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State Of Emergency Declared For Bangkok


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Was just at King Power- not much going on, but there IS an LPG truck parked in the lot, off the street, but it would do a lot of damage- this is a residential area. And, we have idiots in the neighborhood actually lighting firecrackers!!

Yeah, i'm in the neighborhood and heard that too! (soi ragnam) According to the Thais around here, it was actual gunfire. You have evidence to the contrary?

Everyone went sprinting south on Ratchaprarop as the troops marched in a line south from Century Park. The troops have stopped about halfway between Century Park hotel and Soi Ragnam (where the gas truck is currently parked at King Power). That's when I heard the POP POP POPs that sounded like gunfire.

I just called a m8 that lives behind Victory Point...he said he has heard multiple gunshots..

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Thai's will not accept the use of guns against civilians

Plenty of examples when they had no problems with it. And no one sees reds as civilians anymore, not after what they've done over the past couple of days.

No tears will be shed, that's the reality.

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I just came of the phone with a police friend of mine as I was getting pissed of with the police doing nothing. He is a very nice guy and he speaks perfect English and he is a Colonel.

He explained that it was very simple. Even if a government, any government would order them to go in, they wouldn't do it. Not because they like the protesters. But because of the law.

He said the last few times the police did anything towards any protesters the commanding officers found themselves in front of criminal court and were disgracefully dismissed from service. He said no sane police officer would have themselves disgraced anymore for following orders from any government being red, yellow, blue. As they would always betray them afterwards by letting the police officers take the fall for the failure of the government.

He said he is personally itching to put down the riots. Willing to be wounded in the process. But he isn't willing to be disgraced for doing his duty and following orders. He said that the majority of the police officers is feeling that way.

The problem is with the law according to him. There are laws protecting protesters rights. There are no laws that protect a police officer from acting against protesters even when under orders from the government. The police officers are by law responsible for any wounded from their actions. Even when ordered. and that is why they will not do anything.


Utter nonsense.

NAME YOUR SOURCE, or its a rumour and nothing more.

Under an SOE the Army are responsible, not the police.

The police are quoted on AJE as being "not under the control of the government with many joining the reds".

No more "I talked to a friend posts" rumours.

Name the source, or shut up.

Why should I threathen a friends safety. If you consider it a rumour. Than fine. Treat it as one. But do not criticize me for trying to get information out to people. Let everyone judge for themselves how much worth they give to this. We are all adults and can all make up our own minds.


Rules of the Forum.

No rumour.

All sources must be named, or do not post.

That's a fair point LevelHead I must admit but I am rather surprised that you went off on him as you did, I have been following the thread and noticed that your comments/posts are generally, errrm........well, level headed! Surely you must understand that in the current situation certain people in certain positions need to remain unnamed for their own safety, in short- confidential.

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What I am surprised is people sympathy towards Red. I hear a old women shouting(more like crying) every time we heard the firings. Everyone I talk to seems disapprove of the firing. :o

As I have been saying.

Thai's will not accept the use of guns against civilians. If the Army kill any reds then a whole load more Thai's will be out on the streets.

They will incite the "civil war" by the use of weapons against civilians.

Stop being farang, this is Thailand and works the Thai way.

Abhisit, dissolve the House and put an end to this with new elections.

stop being a traitor and let the elected governement get on with cleaning up the shit

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LevelHead YOU SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY SHOULD HE? Because his saying things you dont like?

No - a better reason would be for talking <deleted>, although I accept that there are no forum rules against that.

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Those of you who are suggesting harm or death to anyone should be ashamed of yourselves. News has been cut or reported on the governments side. Not my opinion, but news from the Thai press.

This could all have been avoided if Newin and Suthep did not think they could get the blue shirts to do the job of the police and army who should have done their job and controled the relatively small crowd in Pattaya. Not my opinion, but news from the Thai press.

A protest in London with many thousands of supporters was handled the way we expect in the west. People demonstrate, police contain, summit goes ahead to completion, everyone goes home. Fact.

This has snowballed from the after effects of Pattaya. The Police and army did not do their job there. Suthep should have been replaced as he has shown he cannot take care of crowd control. My opinion.

I feel sick to see what is going on in the country we all love. I feel even worse for the things we are not being shown.

