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How To Stop It...?


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can some one come to the rescue, My friend is trying to dial up his normal ISP, he types in the user name and pass Word into the modem dial up box, as normal and then the computer starts to dial up the ISP connection telephone number, as normal .....but then some how the dial up connection number changes to what looks like an international phone number ( 001 358 455579346 )

and the pass word also changes...?

He has checked his computer over with the installed anti virus / fire wall programms , and nothing is found.

This happens every time he tries to log on , at the moment he cannot download any programms or software to help with this problem..? can any one offer some advice as what to do, and how to stop this problem from comming back in the future..?

Many Thanks......

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That sure does sound like a virus.

He may want to get some other freeware/shareware programs.

I use 4 different programs to protect me.

As for dialing in, has he tried just creating a new connection after discarding the old one ?? I am assuming he is using Dial Up Connection

or Network Connections in Control Panel in Windows XP.

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it's dialer ... :D

Ad-Aware or Spybot should be able to clean it.

turn off system restore before to clean.

delete any connection created.

run update of cleaner program first and run it to clean this dialer out.

reboot when the cleaning process is done.

once the system's clean, re-create a new connection.

if this fails ... format and reinstall all :o like britmaveric said ...

good luck


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Just in case, The phoneline I use for internet has a no long distance restriction on it.

Run ad-aware, spybot s&d, and whatever other antispyware program you have in SAFE MODE.

To run in Safe mode press f8 at startup before windows loads. This will start windows without loading unessesary programs such as dialers and spyware. Then your anti-spyware programs can remove the bad programs without getting errors saying that the file is in use.

And yes... stay out of porn and warez sites... most people who run them are scum.


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