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The Hairdryer Treatment


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Was reading this article on teamtalk.com about Guss Hiddink and his amazing half time shouting session that saw Chelsea get through to the next round by the skin of their teeth.


Now i played football as a kid and when we were losing the manager used to rant and ball but to me it didnt make a blind bit of difference as i knew that it needed improving.

Also if this shouting and screaming works so well why dont they do it before the game then at half time when theyre winning by a canter he'll be able to go for a pint of p7sswater beer with the fans. And what happens if both managers scream at half time does this mean the one who can shout loudest wins, or will it be a draw?

Basically i think what im ranting about as even im not too sure, but are managers now so far up their own asses after a lucky result theyve delusions of grandeur that it was purely down to their half time genius not players trying harder when they know they have to.

Edited by sanmiguel
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We;; wioth regards to last night specifically, you'd hope Hiddink wasn't that far up his arse but you never know with the people in Football..

Good move bringing Anelka on in the first half, brave too, but they had a fair bit of luck Second Half in my opinion, especially with the Refereeing decisions, or lack of them on one particular occasion.

Having read the article though, i think it's the Press making something out of nothing though to be honest, Hiddink didn't come accross in the Interview as having that " deluision of grandeur " like some seem to have if i'm honest..

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Having read the article though, i think it's the Press making something out of nothing though to be honest,

Yes probably they do like to make out Fergies a genius for doing this and go on about it too much, when Fergies undoubted talent is having an exceptional talent at spotting a player, and getting in all the worlds best staff to do their job and manage them all.

Surely changing a game is more to do with changing personel, tactics and telling the ones who are useless just that. If all managers were like Peter Reid theyre the same in the dressing room whether theyre winning, losing or drawing in that whichever one it was he was swearing and shouting like a naughty schoolboy.

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Was reading this article on teamtalk.com about Guss Hiddink and his amazing half time shouting session that saw Chelsea get through to the next round by the skin of their teeth.


Now i played football as a kid and when we were losing the manager used to rant and ball but to me it didnt make a blind bit of difference as i knew that it needed improving.

Also if this shouting and screaming works so well why dont they do it before the game then at half time when theyre winning by a canter he'll be able to go for a pint of p7sswater beer with the fans. And what happens if both managers scream at half time does this mean the one who can shout loudest wins, or will it be a draw?

Basically i think what im ranting about as even im not too sure, but are managers now so far up their own asses after a lucky result theyve delusions of grandeur that it was purely down to their half time genius not players trying harder when they know they have to.

I would think the reason he resorted to shouting was because he thought they were hard of hearing.All the points he made before the game like being focussed,concentration etc.obviously didn't register because Chelsea were woeful in the first half.

Some managers are definitely up their own backsides but I dont think Hiddink is one of them.Mourinho is one, though, as were Ron Atkinson and Malcolm Allison but most managers are too concerned about their jobs from one game to the next to worry about image.No,mate,the people who like gazing at their derrieres are most definitely the players.I bet they have long,thoughtful discussions about the type of dance they will do after they have scored.

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Also if this shouting and screaming works so well why dont they do it before the game then at half time when theyre winning by a canter he'll be able to go for a pint of p7sswater beer with the fans. And what happens if both managers scream at half time does this mean the one who can shout loudest wins, or will it be a draw?

Basically i think what im ranting about as even im not too sure, but are managers now so far up their own asses after a lucky result theyve delusions of grandeur that it was purely down to their half time genius not players trying harder when they know they have to.

Agree with all of that. All too often the manager's effect is i think exaggerated.

I really hate it when the manager of the opposing team makes a substitution and the sub immediately scores - and then the commentator gushes about what a masterstroke that the manager had pulled. I know had i been a Sunderland supporter i would have hated the way Ferguson was heralded as a genius for bringing on Macheda and him scoring in 40 seconds or so. Like Ferguson knew that exactly that would happen?! Luckily though i'm not a Sunderland supporter and was able to enjoy the moment!

One that sticks in the mind that i didn't enjoy was when Phil Scolari bought on Postiga who was crap for Spurs but who managed to then head in the equalizer for Portugal. How people then raved about Scolari's amazing tactics!

A lot of the time it just simply comes down to luck. Still i guess the managers take enough flak when it goes wrong that it's only fair that we should allow them their plaudits when it goes right.

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