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Singapore Vs. Thailand


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I'm leaving Thailand in a month or so and have a connecting flight in SIA. I am thinking about staying there for a couple of weeks. Any suggestions on were to stay. The cheepest hotels I have seen so far are around $35 US. Are there 2 or 3 nightlife areas? How bad Is crime? Are the ladies after your wallet?---(Dumb question) I should have done more reasearch befor I left. :o -----Marshy

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I'm leaving Thailand in a month or so and have a connecting flight in SIA. I am thinking about staying there for a couple of weeks. Any suggestions on were to stay. The cheepest hotels I have seen so far are around $35 US. Are there 2 or 3 nightlife areas? How bad Is crime? Are the ladies after your wallet?---(Dumb question)  I should have done more reasearch befor I left. :D -----Marshy

Personally, after Thailand (though you don't say where/how long you've been in LOS) I wouldn't stay in S'pore for more than a few days/1 week - if that. "Asia light" at best and dull, dull, dull at worst - almost certainly a big let-down after LOS. I still remember a Swiss (!) couple telling me that S'pore is like a very big hospital........... how right they are. :o Line up a shorter stay that costs more than $35 a night.

Edited by Steve2UK
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I think people underestimate the Singapore nightlife, its got good bars, good clubs, great food, and a good naughty nightlife scene with more than with girls from Phillipines, Indonesia and Thailand. Also, stays open later and with no police making their present felt outside everybar at closing time.

As for crime, no worries there, it's one of the safest cities in the world to visit.

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Yep, everything a little pricier in S'pore but then again, have to say, it's not as expensive as people think. You know I had a great Indian Curry at the Quay, really nice food, and it worked out cheaper than a sh.it Indian curry in Sukhumvit.

First time I went to Singapore I thought it was a boring city coz pretty skint, but the next time I went with a bit moire cash a few years later had a great time, and looking forward to getting back there again.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Singapore is fantastic.

The hotels though, for around the $35 are usually the ones that also have pay by the hour. If you are fine with that, there should be no problem. Though for comfort I would definitely have a shorter stay and pay for nicer accommodation.

The bars and nightlife are fabulous & I have enjoyed myself immensely in S'pore. Highly recommend it!

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And to add I stayed at an ok hotel (well ok by my standards) for what I worked out to be 1000 baht when I compared it to Thai prices, so whats that, 25 U.S. Dollars.

Although my mate stayed at the hotel last year he said the price had gone up from the 2 yrs ago we all went there for a lads weekend/visa run, when he told the hotel that he got it cheaper before they checked his passport number in the computer to see how much he paid and gave him the previous price. Excellent staff there.

Clean room, nice clean bathroom, hot water, bath and shower, cable, aircon. Ok you couldn't swing a cat around in there but it certainly was a comfortable place to crash out and watch a bit of tv.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Nightlife: If you want a good time Orchard Road (The famous "Four floors of wh##res) and thats what the locals call it! Pricy, and you will find a lot of Thai Girls there.

Daylife: Lots to see in such a small place, but Raffles is a must, quaff Singapore Slings in the bar that has sparrows flying around your head

but again expect to pay: Luxury dont come cheap!

However I have been twice and find the climate oppresively humid (and thats someone who lives in the Over Polluted city of Chaing Mai.

But be a good boy cause if you are naughty you get the cane!!

Very clean though

Have Fun

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(bkkmadness what as the name of the hotel?)

I'm going to come in and support Singapore. Any city is what you make of it, they all have their good and bad points. I've never had a bad night out in Singers - in fact have met a lot of the local crowds, enjoyed the company of some local girls (who were having some kind of office night out which I happened to stumble into)

The main thing is completely against the title of the thread

DO NOT COMPARE Singapore with Thailand. There is no comparison.

As soon as you start any comparison, you won't appreciate the city.

Get out, use the MRT, walk around Clark and Boat Quays, walk around the colonial district, Bugis Junction, Little India.

Go and find the tiny Elvis Bar downstairs in the Concourse, and watch the dancing on the bartops.

Go and eat in a hawker's centre, like out at Newton Circus and above all keep in your mind that you're there to explore and expand - not to compare.

have fun

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Nightlife: If you want a good time Orchard Road (The famous "Four floors of wh##res) and thats what the locals call it! Pricy, and you will find a lot of Thai Girls there.

Daylife: Lots to see in such a small place, but Raffles is a must, quaff Singapore Slings in the bar that has sparrows flying around your head

but again expect to pay: Luxury dont come cheap!

