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2 Questions


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We're planning on staying in Bangkok during Songkran but I have two questions,

will a lot of places (for example the Thai Cultural Center) be closed during the

break? and secondly my wife recievd an email from her school about the protests the last paragraph said "Therefore, we

should avoid crowd or

risky areas , such as Parliament, Chairman of

Privy Council General Prem

Tinsulanon's house(Thevej, Dusit district), Ratchawithi

Road, Dusit Zoo, Sanam Luang, the statue of

a king Rama V, The Anata Samakhom Throne Hall, Vimanmek Mansion , The Marble

Temple, National Library of

Thailand, Thevej market, United Nations Thailand, Amporn

Garden Palace,and

etc." obviously we have no intention of going to any Government

buildings and I assumed that the Red Shirts would be taking a break during

Songkran but are there any other "no go" areas? or this just an over

cautious email from her school?

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Don't worry about it mate.

I suspect there will be a truce during the most important holiday of the year.

Just avoid wearing yellow or red :o

Thanks, I thought that would be the case. It's funny I was wearing a red T shirt on Tuesday without realising, it had a pop art design though so I guess people didn't think I was a "Red Shirt"

Do you know if many places will be closed? or is it business as usual?

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Don't worry about it mate.

I suspect there will be a truce during the most important holiday of the year.

Just avoid wearing yellow or red :o

Thanks, I thought that would be the case. It's funny I was wearing a red T shirt on Tuesday without realising, it had a pop art design though so I guess people didn't think I was a "Red Shirt"

Do you know if many places will be closed? or is it business as usual?

if your talking about bars ,clubs,shopping centers etc ..business as usual

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We're planning on staying in Bangkok during Songkran but I have two questions,

will a lot of places (for example the Thai Cultural Center) be closed during the

break? and secondly my wife recievd an email from her school about the protests the last paragraph said "Therefore, we

should avoid crowd or

risky areas , such as Parliament, Chairman of

Privy Council General Prem

Tinsulanon's house(Thevej, Dusit district), Ratchawithi

Road, Dusit Zoo, Sanam Luang, the statue of

a king Rama V, The Anata Samakhom Throne Hall, Vimanmek Mansion , The Marble

Temple, National Library of

Thailand, Thevej market, United Nations Thailand, Amporn

Garden Palace,and

etc." obviously we have no intention of going to any Government

buildings and I assumed that the Red Shirts would be taking a break during

Songkran but are there any other "no go" areas? or this just an over

cautious email from her school?

Over cautious email from her school -

Its time to party on dude!

Restless red t shirt festivities will start again after the party but till then - happy songkran - lots of drinking - fighting - traffic accidents - deaths - shootings - TiT

Enjoy the party

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Banks, schools and government offices are normally closed Apr. 13, 14 and 15. Regarding tourist attractions, my guess would be that museums etc. are likely to be closed, temples would remain open.

Edited by allane
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