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Safe To Drive To Kota Bharu?


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I have to do a visa run to Kota Bharu in a couple weeks. I have my own truck, is it safe (as a westerner) to drive the southern route - from Nakhon Si Thammarat to Kota Bharu? I don't think the violence is targeting foreigners... but I want to be safe. Any advice? Best route to drive? Has anyone done this visa run lately? Also, how long does it take to get the visa? I have heard they can get your passport/visa back to you the same day you turn it in - is this true? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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I have to do a visa run to Kota Bharu in a couple weeks. I have my own truck, is it safe (as a westerner) to drive the southern route - from Nakhon Si Thammarat to Kota Bharu?
*Probably* OK if one sticks to the main road (Route 43/42) but why not just go to Sadao, 50km south of Hatyai? That road is totally safe.
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You don't say what kind of visa (run?) you're doing.

If it's just a border run, Sadao, It's closer. If you're going for a new visa, from Nakhon it has to be Penang. If however, you're just want to see a bit more of Thailand, then do as Roota stated.

Incidentally, albeit a few years ago, I did that route and to be honest, found nothing but only very genuinely friendly and over generous people.

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Thanks for the advice - I have never been to Kota Bharu - but I am hearing from friends and a lawyer that I work with... that it is now easier to get the 1 year visa that I need in KB. We will stick to the main highways - and then possibly go from there to the perhentian islands.

Thanks again!

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be careful saying hello or chatting to any local women in KB.

You will be watched very closely by the men.

I've only been there once, never again.

True.... there are a lot of different between Kelantan folk(KB is main town for kelantan state) and others Malaysians in general particularly Malay community...

The malay are dominant although got a few Thai and chinese folks stay in KB......

the Kelantan state are more Islamic than others state in Malaysia.... the Muslim woman are compulsory to wear head scarf (tudung), otherwise public will condemn or even curse them.... and wearing a sexy dress are strightly prohibited, including nonmuslim themself ... it's internal law for Kelantan.

as you can see if you visited Kota Bharu, the billboard are not allowed to show the picture of women if without wearing a headscarf.... :)

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