However I have been twice and find the climate oppresively humid (and thats someone who lives in the Over Polluted city of Chaing Mai.

But be a good boy cause if you are naughty you get the cane!!

Very clean though

Have Fun

And you won't believe just how many things are regarded as naughty there. Would love to build a collection of all the notices with details of how much you get fined for doing things that never occurred to you........... (except that I'd get fined for removing them). Favourite has to be the fine for not flushing a public toilet - was it $Sing 150 or has it gone up now? :o

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DO NOT COMPARE Singapore with Thailand.  There is no comparison.

As soon as you start any comparison, you won't appreciate the city.

Get out, use the MRT, walk around Clark and Boat Quays, walk around the colonial district, Bugis Junction, Little India.

Go and find the tiny Elvis Bar downstairs in the Concourse, and watch the dancing on the bartops.

Go and eat in a hawker's centre, like out at Newton Circus and above all keep in your mind that you're there to explore and expand - not to compare.

have fun

Granted and good points/suggestions. IMHO, still think a week is plenty - if cash is tight...........

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Ok, I been on the google and tried to find that hotel name for you. I believe that it was one of the Fragrance hotel chains in Geylang, there's about 5 of them there all offering the same prices., which I just checked on the net is currently about 27 US Dollars.

Geylangs a bit of a red light district but very safe to walk around at anytime of night.

Also has a large Indian population there so plenty of cheap Indian food, though the quality leaves a bit to be desired.

It's a little out of the way, but I used to be in Orchard road in about 15-20 mins in a taxi, and at night time with no traffic it didn't cost much.

Also, Geylang is also on the Skytrain route so you can get there staright from the airport by skytrain quickly and cheaply.

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But the girls go at very different prices than what you've been used to in Thailand.

(Yes yes mod, I know no talking bar girls in TV :D)

Oh yeah?

How much for a ST? :o



Roughly $100 singapore LT for FL, $100 singapore ST in an establishment, and I bet you can get it cheaper than that. :D

Some girl asked my mate "how much you pay me?" he said "I'll pay your taxi home luv" :D (he didn't get any that night BTW) :D

Ok, maybe better get this back on topic before the mods close in :D

Edited by bkkmadness
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Nightlife: If you want a good time Orchard Road (The famous "Four floors of wh##res) and thats what the locals call it! Pricy, and you will find a lot of Thai Girls there.

Daylife: Lots to see in such a small place, but Raffles is a must, quaff Singapore Slings in the bar that has sparrows flying around your head

but again expect to pay: Luxury dont come cheap!

However I have been twice and find the climate oppresively humid (and thats someone who lives in the Over Polluted city of Chaing Mai.

But be a good boy cause if you are naughty you get the cane!!

Very clean though

Have Fun

And you won't believe just how many things are regarded as naughty there. Would love to build a collection of all the notices with details of how much you get fined for doing things that never occurred to you........... (except that I'd get fined for removing them). Favourite has to be the fine for not flushing a public toilet - was it $Sing 150 or has it gone up now? :D

i read that they had designed an automatic lock-in system for some singapore toilets ... if you forgot to flush and reached for the handle it would instantly lock shut, an instant message would be delivered to the local constabilary , who would turn up and collect the fine ... not only are you out of pocket but a huge embarrassment as well ... my advice if your in a bar take your drink with you ,, at least if you get caught out you can pissed while waiting for captors ...


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Nightlife: If you want a good time Orchard Road (The famous "Four floors of wh##res) and thats what the locals call it! Pricy, and you will find a lot of Thai Girls there.

Daylife: Lots to see in such a small place, but Raffles is a must, quaff Singapore Slings in the bar that has sparrows flying around your head

but again expect to pay: Luxury dont come cheap!

However I have been twice and find the climate oppresively humid (and thats someone who lives in the Over Polluted city of Chaing Mai.

But be a good boy cause if you are naughty you get the cane!!

Very clean though

Have Fun

And you won't believe just how many things are regarded as naughty there. Would love to build a collection of all the notices with details of how much you get fined for doing things that never occurred to you........... (except that I'd get fined for removing them). Favourite has to be the fine for not flushing a public toilet - was it $Sing 150 or has it gone up now? :D

i read that they had designed an automatic lock-in system for some singapore toilets ... if you forgot to flush and reached for the handle it would instantly lock shut, an instant message would be delivered to the local constabilary , who would turn up and collect the fine ... not only are you out of pocket but a huge embarrassment as well ... my advice if your in a bar take your drink with you ,, at least if you get caught out you can pissed while waiting for captors ...


