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Thai Airways May Cancel A380 Jet Order


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Very true. All monopolies here are poor. TOT offers terrible service. Better than some, but still poor. 2MB is still

the fastest internet service they offer. UBC promised hi-def satellite service in 2009. Nobody at their office knows

anything about it. They are probably years away from offering what the rest of the world has already had for

years. 3G service is limited to two neighborhoods in Bangkok, and Hua Hin. So, someone with an iphone, who

wants to use the Thai network, is limited to that? No GPS support yet, anywhere in the country. No consistent

electrical supply without blackouts outside of Bangkok. I understand this is the third world, but where is the

progress? It seems like from a technological point of view, Thailand is going backwards, and not forward. Is

it just me, or is this the case? The government here is inept beyond imagination. Though Abhisit is probably

the smartest, and most able of them all, he has to fight daily with the coalition partners, who are all corrupt,

and none of whom really care about Thailand (outside of personal financial concerns). One of the reasons why

I suspect they are so scared of farengs, is because they know everything we do, and everything we touch, and

every idea we come up with, is far better than ANYTHING they are capable of. When is the last time a Thai

national has won a Nobel Peace prize? How about a Pulitzer? How about an Olympic medal? How about any

other international standard by which you can measure one nation against the world?

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What fyaman001 does not seem to understand, is that you can love a place, and love a people, and still complain about perceived injustices, and deficiencies in the system, or in the society. Many of us love the Thai people and culture, but hate how inadequate and inept the government, the police, the monopolies, and many of the ministries are. That does not mean we do not love the place. Where is your "fighting" spirit? Should we just lay down and die? Should we be timid and not complain? I do not make it a habit of complaining all the time, but is this not an appropriate forum to air our grievances? Few are offended by this. Many of us do it with a light heart. If you do not like reading them, I suggest you pick up a copy of "Snow White and the 7 dwarfs". That is more uplifting reading. Perhaps that will not offend your lily white sensibility.

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Many of us love the Thai people and culture, but hate how inadequate and inept the government, the police, the monopolies, and many of the ministries are.

while I understand where you are coming from, the people, and dare I say it, the 'culture' are in many ways the reason for the way the government, the police, the monopolies and many other things in Thailand work or don't, as the case may be.

Once the Thai people stop blaming others and accept some responsibility for their own ineptitudes as a nation and as a people perhaps they can move on from a Third-World mentality and deal with their problems in a reasonable adult manner.

I wouldn't hold my breath though, as the recent coup and political turmoil shows Thailand isn't anywhere near ready to start accepting responsibility.

A great shame, that a nation with so much promise has been undone in a matter of months by a outdated and increasingly irrelevant institution and by its cronies in the military.

However, in many ways the National Carrier is a microcosm of the entire country; badly mismanaged, unable to move into the modern era, encourages favouritism and cronyism, is inherently racist in favour of the Thai and is bailed out to the tune of billions of taxpayer money while the fatcats that control it use it to feather their nests and boost their egos.

Edited by Oberkommando
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Very true. All monopolies here are poor. TOT offers terrible service. Better than some, but still poor. 2MB is still

the fastest internet service they offer. UBC promised hi-def satellite service in 2009. Nobody at their office knows

anything about it. They are probably years away from offering what the rest of the world has already had for

years. 3G service is limited to two neighborhoods in Bangkok, and Hua Hin. So, someone with an iphone, who

wants to use the Thai network, is limited to that? No GPS support yet, anywhere in the country. No consistent

electrical supply without blackouts outside of Bangkok. I understand this is the third world, but where is the

progress? It seems like from a technological point of view, Thailand is going backwards, and not forward. Is

it just me, or is this the case? The government here is inept beyond imagination. Though Abhisit is probably

the smartest, and most able of them all, he has to fight daily with the coalition partners, who are all corrupt,

and none of whom really care about Thailand (outside of personal financial concerns). One of the reasons why

I suspect they are so scared of farengs, is because they know everything we do, and everything we touch, and

every idea we come up with, is far better than ANYTHING they are capable of. When is the last time a Thai

national has won a Nobel Peace prize? How about a Pulitzer? How about an Olympic medal? How about any

other international standard by which you can measure one nation against the world?

