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Anyone Spotted Skippy Natural Peanut Butter In Chiang Mai Lately?

Ulysses G.

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As far as stirring up chilled peanut butter

Sorry if I wasn't clear. I found that once I open a new room-temperature jar and stir it, if I then store it in the fridge I never need to stir it again. The pb stays solid and mixed. But to each his own. I tried Tida's & didn't care for the taste. Rimping and Tops used to carry Mission brand pb, also no sugar & oil added, & that was my favorite but they stopped stocking it maybe a year ago. The hunt for the perfect pb continues...

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The woman at Baan Suan Pac Health food store claims that the local brands of "natural" peanut butter all have "lard" in them. I've always trusted her, but she keep cutting the size of her own products while keeping the same price.

Her peanut butter is now so small and so expensive, that I want to replace it with Skippy Natural which is cheaper and tastes better, but does not claim to be "organic".

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From what I have been able to gather finding healthy peanuts is difficult. Peanuts are actually legume like bean and don't have a protective shell like most nuts. The lack of a hard shell means the bean can easily absorb various pesticides, fungacides and fungus. If the peanuts are grown in a moist climate then either they have to be dosed with lots of fungacides or they will grown aflatoxins which are very immunosuppressive. Many studies show high levels of pesticide cocktails in Peanuts. Most of the peanut products seem to be coming from China so definitely not organic or trustworthy. China is the #1 producer in the world. Most of Thailand is moist soils so Thai peanuts are not desireable.

The organic brands of US peanut butter seem to source their peanuts from dry climates like New Mexico where they can be grown without fungus.

It's a hard decision. A Pesticide/Fungacide and aflatoxin free peanut is proven to be very healthy. It's just a question of finding them in a sea of less desireable peanuts.

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Thanks for that. I wondered why her organic peanut butter kept getting smaller and smaller without any reduction in price. It sounds like maybe the wholesale price of organic peanuts has been going up and this is her way of dealing with it.

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Thanks for that. I wondered why her organic peanut butter kept getting smaller and smaller without any reduction in price. It sounds like maybe the wholesale price of organic peanuts has been going up and this is her way of dealing with it.

General,.....it wasnt so long ago that you told us that Peanut Butter can cause Cancer.....now you're raving about it :) .................remember Elvis !!!

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Okay, just for fun and clarification and because I have grown peanuts for my own use when in appropriate hot, dry climates:

The peanut is a fruit.

The part we normally consume is the seed of that fruit.

People who cannot eat nuts usually have no problem eating peanuts because it is not a nut.

I however, am.

The plant that produces this fruit is a legume.

The flowering part of this plant pushes down into the soil to grow the fruit which contains its seeds.

Peanuts can be successfully grown in wetter climates but it is a pain, as I can attest, because you have to grow them under cover and keep a very close eye,

as with everything else I have EVER grown, on the moisture level in the soil or fungi runs rampant.

Here in T-Land, I give peanuts a quick steam (I use a pressure cooker for MANY things here) then dry.

While I know that it does little for pesticides, which are mostly in the outer casing which I remove, I at least know that any fungal or bacterial infestations are gone.

Slowly now, the plant is a legume;

The webbed covering with its contents is a fruit;

The part that we normally eat is the SEED of a fruit - not a legume, not a nut.

We use peanut oil often in cooking in our home because it has a quite high 'smoking point' - a good thing when you have a Thai wife who tends to think that the 'bigger the flame, the better'..

You know, the old ThaiWay, 'the louder the muffler, the faster I go in traffic, the louder the music, the louder I talk, the stronger the odor of aging fish/meat in my market, the louder my dogs bark...'

Oops, sorry. This thread is about pea(not peas)nuts(not nuts). Are we nuts? Wouldn't it be easier just to eat tomatoes? (not a vegetable but a fruit and don't sprout the seeds as they are poisonous)...


Edited by Dustoff
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That was interesting details. Dustoff do you know of any commercial peanut farmers in Thailand and how they are grown? Perhaps they don't use fungacides and still avoid aflatoxin.

I have read for example that 75% of the peanuts grown in the US are grown in the humid Southeast. Most of the organic US peanuts are grown in the dry southwest. Apparently there is a lot of effort to grow organic peanuts in Georgia etc but rough going getting any decent results. They try to use different ground cover plants to prevent weeds and necessary tilling. If they can figure out a way to not till the soil then they think its possible.

Funny how names are generated. In China they are called Shandong Groundnuts or something.

edit... more names from the wiki.

Peanuts are known by many local names, including earthnuts, ground nuts, goober peas and monkey nuts; the last of these is often used to mean the entire pod.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Anyone spotted Skippy Natural Peanut Butter in Chiang Mai lately? It has no hydrogonated oils, but stays solid because it is mixed with natuaral palm oil.

Bangkok and Pattaya sell it everywhere, but I can't find it in CM now. Have you seen it around?

honestly,do you really come all the way to chiang mai to get skippy peanutbutter ???

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UG. Have you tried asking Rimping/tops to order it for you? I have heard of people requesting items and sometimes they oblige.

If anyone has info on how to go about requesting something or past experiences it would be interesting. I am reluctant to try because I don't know the process.

Wow that was a sweet croissant smack down. KO'd.

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