My wife and I wanted Abbisit to move this country forward, give him that chance. But his stupidity in telling the west that everything in Thailand was back to normal just shows how little grasp he has on things. His stupidity in putting his trust in Suthep with security. His stupidity in arresting Arisamun at this time because the government had egg on it's face. Where is Newin now? He's gone rather quiet!

Thai people do read the newspapers, and they do have debates and forums. They do have their sides and opinions, just like us farang.

I've read on this forum that Thais are'nt interested in polotics. This may be true of those who have to put their heads down and work just to survive, but others do take an interest, even if they cannot change the system, it's not because they don't want to.

Had to get that off my chest, feel a little better now.

Calm down everyone!

Corruption rules! TIT!!!

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Waerth, I'll back you up. I have a lot of police friends. They are often on the losing end when it comes to confrontations. However, I disagree that they don't have sympathies. During the yellow protests many police were beaten. No arrests were made... Thai police... like police would elsewhere in the world... do not like to be trounced and the perpetrators let off. Police were openly joining the demonstration last night... it's a wonder they didn't join sooner.

I can only talk for my friend and 3 other officers I know. They would not join any protesters. But they would not move against anyone either because of the law. Off course these are officers. The man of other rank and file might think differently.

But let us please stay civil. If anyone else has rumours to tell please tell them in my opinion. We are all adults. We all have brains and we can all decide for ourselves what we believe or what we do not believe! And just politely disagree with eachother. but please stay civil.


I didn't mean to imply that all police would join the protesters, but certainly some. On the red station last night dozens (more?) of them came out with signs in uniform and marched into the demonstration. The government did not protect them or their interests during the last INSURRECTION. The police were beaten, vilified, and some officers faced punishment. Though a lot of the police I know are red sympathizers, there is at least one PAD member among them (politics are not discussed). I would think that -most- police would just assume sit this thing out because they will likely be the losers in any outcome.

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Actually, it's getting to the point where people would welcome some strongman like Sarit. Hopefully not many of them, but the sentiment is there, there are people who are itching to put and end to this "democracy" that allows people to threaten lives of civilians with a huge LPG tank and demand respecting thier "rights" at the same time.

Luckily, Thailand doesn't have any more strongmen left.

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What I am surprised is people sympathy towards Red. I hear a old women shouting(more like crying) every time we heard the firings. Everyone I talk to seems disapprove of the firing. :o

As I have been saying.

Thai's will not accept the use of guns against civilians. If the Army kill any reds then a whole load more Thai's will be out on the streets.

They will incite the "civil war" by the use of weapons against civilians.

Stop being farang, this is Thailand and works the Thai way.

Abhisit, dissolve the House and put an end to this with new elections.

What about the ultimatum about the Privy Counselors resigning? Have you completely forgotten what this is all about?

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Gas truck remobed from Kings Power Shopping Mall

At noon, the gas truck was taken out by officials after it was parked at Kings Power Shopping Mall for over an hour.

Meanwhile, at the Din Daeng Intersection, gunshots towards the sky were heard at noon as officials continued to crackdown on red-shirted protesters. One suspected red-shirted guard was apprehended. The protesters ran away towards Rajaparop Intersection while the soldiers managed to take back the Din Daeng triagle area.


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And yet again and again, all these people arguing and posting threads from the papers and yet not even one person has the real facts or information to argue politics.

Lets hope Cambodia will seize an opportunity and take control over the disputed temple while Thailand is too busy to deal with their internal problems

and people, please please stop insulting each other and discussing Thai politics, YOU DO NOT KNOW IT. THAIS THEMSELVES DO NOT KNOW IT.

This is the Thai News Clippings forum. What are we supposed to do here? Trade recipies and knit socks?

If you know more about this, please educate us. Otherwise your comments just make you look :o

Oh, Kuffki, do be quiet with your moralising sermons! You've made me agree 100% with old Spanky, and that has really upset me! :D

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Don't get me wrong I think its foolish and they should be stopped, but until they use the trucks as an explosion its not "terrorsit"...

You can not possibly be serious!!! Using your "logic" I guess it's ok to take bombs on aircraft, because it's not a terrorist act until the bombs goes off... DUH! :o

there is a massive difference between the two, a bomb is designed and built for one purpose only (to cause explosions), a tanker is not. with the tanker it all comes down to intention to use it as a weapon, same as a kitchen knife is not an illegal weapon, unless you intend to use it as such and the intention needs to be proven

scouse - are you actually suggesting that the tanker driver may have been looking for a Shell garage and got lost in a residential area ?????

