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Thailand Is Great!


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I would agree with you, but, if you care to read this forum for a little longer, you will notice that the people in question appear to have bad things happening to them every other day of the week. Random bad events don't tend to work like that.

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It amazes me that because bad things don't happen to someone they immediately discount that it ever had or could happen to anyone else. and then there's the people that say yes it happens but only to those that basically deserve it. Guess they change their tune and go to the other side once they fall prey to the random bad event that can befall anyone here.

I think this is clearly pointed out from you.

When you don't look around or keep your rose tinted glasses on all the time then there can't be anything wrong.

From the OP I know from his previous posts,no offence intended,that he assumes that his Rocket 3 bike is the only one in thailand while I know 4 of them in a radius of 30 km from where I live.Even a close fiend of me owns one.As I said no offence to the OP intended but it shows how short sighted some people are or maybe they only want to see what they want to see.

All right this is a knife that cuts both ways but as a resident for 15 years now I know it has never been all honeymoon in Thailand and for the the last 5 years it is worsening at a high pace.

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Thailand can be a very friendly place.

Yet it does have its good and bad points. Good and bad people. Same all over the world.

In the UK you will get helpful people as the OP states he has met here, but you will also get some right thieving b*stards, same as you do here.

Negative & positive posts? I've made both. depends on the situation at the time.

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After all the negative postings lately about Thailand I thought I would post some good things. Since first coming here several years ago I have never been arrested, ripped off, been a victim of crime or shown any great disrespect :D Paid the odd MIB 200 baht but done so with a smile :D

I have though been made very welcome in all areas of Thailand during my ride around the Kingdom. When I have broken down or run out of fuel I have never had to wait more than 5 mins for some very helpful Thai to stop and assist me. I have been fed, watered and given a room all for nothing. I hardly ever take the key out of my motorbike and when I return it is always there. A girl that I didn't know that well sat by my bed day and night for 4 days in hospital after an accident till I was better. My other half cost me nothing, has asked for nothing and her family neither ask nor expect anything other than I take care of their daughter. I live in a beautiful country and thank Buddha every day for allowing me to do so.

My quality of life here is far better than back in the UK and I will leave only when they drag me screaming and kicking onto the plane.

The next time you feel the need to post that life here in Thailand is so bad just try to remember what things were like back wherever you came from :D Chock dee :D


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Good and bad stuff happens all over the world in every country.

H20 is simply sating its not all that bad here for the average person ,when you compare the lifestyle with your home country and hes happy! Good on him..

I feel the same and when I dont im lucky enough that I will just leave. But untill then ill enjoy the heat and most of the things that h20 mentioned...

As for the rest of the negative heads here read international online papers. Nirvana dosent exist in this life or on this planet its what you make of it.

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To wrap my side of things up I would like to say that I think the whole world is fu7cked up at the moment, the world is a very horrible place right now.

He is so right. However, it's what you make of it. I have to admit that when I left Thailand this time, I wasn't looking back. The times I spent there (especially at my age) were some of the best times I had in my life (and I never stepped foot in a bar, and I've had a lotta good times elsewhere). I tend to ignore the negatives that were increasing daily before I left, but it was getting a little ridiculous. What a shame. What a beautiful country.

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If somebody knows of a place where everything is perfect, be sure to let me know.

Most people who make negative posts have a reason.

There's a lot of things that I do not like about Thailand.

There's a lot of things that I do like.

The things that I do like outweigh the things that I don't, so I'm happy most of the time and the things that Pee me off make me appreciate the good things more.

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Thailand is what it is.....

If you are not happy in Thailand, you have to ask yourself why, then act accordingly.

I have no time for the whiners that bang on about Thailand not being the same as ' Back Home 'of course it ain't the freekin' same, that's why you came here !!!!!

Maybe most came here thinking it will be a sexual heaven, that only lasts for so long chaps, then it becomes boring.

Do you remember all the times when you regretted barfining a certain girl, cos she was rubbish in bed ? Simple fact is, she didn't like you, she was bored out of her brains and just wanted to get away from you, her real BF probably thinks she is great.

Thailand is a good place to be, but, make sure you can afford whatever lifestyle you choose.

I have seen many bitter and twisted Farangs over the years, most were running out of money too..... :)

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Maybe most came here thinking it will be a sexual heaven, that only lasts for so long chaps, then it becomes boring.

Yep, normally about 5 minutes :)

Thailand is surely better than back home, but come on, if we can't complain about Thailand, or our wifes, what then???

But seriously, Thailand is good, but far from perfect. What annoys me sometimes is these people who really think it is a land of smiles and every body is ohh sooo nice. Hmm, how many killings in Phuket recently? What if you live here and become a bit too successful in your work...? How many Thai friends do you really have? Listen to how the locals talk about the Farangs, real funny (NOT) when they think you do not understand them! The climate is good, nature is awesome, food very tasty, but you have to have a thick skin and be able to survive on your own to make it here.