Sorry for sounding pedantic but a Thai girl won Olympic gold for weight lifting in 2004, but I get your drift. :)

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Very true. All monopolies here are poor. TOT offers terrible service. Better than some, but still poor. 2MB is still

the fastest internet service they offer. UBC promised hi-def satellite service in 2009. Nobody at their office knows

anything about it. They are probably years away from offering what the rest of the world has already had for

years. 3G service is limited to two neighborhoods in Bangkok, and Hua Hin. So, someone with an iphone, who

wants to use the Thai network, is limited to that? No GPS support yet, anywhere in the country. No consistent

electrical supply without blackouts outside of Bangkok. I understand this is the third world, but where is the

progress? It seems like from a technological point of view, Thailand is going backwards, and not forward. Is

it just me, or is this the case? The government here is inept beyond imagination. Though Abhisit is probably

the smartest, and most able of them all, he has to fight daily with the coalition partners, who are all corrupt,

and none of whom really care about Thailand (outside of personal financial concerns). One of the reasons why

I suspect they are so scared of farengs, is because they know everything we do, and everything we touch, and

every idea we come up with, is far better than ANYTHING they are capable of. When is the last time a Thai

national has won a Nobel Peace prize? How about a Pulitzer? How about an Olympic medal? How about any

other international standard by which you can measure one nation against the world?

Hahahahaha, well look at the governments in the " so called first world countries" and what they are doing, about their dirty games and lies and wars. Let`s talk about the " first world monetary criss" and the perfect examples the ooh so well educated western world gives to " others".

Everything we do and everything we touch is far better than they are capable of?? Whatever " we" touch seems to be mostly aimed at destroying the place right now, and we are very very good at it, us "educated" countries.

I absolutely don't understand the ones who come to Thailand and complain complain and complain, this ain't Kansas or Blighty and thank god for that.

By the way, I am sure I have seen part of your lines before somewhere.

OK, back on topic, any comments about Thai airways and the possible cancellation of their A380 order?

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yea... and that "someone" has been flying Thai commercial planes as he/she pleases wasting it's fuel and operations... staying at ridiculously expensive international hotels... spending more than 2$ mil +++ pocket money on shopping sprees on him/herself a year on such trips.... if you know my drift about that "someone" i dare not to name...

Watch out for the LM police. Want to spend your next 15 years in Bangkok Hilton?

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Tnx - thought I was on the wrong forum!!

I firmly believe that the A380 was like some dumb pill contest. The French in a massive land grab, sought to turn, especially the less sophisticated, emerging 3rd world market on its ear, with a monster one-size fits all, tube sock or plane. Airbus, like Wall St, were tired of being mediocre bankers and air taxis purveyors, and wanted to become the rock stars, the movers and shakers of the aviation world. Then reality set in. I hate to speculate what London spent on its airport upgrades. I also bet it will get grounded before it crashes.

Watch airlines start to back down like gangbusters as the A330 series saga deepens and more mishaps become apparent. Nobody needs major lawsuits to complicate an already financially deeply troubled industry, especially with the lawyers already laying side-bets.


OK, back on topic, any comments about Thai airways and the possible cancellation of their A380 order?

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Tnx - thought I was on the wrong forum!!

I firmly believe that the A380 was like some dumb pill contest. The French in a massive land grab, sought to turn, especially the less sophisticated, emerging 3rd world market on its ear, with a monster one-size fits all, tube sock or plane. Airbus, like Wall St, were tired of being mediocre bankers and air taxis purveyors, and wanted to become the rock stars, the movers and shakers of the aviation world. Then reality set in. I hate to speculate what London spent on its airport upgrades. I also bet it will get grounded before it crashes.

Watch airlines start to back down like gangbusters as the A330 series saga deepens and more mishaps become apparent. Nobody needs major lawsuits to complicate an already financially deeply troubled industry, especially with the lawyers already laying side-bets.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

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I firmly believe that the A380 was like some dumb pill contest. The French in a massive land grab, sought to turn, especially the less sophisticated, emerging 3rd world market on its ear, with a monster one-size fits all, tube sock or plane. Airbus, like Wall St, were tired of being mediocre bankers and air taxis purveyors, and wanted to become the rock stars, the movers and shakers of the aviation world. Then reality set in. I hate to speculate what London spent on its airport upgrades. I also bet it will get grounded before it crashes.

