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Strange Symptoms


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I'm wondering if anyone can quell my growing sense of panic, or give me some honest feedback.

I have they symptoms of either Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, or something, but I haven't left Bangkok since 25 November. I'm going to the doctor, but I wanted the opinion of experienced expats first because in the past going to the doctor here has been a waste of time and money.

Here are my symptoms:

genral feeling of ill-health since the week of Christmas, around 23 December. Very stiff neck, with a feeling that it sort of reached up into the side of my face. Never felt that before.

sore throat, dull eyes, high fatigue, but I kept going to work

right after New Year's, full-fledged viral thing, flat on my back, slight fever, weakness, sweats, fluid lungs and painful coughs. On my back for about 4 days, then my throat dried out and I lost my voice for a couple of more days.

Massaged out the sore neck, but it kept reappearing on and off. Much different than usual.

Now the obvious viral thing is gone, but I am still feeling general ill-health (fatigue, dull eyes, sometimes shortness of breath, watery eyes, and my glands in my eyes are bigger than normal) What makes me especially nervous, is that this stiff neck is back with a vengence. For the last few days, my neck movement has been restricted, and it does not feel like normal muscular neck problems. I don't think it's a slipped disk or anything, because there has been no reason for one to occur. I'm usually in very good physical shape. Also why would a slipped disk appear in conjunction with watery, slightly swollen eye glands.

Oh yeah, I work near the prachnaiwet area close to the airport, and live right in the middle of silom in Bangkok.

Sorry to subject you to my symptoms. If this rings-a-bell for anyone, please help me out. Do you think I should go to the doctor?


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You live only a stones throw from BNH Hospital. As bad as some of the stories we hear, there are also good Thai Doctors available.

I have read a few reports on people contracting Dengue in Bangkok.All it needs is for a mozzie to bite an infected person and will then spread the infection.

unless there is a Doctor on this forum, IMHO best bet would be to get some medical advise asap.You can always get a second opinion, but you only have one life.

best of luck

Edited by chuchok
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Thanks so much for the comments everyone. I was starting to freak myself out. I tend to be a hypochrondriac, so I purposely waited to go the doctor.

The comments about both dengue in Bangkok and Japanese encephalitis are especially helpful. It's true, I could of ruptured my neck by all the coughing.

The thing about both illnesses, is that there is nothing anyone can do once you them. Anyway, much appreciation for the comments. I will go to the doctor this week.

Sorry to bore you with my mundane illness, but I just needed some feedback to calm me down.


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I'd say it was flu.

Sounds like normal flu to me. Aches and pains, dry throat, general malaise.

Ravvi - what makes you think Kat is a 'she' ? ( Behold his avatar) - (having said that I am getting a bit apprehensive about double-checking Rav's logic these days, as I am invariably proven quite erroneous !)

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Kat's male -its the commonly accepted short form of Christopher, Cristobal, or Christofilees.

Ravisher is also male.

....Though Rav has the more girly avatar.

(.....you're male aren't you Rav - you're not a 57 year old lady? Yoiks ! )

Anyway, I digress, .....its FLU.

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I'm wondering if anyone  can quell my growing sense of panic, or give me some honest feedback.

I have they symptoms of either Japanese encephalitis, dengue fever, or something, but I haven't left Bangkok since 25 November.  I'm going to the doctor, but I wanted the opinion of experienced expats first because in the past going to the doctor here has been a waste of time and money.

Here are my symptoms:

genral feeling of ill-health since the week of Christmas, around 23 December.  Very stiff neck, with a feeling that it sort of reached up into the side of my face.  Never felt that before.

sore throat, dull eyes, high fatigue, but I kept going to work

right after New Year's, full-fledged viral thing, flat on my back, slight fever, weakness, sweats, fluid lungs and painful coughs.  On my back for about 4 days, then my throat dried out and I lost my voice for a couple of more days.

Massaged out the sore neck, but it kept reappearing on and off.  Much different than usual.

Now the obvious viral thing is gone, but I am still feeling general ill-health (fatigue, dull eyes, sometimes shortness of breath, watery eyes, and my glands in my eyes are bigger than normal)  What makes me especially nervous, is that this stiff neck is back with a vengence.  For the last few days, my neck movement has been restricted, and it does not feel like normal muscular neck problems.  I don't think it's a slipped disk or anything, because there has been no reason for one to occur.  I'm usually in very good physical shape.  Also why would a slipped disk appear in conjunction with watery, slightly swollen eye glands.

Oh yeah, I work near the prachnaiwet area close to the airport, and live right in the middle of silom in Bangkok.

Sorry to subject you to my symptoms.  If this rings-a-bell for anyone, please help me out.  Do you think I should go to the doctor?


Symptoms could also be signs of seroconversion for HIV infection. If you had any possible situations of unprotected sex about 2-4 months ago you should highlight this to the doctor. If there could be possibility of exposure this way, go and see a specialist HIV doctor if only as a precauation as a general HIV test may still not show any signs of your bodies antibodies fighting it (which is what they look for when doing HIV testing) - they might also suggest CD4 and Viral load tests even if results show no anti HIV antibodies. None of these are routine blood tests etc and you would need to ask specifically for them to be done.

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kat's a woman and she clearly states it in her posts; actually if you want to know who she is, check the posts you wrote ravisher and she responded to you in the 'adopting children' thread...

who was the guy with the footnote at the bottom of his posts that says something about viagra, big breasts and senility????? :o

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Hi Kat

I think you should go to a hospital fairly quickly. By the sound of things you DO NOT have either Dengue or Japanese Encephelitis. Original sypmptoms do sound like a flu like virus. Your continuing to work through this is probably not helping you at all, and your continued fatigue and shortness of breath indicate you may have a mild pneumonia, so get a chest x-ray.

Repeated coughing can cause ruptures. Massaging, whilst bringing short term relief can complicate the problem.

See a Doctor. They will probably prescribe a course of anti-biotics and REST.

Stop the massaging, get a nice pillow, put your feet up and relax.

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Kat, you need good, competent medical care. Unfortunately, that doesn't come cheap in Bangkok. I'd recommend you go straight to Bangkok Nursing Hospital on Soi Convent- the only hospital in Bangkok that has actually run diagnostic tests on me when I've been sick. It'll cost you 2-3K, but they'll give you what you really need. Any other doctor/hospital (including some of the "biggies") will only throw random drugs at you, for which they'll still charge you a bunch.

If your problem was mild, it would be finished by now. *Please* take this seriously!


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I know, its just amazing. Dr Rav's zen-like intuition. I am in awe.

Such skill............ in one so elderly ! (60 yrs 1 day).

6 months ago my wife had achey, flue-ey nausea symptoms. They went - but now, her stomach has swollen to the size of a beachball. Dr Rav?

(Don't think i'm going to ask Dr Digger though)

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Kat, you need good, competent medical care.  Unfortunately, that doesn't come cheap in Bangkok.  I'd recommend you go straight to Bangkok Nursing Hospital on Soi Convent- the only hospital in Bangkok that has actually run diagnostic tests on me when I've been sick.  It'll cost you 2-3K, but they'll give you what you really need.  Any other doctor/hospital (including some of the "biggies") will only throw random drugs at you, for which they'll still charge you a bunch.

If your problem was mild, it would be finished by now.  *Please* take this seriously!


And this is the best advice so far. :o

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