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Marco's French Restaurant


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200 - 300 baht? I walked past Marco's hundreds of times, lived 10 minutes' walk away, but somehow never made it there for a meal. I've been back in France since December - all the worries over costs of food/meals etc going up in Thailand, it's the same in France. Stupid prices in restaurants. The cheapest ordinary meal you can get, nothing special, will set you back 1000 baht or so, here in the south of France.

Looking forward to getting back home to CM next month, I'll definitely give Marco's a try this time.

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The special tonight at Marco's was a fairly big portion of pork pate' on crusty, fresh bread, a very nice, creamy pork and mushroom stew with mash potatoes on the side and a choice of French and Italian deserts. My only complaint would be that I prefer more vegetables and less meat.

It was all quite tasty and filling and I got out for about 300 baht including a drink and a tip. Best of all, since it is a French restaurant, it makes it difficult for your more pretentious posters to insult. :)

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Sounds reasonable enough cost-wise - my 1000 baht meal in France included a couple of glasses of house wine and a coffee - but it's the lunchtime special - in the evening the 'cheapo' menu disappears, and you're looking at a minimum 1400 baht plus including house wine for the equivalent of the meal you describe.

Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

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yes i too have had problems with him on the streets of chiang mai, where his arrogant 'hollier than thou' attitude caused me and many friends to avoid his place. I was thinking of trying the food but his attitude left me and many other locals avoiding the place, unwilling to support his venture. You would think that when moving into a new restauarant you'd want to be friendly with the locals, not try to start fights. Sure fire way to ruin a business, and what a shameless way to advertise, times must be tough.... wonder why!!

more BS from another ,now we have a french chef on thai visa as a street fighting man... truely a posters BS paradise.

secondly if you do attempt to dine at chez marcos you beter make reservations he is msot times packed even at midnite...

Guess your the only person who does not bullshit :):D:D and knows it all huh LOL sounds like Mr Marco could do with staying in a bit more sounds like its not just me but my guess is if loads of people put the same thing up about him you would still be jumping up and down having a tantrum saying its all BS also you must know the guy to actually be saying we are wrong (previously ti has been indicated he does not now him) the guy is full of himself and not a plesasant guy when drinking simple as that.

Now its your turn for some more B.S

P.S you will see on one of my posts I have heard good things about the food but he is a <deleted>

It was an innocent opening post that got mired in human imperfections.

Yes you are right mon ami...

Here's the deal with quote unquote spamming on Thai Visa.

It's OK for a friend to write a glowing report about his mate's newly opened restaurant. (And I am not insinuating gatorhead is spamming on Marcos' behalf; I am just answering a member's query on policy seen above).

As long as you don't go too over the top on it- like posting multiple threads on various forums, etc.

And don't get defensive or carried away when the inevitable attacks come in.

Smartest thing to do is be silent. Let the customer go there and sample the fare, and come up with their own opinion.

Having said that, Thai Visa does take a tolerant eye, on these local businesses.

After all, if successful, they could be advertisers with us. :D

For the record, I love South France food. Languedoc, Provence, Pyrenees, etc.

Maybe my favorite cuisine in the world.

I will have to try Marcos' place.

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Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

It is not impossible, but he looks like a typical farang to me.

By the way, he certainly doesn't seem dangerous in his own domain - lots of smiles and helping customers and such. His place was packed to the rafters last night and he helped the staff without any yelling or screaming - very professional. Compared to many of Thai Visa's angrier posters, he seems to be a real pussycat. :)

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Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

It is not impossible, but he looks like a typical farang to me.

By the way, he certainly doesn't seem dangerous in his own domain - lots of smiles and helping customers and such. His place was packed to the rafters last night and he helped the staff without any yelling or screaming - very professional. Compared to many of Thai Visa's angrier posters, he seems to be a real pussycat. :)

Your right UG thats why I did not hit him LOL :D:D cant go round beating up pussycats LOL

On a serious note I never slagged his restaurant down I always see its busy and that indicates it must be good I have never tried there and probably wont just because of his attitude and its quite normal for someone to be on his best behaviour when running his business its in his best interest to do so however after closing I guess its time to let his hair down and let his true personality shine.

