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British Couple Fights Bangkok Airport Extortionists


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Nevermind. So are theycoming back to get money back, file charges?

Think before you post, aswin

He is a UK Government consultant , she is ex UN

Things will be done quietly. No face lost

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Nevermind. So are theycoming back to get money back, file charges?

Think before you post, aswin

He is a UK Government consultant , she is ex UN

Things will be done quietly. No face lost

A little bit of the pot calling the kettle black here. How do you know there will be no fuss or loss of face?

Getting your picture plastered all over Times Online is hardly a no fuss start.

Personally I would like to see them have a go if they still claim they are innocent. But since they preferred to pay 8,000 pounds to the Sri Lankan conman rather than 50,000 baht for a lawyer I am not holding my breath.

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I'm confused. So this is a case of someone who got caught stealing and then got con and extorted ?

Perhaps an over simplification, but, in my opinion, a good summary.

I believe they did steal the wallet. When they were taken to the police station somehow, I am not sure how, the Sri Lankan got involved. Maybe he was, amongst other things he acting as a bail bondsman. Whatever, the couple paid him about 8,000 pounds to sort the case out. Presumably some of it went towards the bail. Who and how much he paid off is not known. Indeed as far as I can see there is no evidence that he paid anyone, but it is not an ilogical assumption.

So yes, they got caught stealing, got conned (by the Sri Lankan) and, by extention, extorted (by the police).

Edited by CRUNCHER
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This thread is still percolating I see.

I went though Suvarnabuhmi 3 times this week.

Avoided KP outlets like the plague.

Why might you ask?

Because I have enough time in LOS to NOT swallow whole hog

these bad camera shots, and hollowish excuses that KP has dealt with the problem

and that there never was a problem,

see the farangs are guilty

THE'RE the problem...

Sorry, I have ceased to trust KP staff and security based on this, and other dealings with them.

They have a VERY serious PR problem on their hands and I won't become a

corroborating case for their claims of farang thieves abounding.

Place makes me feel like a target now.

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A good lesson for us all. Don't shoplift in foreign countries, unless you are prepared to face the (unknown) consequences. Don't break the law abroad and expect to be innocent until proven guilty. Don't forget to pack your brains before leaving home.

How many thousands of people use KP every day without a problem? I personally don't do duty free because it seems like a scam in general, but that is besides the point. I bet shoplifting by foreigners in KP outlets dropped dramatically in the last few weeks!

I too am waiting for a comment from the upstanding Oxford educated British couple on the KP video.

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Who cares if it was 2 million or 2 baht.

The point of the story is FAKE POLICE at Bangkok International.

And the rest of the story is that the FAKE POLICE were arrested by the REAL POLICE at Bangkok International.

I know this example has little to do with the case at hand BUT God help us when these FAKE police get smart enough,desperate enough, or should i say RICH enough to buy REAL police uniforms to match their FAKE ids?

How do we tell the differance then??!!

Again, as other posters have alluded to, the failure of the government to stamp this out shows total disregard for tourism AND a total lack of respect for themselves and any honest police officers and officials who may work in this country.

Thank god most developed countries have serious laws about impersonating officers...where this sort of crime is virtually non existant

++ not mentioning all the farang ke nok teachers working with fake degrees. :)

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A good lesson for us all. Don't shoplift in foreign countries, unless you are prepared to face the (unknown) consequences. Don't break the law abroad and expect to be innocent until proven guilty. Don't forget to pack your brains before leaving home.

How many thousands of people use KP every day without a problem? I personally don't do duty free because it seems like a scam in general, but that is besides the point. I bet shoplifting by foreigners in KP outlets dropped dramatically in the last few weeks!

I too am waiting for a comment from the upstanding Oxford educated British couple on the KP video.

Well... with the reports of 'extra' products being slipped into bags by cashiers,

I think it's not JUST shoplifters who are at risk.

Hence my walking centerline past all those shops.

I also made sure my reading materials had CLEAR stickers from other stores.

Sorry Charlie I did NOT lift that paperback, back off.

What's that famous line:

Just because you are paranoid,

doesn't mean they are NOT out to get you.

The corollary would be:

When there's a good chance they are out to get you,

a little paranoia's not such a bad thing.

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The story seems to be getting more coverage:

Tourists warned of Thailand airport scam

By Jonathan Head

BBC News, 20-07-09

Bangkok showcase new international airport is no stranger to controversy.