I am not suggesting anything, I am pointing out the law in relation to what is a weapon, i offered no opinion on it. i was responding to a stupid post about taking a bomb on a plane and pointed out the law. pretty simple for people who read posts rather than looking for a squabble

Maybe thats what you were thinking, but thats not what you wrote..... The tanker was obviously put there for a reason....... 1 to refil gas bottles or 2 to cause fright and/or mayhem.

Now really what do you think 90% of the people seeing the truck were thinking..... come on , when you post a misunderstanding, just drop it don't make it worse.......and maybe you would be better served letting others more qualified point out the laws here,,,,,,, over to you... lunch time for me

I think you will find it is what I wrote, I offered no opinion on it whatsoever, you and a few others chose to fabricate some opinion on my behalf.

as for qualifications, i am ex police and hold a law degree from the UK, I am also aware of Thai law regarding weapons, hence my comments about what constitutes a weapon. it doesnt matter what 90% of people think, that would be opinion and I never offered ANY opinion.

pretty much end of conversation now, you were wrong to attack me, or call my comments moronic as I merely stated the law

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I'm a long time Reader of this forum but in situations like the present I really don't understand many of you anymore. Is it the "dark" side of a human or is it the real side of those humans who glorify actions like those done by the Red Group?

Who's listen to the official News and/or Television should know the Reality! And their came the question up: Why so many of you legitimate the actions from that group? Why even some Foreigner are within that group?

It should be a shame for any human who is legitimate, allowing or even just accepting such actions.

Members like Koo82 are glorify everything what that group is doing! Are they are paid by that group? Or employee of them or the Shinawatra Family's business?

Objectivity is something which is unknown for that humans! They are terrorist's in their deep mind but maybe didn't realizing that!

But a shame to everyone who's backing up the group in any way! Don't forget: One time the payday will come and thjose humans have to pay back for what they have done.

Have a nice Day!

I'm just a Stoffel

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I'm seeing gunfire on TV now....around Victory I have Star Channel 6 TPBS

Just watching the same and at least one of the soldiers was not firing into the air though for some reason they seem to be reluctant to show what is being shot at.

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Waerth, I'll back you up. I have a lot of police friends. They are often on the losing end when it comes to confrontations. However, I disagree that they don't have sympathies. During the yellow protests many police were beaten. No arrests were made... Thai police... like police would elsewhere in the world... do not like to be trounced and the perpetrators let off. Police were openly joining the demonstration last night... it's a wonder they didn't join sooner.

I can only talk for my friend and 3 other officers I know. They would not join any protesters. But they would not move against anyone either because of the law. Off course these are officers. The man of other rank and file might think differently.

But let us please stay civil. If anyone else has rumours to tell please tell them in my opinion. We are all adults. We all have brains and we can all decide for ourselves what we believe or what we do not believe! And just politely disagree with eachother. but please stay civil.


I didn't mean to imply that all police would join the protesters, but certainly some. On the red station last night dozens (more?) of them came out with signs in uniform and marched into the demonstration. The government did not protect them or their interests during the last INSURRECTION. The police were beaten, vilified, and some officers faced punishment. Though a lot of the police I know are red sympathizers, there is at least one PAD member among them (politics are not discussed). I would think that -most- police would just assume sit this thing out because they will likely be the losers in any outcome.

Not a rumor. I took this photo yesterday evening.


Edit: I inserted the photo in the wrong place - making it look like it was posted by someone else.

Edited by cat5
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Don't get me wrong I think its foolish and they should be stopped, but until they use the trucks as an explosion its not "terrorsit"...

You can not possibly be serious!!! Using your "logic" I guess it's ok to take bombs on aircraft, because it's not a terrorist act until the bombs goes off... DUH! :o

there is a massive difference between the two, a bomb is designed and built for one purpose only (to cause explosions), a tanker is not. with the tanker it all comes down to intention to use it as a weapon, same as a kitchen knife is not an illegal weapon, unless you intend to use it as such and the intention needs to be proven

scouse - are you actually suggesting that the tanker driver may have been looking for a Shell garage and got lost in a residential area ?????

