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The Driving Licence Video


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Well, I went in today to get another five years and went through the old eye test and reaction test. I wasn't prepared for, nor did I really understand, the lining up the bars game, but apparently passed.

Next came the video I'd heard so much about. I was expecting gruesome facts about and images of deaths on the road, but found it to be a Thai soap! I can't understand why two girls (fellow viewers and licence applicants) were chatting and playing games on their phones... I thought they'd be well into it. Some fella with an i-phone became really good at a game, too.

Anyway, I watched it and while it's fresh in my memory, here's a brief synopsis. I'd appreciate anything I've missed out to be added.

Sticky sweet perfect couple with a gold Fortuner and 10 year-old daughter. Next door neighbour is a Chinese Thai ugly man with a son who's the sweet girl's schoolmate (dare I say boyfriend?). There was no sign of Ugly's wife/boy's mum. Ugly drives a ratty, early 90s Accord which has been modified. Mrs Perfect is learning to drive.

The Perfects and Ugly have the odd in-street disagreement because of Ugly's driving habits. He does everything wrong from spitting, dropping fag butts, wheeelspins, no seatbelt, jumping red lights etc etc. (no real Thai would relate themselves to him, and therefore won't change because of him. Far too OTT) The Perfects really are perfect and have a lovely sofa and family atmosphere. The director seemed to forget or not care the the sweet girl should be wearing a seatbelt in the back of daddy's Fortuner.

The sweet girl is upset at lunch and realises her parents have argued with her boyfriend's dad. All go round for a chat and the girl takes a cake. It doesn't work out and Ugly gets the arse and does some more bad driving. He gets stopped by the police, feels annoyed rather than ashamed and also a cyclist he'd run off the road comes and puts his 2cents' worth in.

Later that day Ugly is trying a very unThai-like :) trick of overtaking up the hard shoulder/cycle lane only to find it blocked and he crashes into a post! Co-incidentally, the Perfects are the first car to stop and help by calling an ambulance. The boy appears to be brain damaged and his Ugly dad is racked with remorse. He's now driving a Mitsubishi Galant (I think) and doing so very slowly. He did, however, forget to fasten both his and his newly damaged son's seatbelts!

Back home they're all friends, but there's a message in there somewhere.... maybe the message was in the other viewers' phones, because #1 that's where their attention was and #2 I didn't learn anything othet than you CAN make a Thai soap without that awful 'music.'

I hope I haven't ruined the plot for anyone hoping to enjoy the show!

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Well, I went in today to get another five years and went through the old eye test and reaction test. I wasn't prepared for, nor did I really understand, the lining up the bars game, but apparently passed.

Next came the video I'd heard so much about. I was expecting gruesome facts........

Sounds totally fascinating & non-sensical. Where can I get a copy? :)

BTW, didn't you understand the subliminal meaning? Fat, ugly, rude, spitting, cigarette smoking & low class people, have accidents. Maybe that's why the others were playing games instead of watching the video? Maybe they didn't fit into the "people who have accidents" class?

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Do you only have to watch the video or is there a test afterwards?

I renewed my car licence if February and didn't have to do anything, only get my photo taken but my bike licence is due for renewal in October - video sounds like a barrel of laughs by the way :) i can't wait!

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No test afterwards, but the only bit of any bikes was when one went the wrong way up the road... maybe there's a video just for bikes, but I doubt it. What would it be about? Where's teh safest place on teh machine to put a newborn baby.

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