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Brit Pupils See Live Sex Show In


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They are aged 16-18. Knowing it was a live sex show , yet the teens still went into the bar with the teachers.

That's what the sensational tabloid wrote.

It's the typical one-sided story by a tabloid.

The truth is known only to (some of) the students and (maybe) teachers but we didn't read anywhere else what the truth was/is up till now.


Head teacher is taking it seriously .

Probe into school trip 'red light visit'

A head teacher has ordered an inquiry into claims that a group of his teenage pupils watched a live sex show on a school trip to Thailand.

Bingley Grammar School has received complaints that the group of a dozen 16 to 18-year-old male and female students visited Bangkok’s notorious Patpong red light district.

The group was on a month-long trip to Thailand and Laos last summer accompanied by a male and a female teacher.

Yesterday, school head Chris Taylor refused to confirm reports that two teachers had been suspended while the probe takes place In a statement to the Telegraph & Argus, he said: “I can confirm that 12 of our students aged 16 to 18 went on a visit to Thailand and Laos over the summer holiday period.

“A potential concern has been raised about activities during the trip.

“We are treating this with extreme seriousness, a full investigation is now being undertaken and Education Bradford is advising us.

“We will take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation. Until then, it is inappropriate to comment further.”

continued http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news...d_light_visit_/

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They are aged 16-18. Knowing it was a live sex show , yet the teens still went into the bar with the teachers.

That's what the sensational tabloid wrote.

It's the typical one-sided story by a tabloid.

The truth is known only to (some of) the students and (maybe) teachers but we didn't read anywhere else what the truth was/is up till now.


Head teacher is taking it seriously .

Probe into school trip 'red light visit'

A head teacher has ordered an inquiry into claims that a group of his teenage pupils watched a live sex show on a school trip to Thailand.

Bingley Grammar School has received complaints that the group of a dozen 16 to 18-year-old male and female students visited Bangkok’s notorious Patpong red light district.

The group was on a month-long trip to Thailand and Laos last summer accompanied by a male and a female teacher.

Yesterday, school head Chris Taylor refused to confirm reports that two teachers had been suspended while the probe takes place In a statement to the Telegraph & Argus, he said: “I can confirm that 12 of our students aged 16 to 18 went on a visit to Thailand and Laos over the summer holiday period.

“A potential concern has been raised about activities during the trip.

“We are treating this with extreme seriousness, a full investigation is now being undertaken and Education Bradford is advising us.

“We will take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation. Until then, it is inappropriate to comment further.”

continued http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news...d_light_visit_/

Thanks for the link Churchill, you're on top of the news :D

So far nothing else but an inquiry/investigation and no sign of any proof that some students/rteachers went into a "location" with a live sex show; just a visit to Patpong which is visited by millions every year, including teenagers.

".....the picture shows a group of pupils, aged between 16 and 18, and two teachers sitting around a table littered with beer bottles outside a bar." that sounds very serious, doesn't it ? :D


" Pam Milner, deputy secretary of the Bradford branch of the NASUWT union, also said she was reluctant to pass any judgement until the school’s investigation was completed.

Mrs Milner said: “It’s so easy with Facebook, or any other social networking site, to paint a picture that can be interpreted in a misrepresentative way.”

We'll see how, what and when the outcome will show about this sensational world news. :)


Edited by LaoPo
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treehuggers :D

i guess without them there wouldnt be as many people to laugh at :)

that pic almost looks real by the way :D


I can think of one that you particularly miss.

Ourmaninbangers? :D

Also, I agree with what t.s said above. wow thats never happened before :D

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......You really don't geddit, do you?

Ohhh, don't worry about me SebD, I geddit, I really do geddit. :)

Rarely contributing much more than a one-line jibe.


Incorrect statement. Clearly, you really need to do some more research before you make accusations like this. Dont worry I make allowances for the inexperienced.

"Inexperienced" - Here, yes, compared to some. Do I "worry" about it? - No.

Would I be worried if I had contributed so many posts as yourself in such a short time as you have? - Yes (I think my friends and family, in the real world, might have wondered at my absence).

