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Webcam Problem On True


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i use a TRUE ADSL 256 k connection on a P4-512 RAm-80GB machine running win-xp ..

1.everytime i start using my cam on chat the connections either gets disconnected or the computer hangs ..

2. Also i would like to know from TRUE users how muhc time it takes for the computer to boot and start the connection coz on mine it seems to take at least 2- 3 minutes till the connection icon shows in the right botton corner side

3. the one of the 2 connections icons shows ' limited or no connectivity warning'

Please suggest what to do ..

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i use a TRUE ADSL 256 k connection on a P4-512 RAm-80GB machine running win-xp ..

1.everytime i start using my cam on chat the connections either gets disconnected or the computer hangs ..

2. Also i would like to know from TRUE users how muhc time it takes for the computer to boot and start the connection coz on mine it seems to take at least 2-  3 minutes till the connection icon shows in the right botton corner side

3. the one of the 2 connections icons shows ' limited or no connectivity warning'

Please suggest what to do ..

What kind of cam do you have? (Brand/model and serial/usb)

If its taking a long time for everything to load at boot up you might have things running there that you don't know of, I'd suggest a spyware scane. (See "Computer Security" topic at the top of this section of the forum.)

Sounds to me that if there's no hardware conflicts you may be just running out of memory and locking up. Try if you can to limit the numbers of programs loading at boot. If you have more specific info don't hesitate to post it here.


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A couple of dumb questions.

Is it a USB modem you're using?

Is it a USB webcam?

Does your motherboard support USB 2. or are things plugged into USB 1.1 ports?

Are you using a USB hub to connect anything?

What webcam software are you using? (Messenger tends to connect the video but not the voice in my experience.)

Do you have a software firewall installed? (or a hardware firewall on a router)

Do you have antivirus installed?

Note: if the answer is that you are using broadband, with no firewall and no antivirus, you are almost definitely running lots of things that you don't know about. (An unprotected, unpatched machine is attacked within 20 minutes of connecting to the internet, and that's only because other computers didn't think the IP address was active. Once things realise the IP address is in use, you're looking at 5 attacks a minute...)


(Admittedly those are timings from machines set up in the US, but the internet doesn't really care about physical borders.)

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