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Maybe most came here thinking it will be a sexual heaven, that only lasts for so long chaps, then it becomes boring.

Yep, normally about 5 minutes :)

Thailand is surely better than back home, but come on, if we can't complain about Thailand, or our wifes, what then???

But seriously, Thailand is good, but far from perfect. What annoys me sometimes is these people who really think it is a land of smiles and every body is ohh sooo nice. Hmm, how many killings in Phuket recently? What if you live here and become a bit too successful in your work...? How many Thai friends do you really have? Listen to how the locals talk about the Farangs, real funny (NOT) when they think you do not understand them! The climate is good, nature is awesome, food very tasty, but you have to have a thick skin and be able to survive on your own to make it here.

Simon, you are really negative, so why do you stay in Thailand ?

And people that are happy in Thailand annoy you ? :D

Take a good long look at yourself, think about why you are so unhappy and then change what is wrong in your life, change the situation to something that will make you happy, it ain't freekin' rocket science.

Most of you unhappy people can be cured of your unhappiness, just get some money, you will feel different, remember how you felt when you first came to Thailand, when you had money and a devil may care attitude ?

Don't blame Thailand for the poor choces you made in life, blame yourself, you made those choices !

You made the choice to come to Thailand, yet seem powerless to make the choice to leave, it's strange.............. :D

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Maybe most came here thinking it will be a sexual heaven, that only lasts for so long chaps, then it becomes boring.

Yep, normally about 5 minutes :)

Thailand is surely better than back home, but come on, if we can't complain about Thailand, or our wifes, what then???

But seriously, Thailand is good, but far from perfect. What annoys me sometimes is these people who really think it is a land of smiles and every body is ohh sooo nice. Hmm, how many killings in Phuket recently? What if you live here and become a bit too successful in your work...? How many Thai friends do you really have? Listen to how the locals talk about the Farangs, real funny (NOT) when they think you do not understand them! The climate is good, nature is awesome, food very tasty, but you have to have a thick skin and be able to survive on your own to make it here.

Never heard?they make Viagra,Cialis,and so on today! :D

Your back home is not everyone back home:you have to wright in English on TV,NOT come from there. :D

Sorry for joking :D could not resist the temptation,share 100% your (other)views.

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It's Memorial Day in the U.S., and it is a spectacular day.

Why does sex always have to be part of the discussion, when you talk about LOS? and why someone lives there? First of all, sex ain't all it's cranked up to be. Secondly, you are all going to be old farts one day (that is if I don't see you first), and, lastly, if you're there for more than a two week holiday, you'd better have more going for you than a hard-on.

I know that there's young, college kids on this forum. They're in Thailand (or more specifically, Bangkok), because their parents want them as far away from them as possible, and they'll pay whatever that costs. Bad boys, my ass.

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[What annoys me sometimes is these people who really think it is a land of smiles and every body is ohh sooo nice. Hmm, how many killings in Phuket recently?

Phuket is not Thailand

What if you live here and become a bit too successful in your work...?

For 99.9% of people, absolutely nothing, except getting rich.

How many Thai friends do you really have?

Many, thank you

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Listen to how the locals talk about the Farangs, real funny (NOT) when they think you do not understand them!

Most I have met are very polite. Can you actually speak Thai anyway?.........

but you have to have a thick skin and be able to survive on your own to make it here.

Hardly, pretty much any normal person can survive quite happily.

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Although Thailand is the land of my birth, lot of fond memories while growing up among relatives and Thai friends. I would say Thailand is great and I love her dearly.

But ( a big BUT) I also discover that I enjoy living in my new adopted country - USA. I feel more healthy and happy doing all the outdoors activities :D where as in TL, I spending most of my time in a/c. :)

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thailand is a beautiful country. it has beautiful food, beautiful scenery, beautiful architecture, beautiful sights and it is an assault on the senses, for me it was a massive culture shock. but it is not unlike any other country it has its problems especially to do with politics and the economy and coming from the north of ireland i know this all to well. getting away to thailand is a real godsend for me.

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Just because some people have some bad experiences, it doesn't mean that they are being negative about everything.

Most of the time, I find the immigration officers pleasant and helpful.

Recently, I has to do my 90 day report, but I had decided that as I was visiting the Uk this year and didn't want to transfer funds at sub 49 Baht/GBP that I wouldn't be renewing the year extension.

The lady in Nong Khai immigration dealt with my 90 day reporting (very pleasant and polite) and reminded me that I should be applying for the extension now. I told her that I hadn't transferred enough cash as I would be going to the Uk soon and so I would go to Laos to get the extra time I needed. She looked through my passport and told me to go with her.

She took my passport to the woman at the end desk (her superior, I assume), showed her my passport and was talking to her.