George Michael might want to avoid the place then :D

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Nightlife: If you want a good time Orchard Road (The famous "Four floors of wh##res) and thats what the locals call it! Pricy, and you will find a lot of Thai Girls there.

Daylife: Lots to see in such a small place, but Raffles is a must, quaff Singapore Slings in the bar that has sparrows flying around your head

but again expect to pay: Luxury dont come cheap!

However I have been twice and find the climate oppresively humid (and thats someone who lives in the Over Polluted city of Chaing Mai.

But be a good boy cause if you are naughty you get the cane!!

Very clean though

Have Fun

And you won't believe just how many things are regarded as naughty there. Would love to build a collection of all the notices with details of how much you get fined for doing things that never occurred to you........... (except that I'd get fined for removing them). Favourite has to be the fine for not flushing a public toilet - was it $Sing 150 or has it gone up now? :D

i read that they had designed an automatic lock-in system for some singapore toilets ... if you forgot to flush and reached for the handle it would instantly lock shut, an instant message would be delivered to the local constabilary , who would turn up and collect the fine ... not only are you out of pocket but a huge embarrassment as well ... my advice if your in a bar take your drink with you ,, at least if you get caught out you can pissed while waiting for captors ...


OK, you forced it out of me - my favourite S'pore anecdote. Friend of mine living there queried some charges for international calls on his 'phone bill. Operator asked him which calls he thought weren't his. He quotes a date from the bill. "One moment. please, sir"............. Less than one minute later they're playing him a recording of the call. "Is that your voice on the line, sir?".

He paid the bill. And made a mental note never to say anything in the future he didn't want overheard. :D

Can't see that happening in Thailand for quite a while - not within my lifetime, anyhow. :D

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Try to spot a toilet in Singapore these days that does not have an automatic flush. As I recall, there is also a law that says the property owners MUST fit the electric flush otherwise they are as guilty as the guy caught not flushing it. Funny enough, sales of lectric flushers went through the roof shortly thereafter.

Also another interesting law is that the owner of a condo or house is responsible for the legal status of their tennants. If an illegal immigrant or overstayer is found to be staying in a property you own, you end up going to prison. Think there was a story about 5 years ago of either a grandmother or a priest being sent to prison for 2 years because they had checked and re-checked the validity of the tennants travel documents and visa stamps.

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Try to spot a toilet in Singapore these days that does not have an automatic flush.  As I recall, there is also a law that says the property owners MUST fit the electric flush otherwise they are as guilty as the guy caught not flushing it.  Funny enough, sales of lectric flushers went through the roof shortly thereafter.

Also another interesting law is that the owner of a condo or house is responsible for the legal status of their tennants.  If an illegal immigrant or overstayer is found to be staying in a property you own, you end up going to prison.  Think there was a story about 5 years ago of either a grandmother or a priest being sent to prison for 2 years because they had checked and re-checked the validity of the tennants travel documents and visa stamps.


Haven't been to Singapore in a few years.

You can't compare Singapore and bangkok, they both have their good points and bad points.

In Singapore don't miss the food centers. If you like shellfish, try the Chilli Fried Crab. Stir fried Crabs covered with a Chilli sauce. Makes me hungery just thinking about it. Indian food is also very good. Try Malay satay also.

Shopping is god, but with the Singapore dollar rate makes it no bargain anymore. Still well worth a look. Obviously Chinese food is good, but there are so many types of "Chinese" food there, from inexpensive to very expensive.

Basically I would say Singapore is for business, Bangkok is for fun. But you can still have a good time in Singapore, just don't expect it to be Bangkok. Also if you want it to be Bangkok, you better be prepared to pay for that. Much more expensive.


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OK, you forced it out of me - my favourite S'pore anecdote. Friend of mine living there queried some charges for international calls on his 'phone bill. Operator asked him which calls he thought weren't his. He quotes a date from the bill. "One moment. please, sir"............. Less than one minute later they're playing him a recording of the call. "Is that your voice on the line, sir?".

He paid the bill. And made a mental note never to say anything in the future he didn't want overheard.  :D

Can't see that happening in Thailand for quite a while - not within my lifetime, anyhow.  :D

Holy crap! :D:o

My big S'porean brother! :D

Thanks for sharing, "Steve". :D

"jb" :D

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