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Blinky Bill Is Looking For A New Home In Chiang Mai


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No, not THAT Blinky Bill, this one.


I started off with 2 cute little gerbils and according to the expert at the pet shop, they were both boys. After the birth of 4 more babies yesterday I can definitely say that one of them is female and extremely fertile.

I love them all and find it hard to part with them so I am looking for good homes for them in advance. I will only give them to you if you take a pair. I promise you that it will be a pair of boys or girls. Gerbils play with each other, talk to each other and sleep together in a nest as well as live twice as long if they have a companion.

Blinky Bill and his brother / sister are now ready to move out and into someone else's life. He is now starting to take an unhealthy interest in his mother and I am tired of the monthly new arrivals so I am trying to keep the " interactions " to a minimum.

I have their bags packed and you can come pick them up in a week. I can help you and advise you with regards housing and food for them. They are real easy to keep and don't smell as long as you change their bedding every week.

BB is black, white and grey. He is intelligent and when he is older I expect he will also become a TV member. This one dosnt drink or make smart ass remarks and supports the English cricket team. His sister / brother is a little quieter and is a tan and white colour.

I want to keep them for a week more as they are taking care of the babies with their mother.

Send me a pm if interested and or you can drop by and see them. You can only look at the babies at this stage but not touch. They will be looking for names and homes in about 6 weeks as well.post-61386-1251005706_thumb.jpg

Edited by ChiangMaiFurnishedApts
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No, not THAT Blinky Bill, this one.

I started off with 2 cute little gerbils and according to the expert at the pet shop, they were both boys. After the birth of 4 more babies yesterday I can definitely say that one of them is female and extremely fertile.

I want to keep them for a week more as they are taking care of the babies with their mother.

Send me a pm if interested and or you can drop by and see them. You can only look at the babies at this stage but not touch. They will be looking for names and homes in about 6 weeks as well.

I had the same experience and ended up with about 73 in the space of 6 months!!!

In six weeks time you'll have about 27, if my maths is correct. My wife bought them because they were Black and White so they were promoted as Panda Mice. None of the litter were black n white so I imagine someone was a bit creative with the hair-dye. :)  

There's one born every minute ('mugs' and 'gerbils').

Edited by KevinHunt
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I used to think that the expression " breeding like rats " was a joke.

I have alienated all my friends over the last few months by forcing them to adopt the previous litters and now I am onto all of you next.

On a more serious note, they love to chew up old toilet rolls and pieces of cardboard and will shread a credit card statement or any other personal document in minutes.

Eco friendly shredders that run on nuts and the pieces of cucumber that I manage to aquire from the local 7/11.

Panda mice :) Reminds me of Fawlty Towers and Manuals Siberian Gerbil.

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I used to think that the expression " breeding like rats " was a joke.

I have alienated all my friends over the last few months by forcing them to adopt the previous litters and now I am onto all of you next.

On a more serious note, they love to chew up old toilet rolls and pieces of cardboard and will shread a credit card statement or any other personal document in minutes.

Eco friendly shredders that run on nuts and the pieces of cucumber that I manage to aquire from the local 7/11.

Panda mice :) Reminds me of Fawlty Towers and Manuals Siberian Gerbil.

I'll let you into a secret about what became of my mischief of mice.

I was cleaning out the cage one day and I put it on top of the washing machine when I had finished. I somehow got distracted with other jobs in the garden and then went off to work. When I returned in the evening I found a cage full of dead mice. The sun had moved around and exposed them to its ultra-violet rays and every one of them was dead. It was a genuine mishap and I grieve to this day at the thought of my murderous mistake. Thankfully, my wife wasn't too upset because I think that somehow 73 mice were not as cute as two. Maybe you know that already.

Sorry, I'll have to leave it there as I'm beginning to well up. Where did I leave the tissues?post-54542-1251010155.gif

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Back in England, I kept Hamsters, gerbils and mice for years.

I can tell you that with most of these rodents, keeping 2 or more of them together of the same sex doesn’t work. Eventually as they become adults, the rodents start becoming territorial and will fight to the death.

Hamsters will mate and after that prefer to live solitary, a male and a female gerbil normally mate then stay as a couple for life, mice prefer to live as a clan, best to have 1 male and several females.