Built between 2002 and 2006, under the governments of then-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the opening date was repeatedly delayed.

It has been dogged by allegations of corruption, as well as criticism of the design and poor quality of construction.

Then, at the end of last year, the airport was shut down for a week after being occupied by anti-government protesters.

Now new allegations have been made that a number of passengers are being detained every month in the duty free area on suspicion of shoplifting, and then held by the police until they pay large sums of money to buy their freedom.

That is what happened to Stephen Ingram and Xi Lin, two IT experts from Cambridge, as they were about to board their flight to London on the night of 25 April this year.

They had been browsing in the duty free shop at the airport, and were later approached by security guards, who twice asked to search their bags.

Mr Ingram and Ms Xi were told they had to pay £7,500

They were told a wallet had gone missing, and that Ms Lin had been seen on a security camera taking it out of the shop.

The company that owns the duty free shop, King Power, has since put the CCTV video on its website, which does appear to show her putting something in her bag. However the security guards found no wallet on either of them.

Despite that, they were both taken from the departure gate, back through immigration, and held in an airport police office. That is when their ordeal started to become frightening.

"We were questioned in separate rooms," Mr Ingram said. "We felt really intimidated. They went through our bags and demanded that we tell them where the wallet was."

The two were then put in what Mr Ingram describes as a "hot, humid, smelly cell with graffiti and blood on the walls".

Mr Ingram managed to phone a Foreign Office helpline he found in a travel guide, and was told someone in the Bangkok embassy would try to help them.

The next morning the two were given an interpreter, a Sri Lankan national called Tony, who works part-time for the police.

They were taken by Tony to meet the local police commander - but, says Mr Ingram, for three hours all they discussed was how much money they would have to pay to get out.

Mr Ingram and Ms Xi were taken to meet the local police commander

They were told the charge was very serious. If they did not pay, they would be transferred to the infamous Bangkok Hilton prison, and would have to wait two months for their case to be processed.

Mr Ingram says they wanted £7,500 ($12,250) - for that the police would try to get him back to the UK in time for his mother's funeral on 28 April.

But he could not arrange to get that much money transferred in time.

Tony then took them to an ATM machine at the police station, and told Ms Lin to withdraw as much as she could from her own account - £600 - and Mr Ingram then withdrew the equivalent of £3,400 from his account.

This was apparently handed over to the police as "bail", and they were both made to sign a number of papers.

Later they were allowed to move to a squalid hotel within the airport perimeter, but their passports were held and they were warned not to leave or try to contact a lawyer or their embassy.

"I will be watching you," Tony told them, adding that they would have to stay there until the £7,500 was transferred into Tony's account.

On the Monday they managed to sneak out and get a taxi to Bangkok, and met an official at the British Embassy.

She gave the name of a Thai lawyer, and, says Mr Ingram, told them they were being subjected to a classic Thai scam called the "zig-zag".

Their lawyer urged them to expose Tony - but also warned them that if they fought the case it could take months, and they risked a long prison sentence.

After five days the money was transferred to Tony's account, and they were allowed to leave.

Mr Ingram had missed his mother's funeral, but at least they were given a court document stating that there was insufficient evidence against them, and no charge.

"It was a harrowing, stressful experience," he said.

The couple say they now want to take legal action to recover their money.

The BBC has spoken to Tony and the regional police commander, Colonel Teeradej Phanuphan.

They both say Tony was merely helping the couple with translation, and raising bail to keep them out of prison.

Tony says about half the £7,500 was for bail, while the rest were "fees" for the bail, for his work, and for a lawyer he says he consulted on their behalf.

In theory, he says, they could try to get the bail portion refunded.

Colonel Teeradej says he will investigate any possible irregularities in their treatment. But he said any arrangement between the couple and Tony was a private affair, which did not involve the police.

Letters of complaint to the papers here in Thailand make it clear that passengers are regularly detained at the airport for alleged shoplifting, and then made to pay middlemen to win their freedom.

The Danish Embassy says one of its nationals was recently subjected to a very similar scam, and earlier this month an Irish scientist managed to flee Thailand with her husband and one year-old son after being arrested at the airport and accused of stealing an eyeliner worth around £17.

Tony told the BBC that so far this year he has "helped" about 150 foreigners in trouble with the police. He says sometimes he does it for no charge.

