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Doctors Note


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Hi all,

I am off work with a bout of food poisoning. I seem to be over the worst now and feel I can actually risk venturing away from the toilet. I now need a doctors note. Where can I get one? do they need to see proof (all appears to be ok now so no evidence)? can anyone reccommend a hospital where they wont try and overcharge me?


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I have just been to st paulo hospital and I am now 800bht down. My medical insurance will cover half of that but it still pissed me off. Seems rather excessive and 600bht of that was for the doctor to ask whats wrong, prod my stomach and ask if it hurts.

I clearly stated from the second I walked in that I had suffered from food poisoning but was now recovered fully and just needed a doctors note.

Perhaps I should have insisted they tell me up front how much it is going to cost me. I have heard of this hospital trying to overcharge friends before. One guy had an ECG for what turned out to be food poisoning and then one night in ICU costing nearly 100k.

I have also been informed by my gf that normally it costs around 100-200 bht for a doctors certificate but perhaps this is at a local clinic.

If anyone can recommend how to get a note cheaper it would be greatly welcomed for next time.

(sick note, doctors note, work)

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  • 5 months later...

hotpitals have a minimum charge to consult with a doctor, this is where the THB 800 comes in...circa $23 to see a doctor, go and try that one in the Western world....you have stated your medical scheme pays half...$ 11.50 cost to you.........you could have got it cheaper but couldnt be ar*ed.....so stop Whinging...must be slow day at school...

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I clearly stated from the second I walked in that I had suffered from food poisoning but was now recovered fully and just needed a doctors note.

To be honest, if I were you I would be happy that I even got a doctor's note at all. I get that you didn't feel up for leaving your house to go to the doctor, but I believe it's customary to go see a doctor while you are sick, not after you are better. :) I'm a little shocked that they would even give out a note to a completely healthy person, as they have no idea if you were making the whole thing up for whatever reason (and I am not saying that you lied...only that they have no way to know). But, I guess you can buy pretty much anything here in Thailand, can't you? :D

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Not illegal or unethical for a doctor to issue a sick leave note after the illness; the difference is just in the wording.

Instead of: " I certify that .... is suffering from....." where he has actually examined the patient, it should read "... as I have been informed...."

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