Watch airlines start to back down like gangbusters as the A330 series saga deepens and more mishaps become apparent. Nobody needs major lawsuits to complicate an already financially deeply troubled industry, especially with the lawyers already laying side-bets.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

All 7 crew members killed.

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New aircraft take years from concept to reality to get airbourne, I do not see all the airlines who have ordered the Air Bus 380 having forseen the melt down of the economy and the reduction in passenger travel.

At the time these orders were placed there was indeed a need for such a plane in the minds of the airlines or they would not have ordered them, as the worlds economy picks up so will passenger travel, people will want more for their money not some 20yr old scruffy 747 so with big discounts on offer now is the time to buy, unless you posters know better. :)

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While Thai Air has been lambasted for poor management and massive corruption, this is a wise decision. Buying new planes in the middle of a global recession is not prudent. Anyway- I haven't flown TG in years as their prices just aren't competitive anymore...

Surely as your post states, until they sort out their internal problems they will never compete in a shrinking market scenario, it's a case of "survival of the fittest."

Their prices and business model is not competitive any more as wackysleet states.

I used to fly Thai religiously.

Normally by booking through an agent from Dubai, or Sydney as agents had Thai's discounted rates.

It was the best service at a competitive price with good food and OK planes.

Getting the ticket has always been the hassle.

I try and manage my time, and I hate frittering it away on trips into town to sit in some disorganised and frantically busy travel agents office - which seems to be Thai's preferred business model for selling tickets.

I normally hate post offices, travel agents and similar wastes of time and patience, so as air travel began to move towards internet bookings, so did I.

The rates offered on the (good, functional and easy) Thai website were high rack rates - not the same discount rates available to the agents.

Now I book online with the most conveniently timed flights at the best price with whichever airline makes this task simple, secure and transparent.

It is never Thai anymore.

And more and more I try to travel with the budget airlines - not for the cost, but for the more timely departures and arrivals, and lack of frills, waste and mucking around - as everything is done to tight deadline.

I like flying smaller planes, with less luggage, less check in time, and less waiting to claim bags and go.

They were good, but a business has to change with the times and respond to what the customer wants and demands.

Coupled with a shattered world economy, this is even more important with airlines.

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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

I read far more crappy boeings fall from the sky then airbusses. But would be nice if someone had honest statistics about it. I mean how many fall from the sky is not really saying much if you dont know how many are flying.

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Airbus was found in 1970

Boeing was found in 1916

Can't compare much, although The Boeing Company, also is busy with alot of others things like Army for instance ( Chinook CH-47 and AH-64 Apache, Defense systems, Space technologie than commercial airplanes.

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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

Not wishing to sound pedanticJ /D but having been an aircraft accident investigator for a number of years I do not believe your assumption that Air Bus switched boxes, BEA would have done the research on the plane.

Please enlighten the people reading your post just how many of these alleged crashes have been design faults as opposed to pilot error if you know in fact, because I do.

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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

yes jack ur right and the BEA help them to do that, in fact airbus always carry 4 black box : 2 with pre record information for the BEA in case of crash and 2 for them. :D

Where do you get ur information from ? the bottom of ur jack daniels bottle ?


As for ur list how many disasters are from human error and how many from technical failur ? and what about boeing for the same period ?

Why do you hate airbus so much ? you have boeing stock option or what ?

Talk about fact please ( the more a read ur post the more i want to fly airbus )

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Very true. All monopolies here are poor. TOT offers terrible service. Better than some, but still poor. 2MB is still

the fastest internet service they offer. UBC promised hi-def satellite service in 2009. Nobody at their office knows

anything about it. They are probably years away from offering what the rest of the world has already had for

years. 3G service is limited to two neighborhoods in Bangkok, and Hua Hin. So, someone with an iphone, who

wants to use the Thai network, is limited to that? No GPS support yet, anywhere in the country. No consistent

electrical supply without blackouts outside of Bangkok. I understand this is the third world, but where is the

progress? It seems like from a technological point of view, Thailand is going backwards, and not forward. Is

it just me, or is this the case? The government here is inept beyond imagination. Though Abhisit is probably

the smartest, and most able of them all, he has to fight daily with the coalition partners, who are all corrupt,

and none of whom really care about Thailand (outside of personal financial concerns). One of the reasons why

I suspect they are so scared of farengs, is because they know everything we do, and everything we touch, and

every idea we come up with, is far better than ANYTHING they are capable of. When is the last time a Thai

national has won a Nobel Peace prize? How about a Pulitzer? How about an Olympic medal? How about any

other international standard by which you can measure one nation against the world?