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Well, he wouldn't be the first one in Chiang Mai to have a personality that's perceived as arrogant / controversial by some, while running an awesome restaurant..

Mama Falafel comes to mind. :D

(There, that should give this topic another lease of life for an additional 3 pages.. :) )

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Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

It is not impossible, but he looks like a typical farang to me.

By the way, he certainly doesn't seem dangerous in his own domain - lots of smiles and helping customers and such. His place was packed to the rafters last night and he helped the staff without any yelling or screaming - very professional. Compared to many of Thai Visa's angrier posters, he seems to be a real pussycat. :)

Ewe Gee...

From seeing you in the flesh it is clear that you are not on a hunger strike, but shyt man don't you ever eat at home.

I can if you want nominate you for a Michelin judge. Just think about it three meals a day which can all be 'back charged' as exe's.

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It seems like there are an awful lot of fights at Spicy. Maybe he was just trying to fit in.

   Like almost everyone that has tried his restaurant, I thought his food is very good. I didn't go to meet him, but nonetheless he appeared okay. He is a young guy so the fact that he gets a bit feisty at 2am after he's had a few drinks isn't a big surprise to me. It doesn't put me off going back - I'm there for the food and what he does after he's closed doesn't concern me.

   There are a couple of customers that used to come into my place that were great until they had that one too many that triggered the alter-ego switch. One guy frequently popped in at 6-7pm for his first of the evening before heading off on his rounds. It wasn't until I met him at 2am in a late-night bar that I discovered that he turned into Superman at about midnight. He could bench-press 500kg, do the 100metres in under 10 seconds, leap buildings and - this was the best one - even thought he could be beat me at tennis!! You've got to laugh.  :)

   Spicys was initially set-up to satisfy the needs of the lonely, older gentlemen of Chiang Mai (a bit like a Diorced, Separated & Singles night - only different) but lately it is catering more to the needs of the younger generation. Hence the frequent fracases.

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Isn't Marco half-French, half Japanese? Or am I thinking of someone else?

It is not impossible, but he looks like a typical farang to me.

By the way, he certainly doesn't seem dangerous in his own domain - lots of smiles and helping customers and such. His place was packed to the rafters last night and he helped the staff without any yelling or screaming - very professional. Compared to many of Thai Visa's angrier posters, he seems to be a real pussycat. :)

Ewe Gee...

From seeing you in the flesh it is clear that you are not on a hunger strike, but shyt man don't you ever eat at home.

I can if you want nominate you for a Michelin judge. Just think about it three meals a day which can all be 'back charged' as exe's.

No, I never eat at home. It is so cheap to eat here (if you eat a lot of Thai food), that I have no cooking facilities at home and haven't for 20 years. I also do not do my own laundry because it is so inexpensive and they do the ironing better than I ever could.

Mostly, I find buying Thai food cheaper than anything I would prepare myself.

By the way, I do not keep any food at home. It keeps me from snacking. Just some fresh fruit in the fridge and that is about it.

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I can if you want nominate you for a Michelin judge. Just think about it three meals a day which can all be 'back charged' as exe's.

...Free meals at the D___s, free burritos at M_____s and El D_____s, free water at the Red Lion, I can see it! :)

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I like to go to Marco's, not because I like him or don't like him...I just love his Carpaccio! The prices are reasonable and the size of the dishes are good!

Just give it a try...

I agree with you about your motives, but judging by the response to this post, being disliked isn't such a bad thing. I get the impression that Marco's may be 'reservations only', now.

Business has really quietened off now, as we get into the low season, so I may have to make some changes in my place. I know it will be difficult, and it's against my nature, but for the sake of business my new motto is .....

'No More Mr Nice Guy'!!!

P.S. One exception - in view of the recent pandemic scare - Free Water with medication. We've all got to do our little bit. :)

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thank you for keeping on topic!! I order the carpaccio too ,never had before ,this place has introduced me to really fine southern french food that otherwise i would have never known. what a wonderful dish!! yes, that was my point of BS who cares about drunks wanting to beat people at low so spicy or the personalities.... the thread was about wonderful, fine southern french food restaurant at very good prices... and has anybody tried the place... thanks for tighting the thread up by being on point!

