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Just Bought A Barbie Doll And She Has Changed!


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Our cook's 5 year old daughter requested a real Barbie doll, so I went out and bought one for her today. Some extra clothes too, because whats the fun in Barbie if you can't change her clothes?

Anyway, first thing I noticed was how much Barbie has changed! She must have had some serious breast reduction surgery because she is now proportionate! Her waist is a normal size too! :)

Almost bought her a Ken doll too but figured maybe she wasn't ready for Barbie and Ken :D

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Our cook's 5 year old daughter requested a real Barbie doll, so I went out and bought one for her today. Some extra clothes too, because whats the fun in Barbie if you can't change her clothes?

Anyway, first thing I noticed was how much Barbie has changed! She must have had some serious breast reduction surgery because she is now proportionate! Her waist is a normal size too! :)

Almost bought her a Ken doll too but figured maybe she wasn't ready for Barbie and Ken :D

It's been a long time since anyone called me Ken Doll............ :D

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There are often several Barbie's dotted about my apartment as my 4 year old girl loves them.

They are usually in various stages of undress and often in very compromising positions, they do seem very flexible and I bet that action man would have all sorts of fun with them, he might not think much of the purple one though as that girl definitely went OTT on the nail varnish.

Another is headless, the reason being is that to dress/undress them their heads have to be removed first and the noggin of one unfortunate Barbie was last seen rolling under the fridge somewhere.

Quite disturbing really when you think about.

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Be wary, very wary!!

Is that not how serial killers start - pulling the heads of dollies, flies, kittens and on up to the final reward?

Good to hear Barbie is now not so top heavy ä la Dolly Parton! See, us Feminazi's do get our voice heard from time to time!!!

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  • 1 month later...

I actually did the math on a Barbie doll when I was a kid, because she looked so absurd to me. If you assume she is 5'6" tall, she measures 40-22-34. Yes, sbk, they have changed the Barbie doll's figure to something a bit less mind-boggling. It's a good thing. The bad part is the clothes you had for your Barbie doll won't fit your daughter's Barbie doll.

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  • 4 months later...

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