- Assuming you mean 2 Mb/s (megabits per second), I was upgraded to "Platinumcyber" 3Mb/512kb a month ago, for free (not saying that TOT is good, just that you are wrong). If you mean 2MB/s (megabytes per second), then that's not bad as it is equal to 16 Mb/s.

- Nobel prize? Never, as far as I know.

- Pulitzer prize? Fat chance:

"Only U.S. citizens are eligible to apply for the Prizes in Letters, Drama and Music (with the exception of the History category in Letters where the book must be a history of the United States but the author may be of any nationality). For the Journalism competition, entrants may be of any nationality but work must have appeared in a U.S. newspaper published at least once a week or on a newspaper's Web site."

- Olympic medals? Beijing 2008, two golds and two silvers.

If you're going to post something that looks like fact, please check it first :)

/ Priceless

Edited by Priceless
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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

I'll disregard the fact that you lump together all different aircraft models ever produced by the Airbus company (EADS). I'll just give the corresponding statistics for one Boeing model, the 767 (a twin-engined wide body, like the A330):

26 May 1991; Lauda Air 767-300ER; Suphan Buri Province, Thailand (223 dead)

23 November 1996; Ethiopian Airlines 767-200ER; near Moroni, Comoros Islands (127 dead)

31 October 1999; EgyptAir 767-300ER; Atlantic Ocean near Nantucket Island, MA (217 dead)

11 September 2001; American Airlines 767 (Flight 11); World Trade Center, New York (terrorism, untold dead)

11 September 2001; United Airlines 767; Flight 175; World Trade Center, New York (terrorism, untold dead)

15 April 2002; Air China 767-300ER; near Pusan, South Korea (129 dead)

The reason why I include the 9/11 events is of course that no one (as of yet) knows the cause of the AF accident.

If I had chosen to show the statistics for the Boeing-737, not to mention all Boeing models still in use, the list would have gone on "forever". If you go to this site: http://www.airsafe.com/events/models/b737.htm you'll find 67 incidents with the 737 listed!

/ Priceless

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Airbus was found in 1970

Boeing was found in 1916

Can't compare much, although The Boeing Company, also is busy with alot of others things like Army for instance ( Chinook CH-47 and AH-64 Apache, Defense systems, Space technologie than commercial airplanes.

Boeing in it`s present form was not founded in 1916, and the same goes for airbus. Just for ONCE try to get your facts straight. :)

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Wrong - here we go - this precludes the Paris airshow which killed three, when Airbus switched the black box, because they didnt like the results.


The fact is that there has only been one A330 crash previously to the Air France one, on the 30/06/94 on a test flight during stall manouvres.

Previous Airbus disasters

* August 2000: Gulf Air A320 crashed in Gulf off Bahrain

* January 2000: 169 killed when A310 crashed off Ivory Coast.

* February 1998: 197 killed when A300 crashed in Taiwan.

* September 1997: 234 killed when A300 crashed in Indonesia.

* July 1994: Seven killed when A330 crashed in Toulouse, France, when crew were testing simulated engine failure

* April 1994: 259 killed when A300 crashed in Japan.

* March 1994: 75 killed when A310 crashed in Siberia.

* September 1992: 167 killed when A300 crashed in Kathmandu, Nepal.

* July 1992: 113 killed when A310 crashed in Kathmandu.

* January 1992: 87 killed when A320 crashed in Strasbourg.

* February 1990: 90 killed when A320 crashed in Bangalore.

* June 1988: Eight killed when A320 crashed in Habersheim.

You are doing it again Jack, it is like the tabloid press, just repeat and repeat garbage about the one you want to discredit and the " newspaper will sell. I already stated some page back that your list doesn't mean a thing.

One can only wonder why you are trying so hard.