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UG, marco prettiest girlfriend does normally wait tables run cash regester and is his beautiful wife of two years .... so i hope u drool over the other beautiful waitress..... i hear the french are quite liberal but this is not the case in this matter!!!

some specials are out of this world good. he has daily specials with appetiser,main course and dessert !

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rich qatar client .... the nicest man i have met in a while... educated all his life in england...and he still is a great guy!!(joking) he loved the place ate there everyday for lunch after i introcuced him to this place, compared marco dishes to dishes at qatar french restaurants said that marcos blows the best away at 1/10th the cost................ which money did not matter since he has plenty of that

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I dined at Chez Marco for the first time a couple of evenings ago. The food was divine -- about the best farang food I have eaten in Chiang Mai. Service was adequate Although I found the chairs on the outdoor patio uncomfortable, I will definitely return there again to try other dishes. The only oddity I had with the waitress was trying to get a slice or two of bread to have with my dinner without having to order a whole loaf at 50 baht. She eventually brought bread, but after tasting it, next time, I will buy a loaf to take home. It is better than any bread in any specialty shop in Chiang Mai.

I found Marco to be friendly and charming. Most of the French people who I have met in the past have been rather pompous and full of themselves, I found Marco not arrogant at all. He aimed to please my palate and was personally involved in my requests about the food preparation. Prices as well as selection are excellent.

By the way his establishment was about the only one on the street which was full of customers. He must be doing something right.

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do they serve escargots there? I love those


i do not remember snails on menus .. maybe this is not southern french food... or for this chef he would not want to be opening a can ( not fresh)

a lot of his the food is spicier that the foo foo french food i guess that is northern french food.( not sure ) his food is a "fusion" of itailian.greek /southern french. mediteranian southern french is what he used to discribe his food to me.

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The prices are reasonable and the size of the dishes are good!

According to Mapguy, supposedly no one in the world (other than me) appreciates portions that actually fill one up. It is nice to see that there are at least two of us. :)

I will buy a loaf to take home. It is better than any bread in any specialty shop in Chiang Mai.

I loved the bread too, and very nice crust! wub.gif

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hey shepsel, this post is right on !!

exactly my thoughts and exactly my experiences at this one of a kind, fine, southern french restaurant!!

you have expressed these facts in the written word so well!! thank you.

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compare to this place?? no other favorites and would be a far away second place no doubt for me... until i ate at this marco place i had given up with all french food here ...and to add the man marco is not a friend of mine per say at all ,i am a customer yes, and honestly i am not a real regular there either..but i was justs amazed with his consistancy,quality and friendly service ..... and when i took different clients there from diverse parts of the world ALL of them freaked out on the food.this inspired me to post my first thread ,, but now having done this post i may have a lot of trouble getting a seat at this small one of a kind place here in CM!! not very smart i guess on my part.

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that ...................... i was juts amazed with his consistancy and when i took clients there all of them freaked out on the food.

Gatorhead, quickly click the "quote" and then "reply" button under posts that you want to reply to.

A box will open with the post that you chose inside quotes. Just make sure to answer underneath the quote, like I have here. Many people have problems using this function at first, but once you do it right, it is easy. :)

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that ...................... i was juts amazed with his consistancy and when i took clients there all of them freaked out on the food.

Gatorhead, quickly click the "quote" and then "reply" button under posts that you want to reply to.

A box will open with the post that you chose inside quotes. Just make sure to answer underneath the quote, like I have here. Many people have problems using this function at first, but once you do it right, it is easy. :)

thanks UG i guess i got it now!!! by the way i am almost sure chez marco is closed sundays but he is open 72 hours a week there in person cooking food mon. thru sat.

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. . . by the way i am almost sure chez marco is closed sundays but he is open 72 hours a week there in person cooking food mon. thru sat.

Guess that explains why, when I went by at lunch today to try to make a reservation for tonight, it wasn't open . . .

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