The British Embassy has also warned passengers at Bangkok Airport to take care not to move items around in the duty free shopping area before paying for them, as this could result in arrest and imprisonment.


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Excellent. The more adverse publicity these incidents attract the better. The Sunday Times article brought a response from King Power. When a world famous organisation like the BBC feature this story on their website it is even more attention grabbing. :D

I notice that as yet we have not been treated to a video from King Power on the Irish Scientist who went to Bangkok for a conference and "stole" an eyeliner for 900 baht approx. Perhaps she was attempting to defray some of her travel expenses. :)

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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


Edited by aussiejohn
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Nevermind. So are theycoming back to get money back, file charges?

Think before you post, aswin

He is a UK Government consultant , she is ex UN

Things will be done quietly. No face lost

Edited by aussiejohn
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The story seems to be getting more coverage:

Tourists warned of Thailand airport scam

By Jonathan Head

BBC News, 20-07-09

Bangkok showcase new international airport is no stranger to controversy....

Didn't J.Head get transferred to Albania or something? Suppose he had to write this one cause the new guy still believes everything the thais tell him.... ..

Edited by Shah Jahan
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Nevermind. So are theycoming back to get money back, file charges?

Think before you post, aswin

He is a UK Government consultant , she is ex UN

Things will be done quietly. No face lost

A little bit of the pot calling the kettle black here. How do you know there will be no fuss or loss of face?

Getting your picture plastered all over Times Online is hardly a no fuss start.

Personally I would like to see them have a go if they still claim they are innocent. But since they preferred to pay 8,000 pounds to the Sri Lankan conman rather than 50,000 baht for a lawyer I am not holding my breath.

50,000 baht...try like 12,000 baht. Right on. You have made a good point...its all part of their con! believe me they are still up thousands in their careers in confidence.
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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


where do you get the video mate?

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In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.:D

Thats the kinda talk we need, cut off the crook's hand. But why stop there? Why not just do a summary execution right in the shop? After all, "honest" people have nothing to fear in LOS, do they?

Jeez, I hope they don't crack down on jay walking too.. Gonna be a lot of bodies piled up near intersections :D:)

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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


Sounds reasonable but if they were arrested at the departure gate why didn't either of them have the wallet? Surely, once out of the shop and into the departure gate area they would have felt safe? Afterall, they were about ready to board the plane.

The old aussie fart shot someone, what has that got to do with lifting stuff out of a shop? By the way Chiangmai prison is the only one in the country that allows foreigners to get KFC, or pizza on special occasions but its always cold.

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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


Sounds reasonable but if they were arrested at the departure gate why didn't either of them have the wallet? Surely, once out of the shop and into the departure gate area they would have felt safe? Afterall, they were about ready to board the plane.

The old aussie fart shot someone, what has that got to do with lifting stuff out of a shop? By the way Chiangmai prison is the only one in the country that allows foreigners to get KFC, or pizza on special occasions but its always cold.

lol :D

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I hope this newspaper article gets posted worldwide.

The Scam money gets divided up even to the highest level of the police hierarchy.

No tourists means no business means more scams and more corruption.

The land of smiles all the way to the bank. :)

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In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.:D

Thats the kinda talk we need, cut off the crook's hand. But why stop there? Why not just do a summary execution right in the shop? After all, "honest" people have nothing to fear in LOS, do they?

Jeez, I hope they don't crack down on jay walking too.. Gonna be a lot of bodies piled up near intersections :D:)

That is ridiculous....The point is that different countries have different ways of dealing with criminals and foriegners should respect those laws or choose not to travel there. Your point on jaywalking is silly and unrelated to the issue that these guys were caught on video, and given a chance to walk and pay or stay and pay and probably do 3 months in jail after being prosecuted. Again I should state that they were lucky they were not in Daharan and of Pakistani descent.....or they would have lost their hand. Needless to say, you are right that we should never want this kind of justice anywhere else especially for petty crimes.

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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


where do you get the video mate?