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Upto and including the most recent accident 1st June out of a total of 33 incidences of problems/accidents on all Air Bus 300 series the total number is 33, 21 pilot errors, 2 missile hits, 1 bird strike, 1 air traffic control error, 1 ran out of fuel pilot error, 1 destroyed on the ground whilst being towed, 1 micro chip failure,1 where a lever was possibly moved wrongly, 1 tail part broke off, 1 landing gear collapsed while preparing for takeoff, and the last 1 hit whilst being towed by a Hercules C-130, the jury is still out on the latest one.

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Google the data - its real simple - if ya honestly believe that I fudged the data in any way, for whatever political, egotistical, sicko gain, then I have to seriously query your ability to do any logical investigative forensic work, as you say you are qualified to carry out.

Instead of simply playing word-games, produce the proof that you say you are privy to. Dont malign my given data with some juvenile rhetoric, if you have contrary proof.

In life one is always presented with choices - for my own, I decided not to fly any Airbus, ever again, 2 years back - that is my right.

The purpose of this post - from my perspective - is to get to the truth so that corporates dont simply mash all of us into obscurity.

If Airbus, et al, are guilty - fry them. If innocent, thats also good. Then they walk. Even if they come up smelling roses, I still wont fly on them.

So many folks take all this so subjectively - just imagine how bad the victims must feel.


Please enlighten the people reading your post just how many of these alleged crashes have been design faults as opposed to pilot error if you know in fact, because I do.

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Google the data - its real simple - if ya honestly believe that I fudged the data in any way, for whatever political, egotistical, sicko gain, then I have to seriously query your ability to do any logical investigative forensic work, as you say you are qualified to carry out.

Instead of simply playing word-games, produce the proof that you say you are privy to. Dont malign my given data with some juvenile rhetoric, if you have contrary proof.

In life one is always presented with choices - for my own, I decided not to fly any Airbus, ever again, 2 years back - that is my right.

The purpose of this post - from my perspective - is to get to the truth so that corporates dont simply mash all of us into obscurity.

If Airbus, et al, are guilty - fry them. If innocent, thats also good. Then they walk. Even if they come up smelling roses, I still wont fly on them.

So many folks take all this so subjectively - just imagine how bad the victims must feel.

J/D no one is saying you fudged any data, I do not believe the black boxes were swopped but thats just my opinion knowing how the system works, and I concur the incidences took place, plus many more than you actually quoted and read my post, I never said that I was privy to anything, certainly nothing that could not be verified via the internet, perhaps if you had actually said that some of these were indeed pilot error and not just implying the planes are crap then we would not be having this chat :) and have a nice day mate,


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Google the data - its real simple - if ya honestly believe that I fudged the data in any way, for whatever political, egotistical, sicko gain, then I have to seriously query your ability to do any logical investigative forensic work, as you say you are qualified to carry out.

Instead of simply playing word-games, produce the proof that you say you are privy to. Dont malign my given data with some juvenile rhetoric, if you have contrary proof.

In life one is always presented with choices - for my own, I decided not to fly any Airbus, ever again, 2 years back - that is my right.

The purpose of this post - from my perspective - is to get to the truth so that corporates dont simply mash all of us into obscurity.

If Airbus, et al, are guilty - fry them. If innocent, thats also good. Then they walk. Even if they come up smelling roses, I still wont fly on them.

So many folks take all this so subjectively - just imagine how bad the victims must feel.


Please enlighten the people reading your post just how many of these alleged crashes have been design faults as opposed to pilot error if you know in fact, because I do.

This come from one of ur post jack:

Chinese proverb "if two people tell you your face is green, go look in the mirror"

I think it's time for u to have a look :):D:D

Edited by isanb
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Did you know that the Air Bus A310 that you quoted as having crashed in Siberia on the 23rd March 1994 was actually being flown by the Russian pilots young son while the captain was showing him the controls whereupon the boy carried out a manouvre that could not be corrected in time and the plane crashed, try googling that Jack.

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Force Majeure ?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced a Level 6 flu pandemic, which may prompt many businesses to call a force majeure on their contracts.


Force Majeure (French for "superior force"), also known as cas fortuit (French) or casus fortuitus (Latin)[1], is a common clause in contracts which essentially frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties, such as a war, strike, riot, crime, or an event described by the legal term "act of God" (e.g., flooding, earthquake, volcano), prevents one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract.

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