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Shooting Video In Thailand

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Considering the trouble that the producers of Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand have recently gotten themselves into showing gun-toting jet-ski operators I was hoping someone might be able to shed some light for me on what things I need to be concerned about possibly shooting some video in Thailand.

My idea was to get some Thai models with decent English skills to do instructional videos for a very male dominated audience. The gals would be given a script and would only need to read the script and act flirty and sexy. No nudity. Nothing naughty. Just good old fashioned using attractive looking women acting seductively to help sell a product.

My first problem is what they would be giving instruction on is playing gambling games. Obviously gambling in Thailand is illegal but no gambling would be taking place in the videos. They would simply be describing how to play the games. And the audience would not be aimed at anyone living in Thailand. Rather it would be for people living in countries where gambling is legal.

So, I've got two initial issues:

1. Do I need any sort of special authorization to film such a thing in Thailand?

2. Would Thai actresses/models describing how to play gambling games be illegal?

From there, I would obviously need releases and such. Anybody have any advice on where to go for releases in Thai? Or do they even need to be in Thai is the actress/model speaks English? Are there any special clauses that should be included in a Thai release form?

I know that's a lot but perhaps someone has some experience in this area and can offer some insight.

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I think Thailand can do without the kind of tourism promotion you have in mind!

I hope someone here on TV will be able to shoot your dream down in legal terms.


OP allow me to introduce you to one of our more judgemental, anally retentative members... :)

To answer your questions:

1. Think the gambling aspect will be an issue

2. Yes there is a goverment department, but considering what has been going on recently, think you idea would be poo pooed on..

how about this compromise.....Thai actress' and film in Cambodia, have a feeling you wont have a problem there and if you pick some where scenic like Angkor, nice backdrop or filler..

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Thousands of videos are shot in Thailand every year. At least one of them, included card-related gambling. If you need to find a model, a site, or release forms, you should visit a video production company, of which there are dozens in Bangkok.

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OP allow me to introduce you to one of our more judgemental, anally retentative members... :)

Thanks for this comment, but you are probably right.

I've only been living here for 25 years and I somehow have an understanding about how the Thais would like their country to be portrayed and promoted to the outside world.

It would not hurt to think from the viewpoint of the Thai people and Thai authorities.


Just maybe o-saviour of Thai morals, If Thailand cleaned up its own act with respect to certain aspects of Thai society, then may be it would be protrayed and promoted to the outside world in a more positive light...just a thought.. :D

I dont see what relevance, you being here for 25 years has to the OP's question, Personally think the OP has asked what appears to be a legimate and relevant question and was asking opinion and you immediately branded him as an "undesirable" obviously up to no good.


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Your video can likely be done, but, yes, there are rules, procedures and government paperwork. You could contact myself, via PM, or any one of several other Film Board Certified producers (of which I am one). Shooting without that opens you up to a lot of issues, but that's not to say it can't be done of course.

Dr. B

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First off, allow me to clarify and say that the video is not intended for tourism purposes. It has nothing to do with Thailand other than I happen to be here and finding attractive Thai models/actresses seems a lot easier than say Swedish bombshells in Bangkok. I'm not attempting to portray Thailand in any light positive or negative anymore than Cathrine Zeta Jones portrayed Wales positively/negatively in the Mask of Zorro.

I guess to be perfectly clear, the idea is to shoot these videos and host them on a website. People who want to learn about gambling could come and watch a few free videos but if they want access to the entire collection they would need to register. Currently there are tons of people who pay to watch some 150kg gambling expert teach them about the games. The idea was to basically teach the same exact thing except using eye-candy.

And since gambling isn't legal in Thailand the audience isn't people in Thailand and thus wouldn't be marketed here. In fact, it wouldn't be marketed in any jurisdiction where gambling isn't legal.

I'm thinking that it sounds like I could probably shoot this without any sort of government red tape as long as it never caught the eye of the Thai authorities. Because technically I don't think anyone would ever be able to prove where it was shot since it will be all interior scenes. Though for a few extra baht it might be worth flying someone over to Macau for a weekend and shooting it there.

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