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Watch the video...you can clearly see the british man look around just before his wife goes in to the mark. These guys are working a classic confidence game. Textbook my whinging friends! She mixes the merchandise up and then switches positions to confuse. puts one mark back but has two....the one goes in the bag from the other side where the man stands watching before he comes around and looks at her to see if she has made it as well as block the view from back stage left. She leaves before him and from a different exit point. You have to focus on the body language around the mark not on the mark itself. Remember they know there is a camera and they do not care because it wont matter later when they scream CORRUPTION on the part of the shop because the mark is not in their possesion and the video is vague concerning the path of the mark into the bag and because the fourth person(keen or not) gets on the plane with the mark which was handed to him in the security line. The problem with their game in this case is that they assumed that since they did not have the mark when searched that they would be let free(this is usually the case)This is where the corruption comes in...Thai law provides for immediate incarceration for shoplifting until the court case which in Thailand can take months...but only the video is enough to incarcerate. Look....these guys freaked out like landed fish(typical of confidence guys) and were offered a way to avoid hard time and they cut a deal and paid and this was not part of their plan to have to pay. Now they are looking for(and obviously getting) your confidence in them as victims of dreaded incarceration due to misunderstanding and corruption. In Chang Mai last year an Aussie man shot another man in the face at point blank over a war that has been protested extensively for 30 years and received only 2 years in the chang mai jail and spa resort where you can get sleeping poills, KFC, Pizza Company delivered to your door. He will be out soon and paid nothing to speak of...NOW THERE IS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT. In some countries you would lose your hand for what they did. Anyone who lives an honest life in Thailand should be glad this happened.


CHECK THIS OUT. THEY ARE GUILTY AS ALL F**** or shall I say probably NOT innocent until never to be proven guilty b/c they were lucky the demonized Sri Lankan guy rocked up!!!!!


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Quite a twist to this story (if it's true), specially the changed "outerwear" and the wallet beeing abondend in the trash bin... Looking at the video does make it look like these guys are actually shoplifting... That Thai police is corrupt shouldn't be anything new for a bunch of expats I would think ?! It's like living in Pakistan beeing suprised that there are mujahedin in the country... LOL

The moral of this story is don't accidentally shove merchandise into your bag and run for the door then to a bathroom and change clothes when you really just accidentally mixed a few items up when you were shopping in a store in an airport in Thailand!!!!!lol

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I hope this newspaper article gets posted worldwide.

The Scam money gets divided up even to the highest level of the police hierarchy.

No tourists means no business means more scams and more corruption.

The land of smiles all the way to the bank. :D

Yes, I think the word is well and truly out - Thailand has many attractions when compared to many countries around the World - especially my own, the UK. However, the constant bad news on treatment of tourists has well and truly established a pattern. Through all of this the governments have done very little to save the face of the country.

I think the Thais take is, we did ok before tourist came and we will do ok after they give up and move on. The backpackers, by and large, have already moved on. Families, obviously, will put 'safety' as a high priority on their holdiday destination which cannot be taken for granted in Thailand. This leaves the sexpats, retirees and the gap year kids along with those of us who have established ties within the country - either by marriage or business (or both).

Hope Thailand find something to replace the tourist industry in those areas of the country which rely heavily on this income stream :)

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(Mario2008 @ 2009-06-28 09:47:59)
Although it happened at a King Power store, there is no involvement of King Power itself. Let's not suggest it is or call for boycotts etc.

(dominique355 @ 2009-06-29 08:42:29)

What are you talking about? Of course King Power was involved. If some one is accused of stealing, only the owner of the stolen good can accuse or press charges and that was King Power.

And these lame excused "we cannot control what happens after" doesn't get them off the hook. They, King Power through it's employees started the whole thing. So clearly they are involved.

What it means is that there is a difference between individual employees operating a scam and the company itself operating a scam. Here the company itself is not scamming its costumers.

That is BS...In Thailand once the police arrive it is in their's and the courts hands...King Power cannot "drop the charges".The only thing they could have done was not called the police rather let them go free; but that would have been really stupid because they found the wallet in a trash can in the bathroom where the guy ran after the lady was apprehended.

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That is BS...In Thailand once the police arrive it is in their's and the courts hands...King Power cannot "drop the charges".The only thing they could have done was not called the police rather let them go free; but that would have been really stupid because they found the wallet in a trash can in the bathroom where the guy ran after the lady was apprehended.

Please inform us where you have learned that the guy ran to the bathroom. The statement from King Power, itself actually a statement from the security personnel claims that he walked to a bathroom, no running, no chase, nothing like you are implying.

And I think that they claim the wallet was found in a wastebin outside the bathroom.

Please explain how you think that the lady was apprehended at the table in the restaurant. Every other report states that they were arrested as they waited to board their flight.

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