This woman looked at me and almost shouted "You have no moneeey?, You have Thai wife? You need 800,000 in the bank for 3 months" Then she snapped "Go to Lao!". She then held my passport up in her left hand and I had to move to the right to avoid stretching over the people who were sitting at the desk. As I reached for my passport, she changed it to her right hand and then held it down low at the other side of the desk, so I had to walk round the side and stoop down to retrieve it.

That woman had obviously intended to embarrass and belittle me for no other reason than the fact that she could. This was totally uncalled for, especially in a society where everybody bangs on about "Don't make others lose face!" What made it more annoying was that I had only gone there to do my 90 day report, I had NOT asked for an extension.

I went to the woman who had dealt with my 90 day report to check that everything was finished and she looked very embarrassed.

Reading this, you may think it a trivial thing and in the bigger scheme of things it is. If this happened to any of you, I'm sure that you would not be happy.

Now, I could quite possibly start a topic with my experience as above and some people would be interested to read it. But for every experience like this at immigration I may have another 9 visits that are uneventful. So people may be interested to read the above, how many would be interested if I started 9 topics with a story like...

"I went to the immigration today to do my 90 day report. The officer was very pleasant and I was only in there 5 minutes and then I drove home"

If the board was flooded with non event topics like this, people would soon get very bored and lose interest.

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I came to LOS to live my retirement and must say I can not think of anywhere else I would rather be. It does have it's problems but they are greatly outweighed by the good things.

Sex did not enter into the decision as I brought my farang wife of 35 years. And she loves it here. Although she hates the traffic, but then it might be my driving she hates, can't be sure.

But then maybe I should just be put in the rose colored glasses group, as I think life is great and enjoyable. But if it makes me happy why not?

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Just because some people have some bad experiences, it doesn't mean that they are being negative about everything.

Most of the time, I find the immigration officers pleasant and helpful.

Recently, I has to do my 90 day report, but I had decided that as I was visiting the Uk this year and didn't want to transfer funds at sub 49 Baht/GBP that I wouldn't be renewing the year extension.

The lady in Nong Khai immigration dealt with my 90 day reporting (very pleasant and polite) and reminded me that I should be applying for the extension now. I told her that I hadn't transferred enough cash as I would be going to the Uk soon and so I would go to Laos to get the extra time I needed. She looked through my passport and told me to go with her.

She took my passport to the woman at the end desk (her superior, I assume), showed her my passport and was talking to her.

This woman looked at me and almost shouted "You have no moneeey?, You have Thai wife? You need 800,000 in the bank for 3 months" Then she snapped "Go to Lao!". She then held my passport up in her left hand and I had to move to the right to avoid stretching over the people who were sitting at the desk. As I reached for my passport, she changed it to her right hand and then held it down low at the other side of the desk, so I had to walk round the side and stoop down to retrieve it.

That woman had obviously intended to embarrass and belittle me for no other reason than the fact that she could. This was totally uncalled for, especially in a society where everybody bangs on about "Don't make others lose face!" What made it more annoying was that I had only gone there to do my 90 day report, I had NOT asked for an extension.

I went to the woman who had dealt with my 90 day report to check that everything was finished and she looked very embarrassed.

Reading this, you may think it a trivial thing and in the bigger scheme of things it is. If this happened to any of you, I'm sure that you would not be happy.

Now, I could quite possibly start a topic with my experience as above and some people would be interested to read it. But for every experience like this at immigration I may have another 9 visits that are uneventful. So people may be interested to read the above, how many would be interested if I started 9 topics with a story like...

"I went to the immigration today to do my 90 day report. The officer was very pleasant and I was only in there 5 minutes and then I drove home"

If the board was flooded with non event topics like this, people would soon get very bored and lose interest.

So to make a long story short,this country is great because only get embarrassed at immigration sometimes. :)

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I think what confuses me about the negative posts is simply, if it is so bad why are you here? Amazingly enough (especially as a psychiatrist) I have come across more unhappy, miserable people (Westerners) in Thailand than I ever did in the USA, sure in the USA people complained about their debt the economy even taxes and in most cases with good reason, but here? come on, obviously the people doing the complaining have the financial means to be here and if they don't well they shouldn't be here or they are not here legally. It is indeed refreshing to see a post like this.

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Never heard?they make Viagra,Cialis,and so on today! :D

Your back home is not everyone back home:you have to wright in English on TV,NOT come from there. :D

Sorry for joking :D could not resist the temptation,share 100% your (other)views.

Haha, no worries :D

ok ok, it is not all that negative, but the problem with most media, be it a forum or newspaper, is that good news does get boring after a while. It is far more interesting to hear about problems. And this forum may also be seen as a healthy, fairly innocent, way to let some steam off...?

No Phuket is not Thailand! Met some really nice people in eg Trang, Had Yai, Chiang Rai etc. Much more authentic Thailand places than a messed up place like Phuket.

If it is all so bad, why not go back home? Apparently it is not all so bad :D. I guess a lot of the complaining here must not be taken literally, is might be a sense of humor?

Have a good day :)

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