Trite, purile, interjections of no value to a thread and unwarranted personal attacks upon we who have taken the time to contribute a considered opinion or offer our perspective &/or first-hand knowledge from you, a more "experienced", board-member (who, it could be argued, should know better) can only serve to perpetuate a general demise in potential active members from taking such time to bother posting in future.

Wallow in your sad little clique, if that is the limit of your adequacies, but I stand by my posts in this thread and believe I made a contribution as opposed to those posts of your own which have been exclusively detrimental to the topic.

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Incorrect statement. Clearly, you really need to do some more research before you make accusations like this. Dont worry I make allowances for the inexperienced.

"Inexperienced" - Here, yes, compared to some. Do I "worry" about it? - No.

Would I be worried if I had contributed so many posts as yourself in such a short time as you have? - Yes (I think my friends and family, in the real world, might have wondered at my absence).

Trite, purile, interjections of no value to a thread and unwarranted personal attacks upon we who have taken the time to contribute a considered opinion or offer our perspective &/or first-hand knowledge from you, a more "experienced", board-member (who, it could be argued, should know better) can only serve to perpetuate a general demise in potential active members from taking such time to bother posting in future.

Wallow in your sad little clique, if that is the limit of your adequacies, but I stand by my posts in this thread and believe I made a contribution as opposed to those posts of your own which have been exclusively detrimental to the topic.

No point in taking things so seriously, mate.

In repsonse to the topic, it is fair to say that whilst the teachers involved overlooked their duties, the pupils probably had a good night out in Pat Pong and are probably still out getting drunk on the money the News of The World paid them for their 'story'.

No losers apart from the two Teachers.

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I suppose the teachers were supposed to sleep in the hotel corridor to make sure the kids didn't sneak out of the hotel. :)

..sleeping in their rooms would have been better...but....a bit difficult for just 2 teachers - one male, one female - sleeping with all the students at the same time.

LaoPo :D

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No point in taking things so seriously, mate.

In repsonse to the topic, it is fair to say that whilst the teachers involved overlooked their duties, the pupils probably had a good night out in Pat Pong and are probably still out getting drunk on the money the News of The World paid them for their 'story'.

No losers apart from the two Teachers.

:D the stupidity of some :)

Edited by SebD
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The idiot teachers should have anticipated kids telling the world about their exciting adventures, and

covered their asses by splitting before accountability issues arose, and got themselves alibis from the chosen residence.

Then gone out for a night on the town.

Just like any enterprising kid would have done in my youth.

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I suppose the teachers were supposed to sleep in the hotel corridor to make sure the kids didn't sneak out of the hotel. :)

..sleeping in their rooms would have been better...but....a bit difficult for just 2 teachers - one male, one female - sleeping with all the students at the same time.

LaoPo :D

LaoPo! I am shocked!

(Shocked that I never thought of it)

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^Yes interesting point JK. Anyway, I guess most of them have probably seen alot worse than that before and theres probably hundreds if not thousands of brit teenagers that are exposed to far worse than this on a daily basis, right back at home in the UK.

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Seeing that im up against a mainly male audience here, of which many are into the nightlife scene here and paying for sex etc, i think its likely useless me trying to explain another side.

Im not being moralistic on how members like to live their life either. Im just saying i dont think its particularly healthy for younger age groups. Heck, to truly be perfectly honest, ive seen some older age groups end up with warped perceptions of women after exposure to the nightlife in Thailand..but thats a whole other topic!

In fact from what I read most members here are happily married to white skinned, former beauty queen, masters graduates and have no interest in the bar scene, in fact most wouldn't even know where to find it. Shocked me as well.

It was wrong and stupid but suspect the kids had either seen or done worse themselves already anyway.

I don't understand your reference to warped perceptions of women. They are the other half to the act are they not, last I heard the girls in the west have lost none of their pre-marriage enthusiasm.

In reality though I think most punters here try to look at the amusing aspects of events and comment accordingly. After all this still is yet to completely turn into an evangelistic blog.

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In response to one comment about "what were the teachers suppose to do -- sleep in the hotel halls?" Well, yes. My mother did a few duties as a chaperone for high school trips. She was so good at it she was invited for trips long after her kids had graduated from high school. When she did a trip, the chaperones took turns, in two hour shifts, walking the halls of the hotel all night, making sure none of the kids slipped out. She'd always sleep for something like 36 hr straight after returning from one of those trips.

