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Bangk Post Sport Schedules


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For years the only reliable feature about the Post soccer schedules is that they were unreliable. They always and in some cases were right, in saying that they could not get up to date info.

With the changing of the guard on the Sports Desk, the departure of the incredibly trite crutch, it is still

a movable feast.

Firstly they use the tiniest typescript possible, I can imagine it's an in-house joke.

Worst are mid week matches, sometimes they publish the times for channels 3 and 7, sometimes they don't

Even the midweek papers don't list the games.

As I prefer to record matches on the timer, I can't reliably do so.

With Truevisions "remodelling" their website, (jobs for the boys). my expensive DVD recorders are generally dormant.

Before someone advises me to learn to read Thai, thanks but no thanks.

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