan and shopping plaza)

There is a lot of terrible things going on and people should be informed. If anybody has some more info and dare

to post it. It would be more that welcome.

I will post soon the stories of my own experience over there.

So lets get this into the right perspective:

You want members to front your cause by publishing derogatory information about the management of this real estate, while you work behind the scenes gathering the data for whatever gripes you have against some company.

OK, fair enough. I’ll start the ball rolling.

I think they’re very naughty indeed and yesterday I saw one of the management staff scratching his arse in Tesco Lotus.

The guy is also a member of PAD and received the traditional response when I suggested the management should get their act together.


Edited by sassienie
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Yeah Eurothai, you're alright. Sorry for the hassle earlier but you left many of us confused and delighted with your opener.... and we see all sorts start odd things up here. YOu are redeemed, and hopefully a humble apology (Sorry, Eurothai) will let me be in your good graces as well.

There are actually alot of juicy stories like this around here. I remember when the Chedi or Shangrila was being built there was a construx'n worker who took a fall or became paralyzed, and being of Burmese origins was receiving no free medical aid, follow-up care or help despite having a family and having been a good and loyal worker. Not sure what became of that, but I think enough org's - including int'l one's - stepped in and made such a stink that the hotel kicked in and took care of the guy.

In a land with so many charity cases left and right it's tough to turn a blind eye. But you also have to pick your battles. Your guy is lucky you found him. Sad but true, but this sort of grassroots help 'em as you find 'em approach is often how alot of righting wrongs gets done here. Sad thing is there's always somebody else who goes unnoticed and unhelped.

Keep doing what you're doing and maybe see if some close friends of yours might want to kick in. As for shaming the company too ? Sure. You ought to just call it like it is.

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YOu are redeemed, and hopefully a humble apology (Sorry, Eurothai) will let me be in your good graces as well.

Not yet. This thread is a big let let down. A huge disapointement.

The story is sad, you seem to be a decent man but such stories are all too common. Each of us knows one (If not, go back to your country. Why would you stay here if if you don't have the slightest interest for the locals, our hosts?).

Show something more consistent and I will apologize for my silliness (not nastiness).

Anyways kudos for what you've done.

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Many of the people that live in the village have done so for a fairly long time. I like the fact that a lot of the land is undeveloped and in a state of over growth. For the most part I like living here. Its quieter and my daughter has other kids her own age to grow up with. Would I like to see change... yes of course... but I have come to accept what it is and not lament what it isn't.

That being said there are inconsistencies with what they bill for and the services provided. This is the reason that many of the people that live in the village don't pay the maintenance bill when presented with one. I also can corroborate the incident with the security guard and the gate. The way they handled it was completely heartless.

What I don't understand is how management is still able to sink money into new buildings that remain empty, and if rented, not rented for long. Businesses come and go here monthly.

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