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Yellow Tabian Baan


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Maybe the ladies here can help. Tried the Thai visa section but no luck there.

I am trying to get a yellow tabian baan. I really need it so I can start the Thai citizenship process now I'm coming up to 3 years in Thailand. We went into the amphur with all the things they said they needed: hubby's blue tabiaan baan & ID card, our marriage certificate and family document which was issued by them, my current passport/Thai driver licence and ID docs, plus my old passport that shows my initial visa & entry dates, and two witnesses from the village, one of whom is the puyai baan.

However I was then turned down because the office staff said my Thai visa must be linked to my marriage. I was transferred here by my employer before I met husband, so they have arranged my visas & work docs for the 3 years I have been here.

Now I'm in a quandry....if the decision was based on something official then I could understand it. But the amphur staff just had a pow-wow around a desk and then rejected it outright. Since I don't think there are any other farang women with Thai husbands in our amphur, in fact there's hardly any farang at all, I find it hard to believe they knew the answer outright without even checking a handbook, or with their boss. I suspect this was a case of giving any answer, rather than the right answer. It's a small amphur office and if we go back there's no chance we'll have any different staff serving us - all 3 counter staff were involved in the rejection decision.

So...ladies what do I do? Is there anywhere in Bangkok I can go to check the requirements, and get them in writing so I can be certain whether I should try again (or just give up). You can imagine hubby's reaction, he hates dealing with officialdom, the thought of going back again makes him turn green at the gills!

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Ooh sorry to hear that. Sounds like you had nitpicky women determined to find a reason to reject you. Mine was super easy, no witnesses needed as the guy said "don't worry about it, I know you"

Hmmm. Not sure where to go to help but you coulf try calling the special branch police in Bkk that handle citizenship applications and see if they have any suggestions for you. I don't have the number on me but if you PM samran he has it.

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I agree that the OP has found one of 'those' amphur offices. Where is it by the way?

Their 'visa must be linked to marriage' statement is 100% bullsh!t IMHO. Although legally married, my visa was and still is a Non-B and not a Non-O when I applied for and obtained my yellow book. I assume this is the same as the OP's situation. But, that is not to say that the amphur I used was ignorant of the rules and maybe the requirement for a marriage visa does apply. I can see your search for the truth will be long and arduous as anyone you ask will make up an answer to hide their ignorance.

Now, if the OP is from a country that allows a citizen to have 2 passports in their name, then get a 2nd passport and next time you are home, get a Thai Non-O visa in it and then front up to those biatches at the amphur and see what excuse they come up with next.

Mine was done in Udon which is regarded as farang friendly whereas 10 miles down the road in Nongbua Lamphu, the amphur will apparently see you in hel_l before they will issue any yellow book to any farang.

Good luck!

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My amphur flatly denies that there is such a thing as a special tabian baan for farangs.

So I'm stuck with a blank blue one without my (or anyone's, as I'm single) name in it, and when i go to renew the visa they ask for it and when I say that the ampur says that farang can't be in a tabien baan they say no, farang can/should have a yellow tabien baan, which I know, but try telling that to my amphur...!!!!!!!!


Actually have it on my "to do" list to make another try at this, it's been a few years. As soon as I finish fighting with the folks remodellng my kitchen and solve my electrical problems. If I'm still sane by then....

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two things come to mind.....

get them to call (via your mobile of course) special branch where you do the application. Maybe they (special branch) can smooth the process....they tend to be quite helpful.

Other option is to go to another ampur where you may know someone and get a yellow tabieen baan there. Then transfer to where you need to be. Or, get your hubby to temporarily to transfer his ID to the new, more co-operative Ampur.

Remember, you also need a family certificate from the Ampur as well. Describe this in the citizenship thread.

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Thanks Samran and NL,

Hubby plans to go into Udon which is near our district, to see if he can find someone more helpful since it's a much bigger office. We already have the family certificate, they issued that when we showed them our overseas marriage cert (stamped by Thai Consular Affairs) & Thai translation. Samran good idea about contacting Special Branch, we'll keep that one up our sleeve. It might take me a while to convince hubby to deal with yet another government agency, hahaha.

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  • 7 months later...

Well after many false starts we finally got the yellow book this past week. Ultimately after much consultation they decided to issue it once they saw:

- my passport & Thai visa: certified copies from Embassy plus Thai translation of both the photo page and current visa.

- my birth certificate: certified copy plus Thai translation.

- our marriage certificate: (our overseas marriage was already registered with the Amphur so only their original registration document plus one copy required.

- hubby's tabiaan baan & ID card.

- two witnesses from the village that know us as a married couple.

According to their registration book I was the 3rd farang in our Amphur to get a book this year and the only woman.

They had a lot of trouble with my "status" because I am not on a spouse visa, I have my own visa for employment purposes and this really stumped them. Once they got over that hurdle all went fine.

Our next battle is to try and get the child (who is not related to hubby) on one of our books as well...the lady at the Amphur looked like she might faint when we asked her about THAT. So we will leave that challenge for another day

Edited by Goinghomesoon
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8 months later. TIT. Glad to hear it finally worked. I think there is something on the Ministry of Interior website that you can contact for future issues. good luck ghs

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My amphur flatly denies that there is such a thing as a special tabian baan for farangs.

Do you mind telling us which one is your amphur? so we are prepared for it....

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