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It's Official! Fewer Smiles In Thailand


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From Mercator.com http://www.mercatornet.com/

The 2009 Happy Planet Index http://www.happyplanetindex.org/ ranks Thailand the 41st happiest country in the world with an index score of 50.39, down from 55.9 in 2008.

Costa Rica on this index is the world's happiest country. 10 of the first 11 countries are Central and South American and Caribbean countries, which suggests that happiness does not equate with wealth. However, 13th is Saudi Arabia, which may suggest that Islam and the subjugation of women don't necessarily make for misery (I haven't checked how the data were processed yet).

Thailand is 7th in the ASEAN nations, topped by Vietnam. The Burmese (39th) are happier than the Thais, it appears.

Brazil's 9th placing bodes well for the 2016 Olympics with such apparently upbeat hosts. Australians, however, despite their noted cheerfulness at Sydney 2000, are really a rather glum lot, in 102nd position, followed by an incestuously close New Zealand at 103rd.

Dismal Egypt, home of the ultra-grumpy Muslim Brotherhood and engine room of Al-Qaeda, ranks a surprising 12th.

The happiest European countries are Holland (43rd) and Germany (51st), so Dutchmen seeking their lotus-land in LOS are not gaining much. Americans, however, in 114th spot, will be all smiles by comparison. Brits, despite their reputed penchant for critical analysis, will be less gleeful in LOS than their transatlantic cousins, as the UK is comparatively happy in 74th position.

Sadly, 18 of the 20 least happy nations are in Africa, even the apparently decent and benign Botswana of Mma Ramotswe and Mr JLB Maketoni (141st). The saddest of all nations is, as you might expect, Zimbabwe. So sad.

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I always believed these polls were created by Jewish organisations. I mean, who is this, MORI Poll?

But really, these polls are a load of B.S. Hands up all those who either took part or know someone who took part in this poll?

Maybe I'm to blame. I was approached in May but told them to <deleted> off...

:) Feel guilty now.

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I doubt the accuracy of this poll as well. The placing of some of those countries just doesn't make sense.

I guess it's also not a good indicator of where to live either. I've been to Costa Rica a few times, and while the female population seems happy and sincere, almost all the men were surly, rude, and willing to scam (or even mug/kill) you at the drop of a hat. That was the main reason I decided against moving there, and came to Thailand instead!

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Guess the instigators of this poll never visited L.O.S. :D

Look at any person in thailand, You smile at them they smile at you.

How many other countries can you say that about.

I know of one country without naming names, Smile at someone and the reaction would be who the xxxxx are you smiling at?

Ohh and i forgot if they do smile you could also be asked if you have any spare change. :)

Edited by cyb
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Theres still plenty of those FAKE smiles around, you know the type that quickly disappear after they get your money.....I guess some things never change :)

The trick is don't give, If the smiles continue maybe you have something. Or a ladyboy/bg with patience. :D:D

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Time to 'fess up. The index is not just about smiles, though they should be reflected in the "Life satisfaction" component of the Index. I've only skimmed the report very briefly - was more attracted to the rankings - but now can see that there are three components: Life expectancy, Life satisfaction, and Ecological footprint.

The third component is quite important. A country, e.g. Australia, where most people may think of themselves as reasonably happy and have a long life expectancy, will lose points on the index in proportion to the size of the ecological footprint. So if Australians are using up resources and polluting the environment as if there were no tomorrow, their very low ecological footprint score will seriously drag down their life expectation and satisfaction scores. (Incidentally, the US are using resources as if there were more than four planet Earths available to them! Most of the Western world and Japan assume there are 2-4.)

Thailand's ecological footprint is appropriate for 1-2 planets. Thailand, at 41, is in fact quite well placed compared to the 102 countries below it in the rankings, so presumably has reasonable life expectancy and reasonable life satisfaction as well as a relatively realistic ecological footprint.

I thought some of the rankings looked pretty odd (Egypt 12th in happiness! Saudi Arabia 13th!! New Zealand 102nd!?), but that's how they came up when measured by the threefold criteria.