I am not suggesting anything, I am pointing out the law in relation to what is a weapon, i offered no opinion on it. i was responding to a stupid post about taking a bomb on a plane and pointed out the law. pretty simple for people who read posts rather than looking for a squabble

Maybe thats what you were thinking, but thats not what you wrote..... The tanker was obviously put there for a reason....... 1 to refil gas bottles or 2 to cause fright and/or mayhem.

Now really what do you think 90% of the people seeing the truck were thinking..... come on , when you post a misunderstanding, just drop it don't make it worse.......and maybe you would be better served letting others more qualified point out the laws here,,,,,,, over to you... lunch time for me

my post was clear, you misundersood and went on the attack, I clarified what was already obvious, you tell me where I offered any opinion in my post (bare in mind someone has not quoted properly so it looks confusing above), you tell me where there can be any misunderstanding in my post and I will drop it, it would be better if you just said you did not read my post properly and you got it totally wrong by making an an assumption rather than dealing with what was actually written.

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I'm seeing gunfire on TV now....around Victory I have Star Channel 6 TPBS

Just watching the same and at least one of the soldiers was not firing into the air though for some reason they seem to be reluctant to show what is being shot at.

My wife is watching...almost in tears. Bad day all around.

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Wife just told me the Red Camp is claiming A Monk as been shot Dead

"Now same as Mayanmar" ( Her words )

Just herd it on Radio

Please Don't Shoot the messenger

Well maybe it was the same idot monk who wa sbeating the PM's car?

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Its not a terrorist attack until the REDS blow up a LPG truck. Simply driving or parking an LPG truck no matter how stupid, or dangerous it is does not make it a terrorist act.

Don't get me wrong I think its foolish and they should be stopped, but until they use the trucks as an explosion its not "terrorsit"...

You can not possibly be serious!!! Using your "logic" I guess it's ok to take bombs on aircraft, because it's not a terrorist act until the bombs goes off... DUH! :o

there is a massive difference between the two, a bomb is designed and built for one purpose only (to cause explosions), a tanker is not. with the tanker it all comes down to intention to use it as a weapon, same as a kitchen knife is not an illegal weapon, unless you intend to use it as such and the intention needs to be proven

Maybe for you its ok.......because it seems you are able to read peoples minds and their individual intent.,,,,,, jeezzeee but how many people, unable to read minds, but are reading this thread do you think are now thinking that that truck is there to refill Kn Samak's gas bottle at Samak's Pad Thai stall ?????? Get real

oh dear, for someone talking about mind reading you really did manage to do a bad job reading my mind, it seems you read my post and then decided to guess what I was thinking. At no point to I say or even speculate that it is ok. If you want to criticise my post then stick to what I have written rather than what you think I have written.

again I will reiterate. I have no idea why the tanker is there, none of us do, we can guess of course. I pointed out to another posters ridiculous comment the difference in LAW between a bomb and a fuel tanker, I never offered any opinion on it.

I hope you understand now, saves time me having to respond to people who can't understand simple English

Yeah, and the folks who watched the World Trade Center towers collapse in flames on September 11th 2001 couldn't GUESS that those hijacked civilian airliners would be used as terrorist weapons... Since you seem an expert on the LAW, please explain: old fashioned bomb, or LPG vehicle used as a bomb, what's the difference? Better make it super-simple English for those of us who can't understand simple English... DUH!

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Rules of the Forum.

No rumour.

All sources must be named, or do not post.

So, hothead, are you going to have a pop at Koo82's post in which reference was made to an 'anonymous doctor' ........

Dr.................Dr Who!

Sorry folks!

On a serious note, can anyone tell me if any of this <deleted> is happening near the-

Department of Consular Affairs, Thanon Chaengwattana. (Thai Passport)

and British Embassy, 14 Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan. (British Passport)

andThe UK Visa Application Centre, Regent House, 2nd Floor, 183, Rajdamri Road, Kwaeng Lumpini.


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Abhisit, dissolve the House and put an end to this with new elections.

What about the ultimatum about the Privy Counselors resigning? Have you completely forgotten what this is all about?

Guess they have to compromise on this small detail. Aren't the Privy Counselors appointed by the King and as such demanding their resignation would go direct against what we cannot discuss.?

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