Most of these are borrowing animals and those small box like cages with the exercise wheel sold in pet shops are completely unsuitable. Keeping them in a plastic or glass tank is also not recommended, especially in a warm country like Thailand. The tanks act like a greenhouse and sooner or later the animals will die from lack of a comfortable atmosphere.

They will stink if their cages are not cleaned out regularly, especially the urine.

As for the keeping of any pets, owners should be aware of their requirements and required habitats.

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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

Just like his namesake. :)

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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

Somebody named a Gerbil after you!! Aren't they vermin? Somebody named vermin after you and you are 'touched' !!!

You most certainly are. :)

Edited by KevinHunt
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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

Somebody named a Gerbil after you!! Aren't they vermin? Somebody named vermin after you and you are 'touched' !!!

You most certainly are. :)

So poor ole Blinky Bill, you now consider as vermin and I`m riff raff.

Does this mean we are both now banned from your restaurant? Or is vermin exempt?

How about your avatar, wasn`t there a rat named after Basil?

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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

Somebody named a Gerbil after you!! Aren't they vermin? Somebody named vermin after you and you are 'touched' !!!

You most certainly are. :)

So poor ole Blinky Bill, you now consider as vermin and I`m riff raff.

Does this mean we are both now banned from your restaurant? Or is vermin exempt?

How about your avatar, wasn`t there a rat named after Basil?

BB was excited to be named after vermin - misguidedly in my opinion. I didn't consider him to be vermin, just a little 'touched' maybe. Having known him for nigh on twenty years I consider him to be a good egg, as eggs go (a litle bit addled, maybe?).

Whether you are riff raff or not is open to debate. Since I haven't knowingly met you, I'll reserve judgement for now. Did I really ban you? Maybe you were mistaken there too? Either you are a little too sensitive (nothing wrong with that) or you take people a little bit too literally. If you were banned, then so long as you aren't riff raff, you are most welcome into my humble hostelry; providing you are properly dressed of course (no cloaks or daggers).

Time for tennis - Tatty bye.

Edited by KevinHunt
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For a moment there I thought someone was tapping my phone lines but after reading a little further I realised that my secret wasn't out.

I am truly touched to know that a gerbil has been named after me. May little BB have a happy life with numerous partners and innumerable offspring.

Somebody named a Gerbil after you!! Aren't they vermin? Somebody named vermin after you and you are 'touched' !!!

You most certainly are. :)

So poor ole Blinky Bill, you now consider as vermin and I`m riff raff.

Does this mean we are both now banned from your restaurant? Or is vermin exempt?

How about your avatar, wasn`t there a rat named after Basil?

BB was excited to be named after vermin - misguidedly in my opinion. I didn't consider him to be vermin, just a little 'touched' maybe. Having known him for nigh on twenty years I consider him to be a good egg, as eggs go (a litle bit addled, maybe?).

Whether you are riff raff or not is open to debate. Since I haven't knowingly met you, I'll reserve judgement for now. Did I really ban you? Maybe you were mistaken there too? Either you are a little too sensitive (nothing wrong with that) or you take people a little bit too literally. If you were banned, then so long as you aren't riff raff, you are most welcome into my humble hostelry; providing you are properly dressed of course (no cloaks or daggers).

Time for tennis - Tatty bye.

Funny thing is, I recently reduced a bonking relationship to a plutonic relationship with a lass named Rat.

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You got it there Razza. She is currently in a state of suspended animation for the long hall to the former planet which is now known as a dwarf planet.

How did I know that you'd be the one to pick up on that?

Well, quite simply, it was that or a dog, and I had a strong sense that you do not consort - or even merely cavort - with critters of the canine variety.

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You got it there Razza. She is currently in a state of suspended animation for the long hall to the former planet which is now known as a dwarf planet.

How did I know that you'd be the one to pick up on that?

Well, quite simply, it was that or a dog, and I had a strong sense that you do not consort - or even merely cavort - with critters of the canine variety.

I knew of a guy who cavorted with canines. I was disgusted, so I asked him 'How low can you stoop?'. His answer was 'A corgi'!!!!!!

P.S. If Alfieconn is reading this ..... It's a joke. :)

P.P.S  Sorry, But I'm not sure if jokes are allowed here? Maybe it could be moved to the 'jokes' section? 

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