Ian Forbes, I think your photos are terrific and hope they really are a reflection of the smilers' contentment and optimism about the future. :)

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You can build a poll to express just about any outcome you want, and some of the findings on this one seem a bit odd. Mind you I am not suprised that Costa Rica tops the list. I remembr visiting the place about 15 years ago on a flight from LA. When the pilot announced we were landing in Costa Rica...the whole plane burst out clapping (and smiling).

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Ian Forbes, I think your photos are terrific and hope they really are a reflection of the smilers' contentment and optimism about the future. :)

Well this little Thai guy wasn't so sure about the big, bald white farang that smiled at him...


I usually get a better reaction from children but this little guy was obviously frightened. I think happiness is all wrapped up in expectations. There is an old saying that still holds true... "How do you keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paree (Paris)?" That is true just about everywhere. When people see what others have it is only natural that they will want it too. They just don't realize the effort it takes to obtain it, and what has to be given up to reach that goal.

I don't ask for a lot, so I'm not usually disappointed. Although my life style is sometimes mixed up with the wealthy, I'm just a poor pensioner who lives a frugal life and I manage my funds in the best manner possible.

It doesn't take a lot to make me happy and I enjoy the simple things in nature rather than high society stuff.

Bar girls, who have gotten used to the party atmosphere and high life, have a hard time adjusting back to the more mundain life they had before they left their villages. If they decide to settle down with some farang there are bound to be problems. That is one reason for all the maritial problems between old or middle age farangs who marry pretty bar girls.

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^^ Ian, they're always smiling in those bar girl pictures, afterall who wouldnt be smiling when the old crinkled up farang with too much money and a small pecker is shouting :) . Now how bout you make me smile and post some more of those Canadian fishing pictures :D

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^^ Ian, they're always smiling in those bar girl pictures, afterall who wouldnt be smiling when the old crinkled up farang with too much money and a small pecker is shouting :) . Now how bout you make me smile and post some more of those Canadian fishing pictures :D

Here yah go... a nice Cowichan River rainbow trout rising to a fly. That will put a smile on the face of any angler.


Even a lady friend of mine with her first trout on the Cowichan.


But I still like the smiles on my Thai kids having fun..



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Wow Ian, now you have got one extra smile on a face in thailand ...... i was gonna be a real prick and ask you which one was the trout but decided against it?

i wanna go there one day and catch myself a trout like that......perhaps i could use one of those little children as bait? :)

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The Burmese (39th) are happier than the Thais, it appears.

The junta are having a jolly time of it. As this free poll of its citizens shows. :)

This poll has to be bullsh!t there is noway anyone can believe that the burmese are happier than thais the people that made this poll must have sh!t for brains or in a coma for the last 30 years

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The Burmese (39th) are happier than the Thais, it appears.

The junta are having a jolly time of it. As this free poll of its citizens shows. :)

This poll has to be bullsh!t there is noway anyone can believe that the burmese are happier than thais the people that made this poll must have sh!t for brains or in a coma for the last 30 years

I couldn't agree more. If the Burmese were so happy in Myanmar then there wouldn't be half the Thai police force stationed in Northern Thailand with the express purpose of keeping Burmese nationals out of Thailand.

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The Burmese (39th) are happier than the Thais, it appears.

The junta are having a jolly time of it. As this free poll of its citizens shows. :)

This poll has to be bullsh!t there is noway anyone can believe that the burmese are happier than thais the people that made this poll must have sh!t for brains or in a coma for the last 30 years

It does seem hard to fathom, doesn't it. I wonder how they gathered data in Burma. How do you get reliable data on questions about life satisfaction in a place like that? Burmese life expectancy at birth in 2005 was 57.3 years, compared with Thais' 69.3. Their ecological footprint is probably minimal though (it shows up on the Ecological Footprint map, p. 25, as using resources sustainably). The report can be downloaded at http://www.happyplanetindex.org/public-dat...t-index-2-0.pdf for those with time to read it.

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