I'm with Eek on this one -- those kids shouldn't have been allowed to do anything that wasn't legal. And drinking beer as a minor isn't legal here or in England.

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In response to one comment about "what were the teachers suppose to do -- sleep in the hotel halls?" Well, yes. My mother did a few duties as a chaperone for high school trips. She was so good at it she was invited for trips long after her kids had graduated from high school. When she did a trip, the chaperones took turns, in two hour shifts, walking the halls of the hotel all night, making sure none of the kids slipped out. She'd always sleep for something like 36 hr straight after returning from one of those trips.

I'm with Eek on this one -- those kids shouldn't have been allowed to do anything that wasn't legal. And drinking beer as a minor isn't legal here or in England.

1. You don't know (as we don't know either) whether those 16-18 year old kids were "allowed" or not to do anything illegal (what's legal and what's illegal ?); all we have is a sensational gossip tabloid story.

2. were those kids also between 16 and 18; chaperoned by your mother ? I'm happy I wasn't chaperoned, being 17 or 18... :)

3. the question is: do kids who were strictly "chaperoned" end up being better adults than the ones who sneaked out and had adventures when they were 16>18 ?


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The point that Eek and I are making is that the teachers were being paid to act as chaperones and one of the reasonable expectations of the parents is that their kids would be watched at least as carefully as they'd watch them. The teachers shouldn't have been drinking beer in front of the students -- how could they do their job as chaperones if they'd had too many beers?

We're not debating whether viewing porn or drinking alcohol will affect their development and whether it's something that "everyone" does. It's that the teachers didn't live up to the reasonable expectations of the kids parents when they paid for them to go on their cultural trip.

Yes, my mother was chaperoning 17 and 18 year olds. That's why she'd come home utterly exhausted!

We've gotten to know some 17 and 18 year old kids from North America who are here for a year on an Rotary exchange student program. Obviously, these kids can't be watched 24 hr/day, but they go thru an extensive orientation session where it's drilled in their heads that they will be sent home pronto if they engage in any of the forbidden "four Ds" -- drinking, drugs, driving and dating. Yes, driving is legal for 17 and 18 year olds here, but Rotary doesn't want their exchange students doing it. And dating is legal, too, but they don't want the kids forming exclusive relationships with a boyfriend/girlfriend during their exchange year. Mixed-sex social outings and parties are fine just so none of the "4Ds" are present. These kids all know of peers who violated the rules and were sent home, so the ones we've met have stayed true to the "4D" prohibition despite all the temptations of Thailand.

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We're not debating whether viewing porn or drinking alcohol will affect their development and whether it's something that "everyone" does. It's that the teachers didn't live up to the reasonable expectations of the kids parents when they paid for them to go on their cultural trip.

Yes, my mother was chaperoning 17 and 18 year olds. That's why she'd come home utterly exhausted!

We've gotten to know some 17 and 18 year old kids from North America who are here for a year on an Rotary exchange student program. Obviously, these kids can't be watched 24 hr/day, but they go thru an extensive orientation session where it's drilled in their heads that they will be sent home pronto if they engage in any of the forbidden "four Ds" -- drinking, drugs, driving and dating. Yes, driving is legal for 17 and 18 year olds here, but Rotary doesn't want their exchange students doing it. And dating is legal, too, but they don't want the kids forming exclusive relationships with a boyfriend/girlfriend during their exchange year. Mixed-sex social outings and parties are fine just so none of the "4Ds" are present. These kids all know of peers who violated the rules and were sent home, so the ones we've met have stayed true to the "4D" prohibition despite all the temptations of Thailand.

I think the part of the problem is in the two sentences I've bolded in the quote above. They can't be aware 24 hours per day. However, if something happens in any one of those 24 hours then they are held responsible, regardless of any due diligence that may have been present.

As far as the 4 D's. That sounds unnecessarily restrictive. Dating? That sound ridiculous. A person would probably learn more about the culture they are visiting by engaging in a relationship with someone in that culture than they would from 20 visits to museums and temples. I would agree with the other 3 D's.

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Who gives a S**t the kidf couldnt care less if they saw it especailly with free porn on the internet which all of them access and being as the Uk has probably the highest case of teenage pregnancies in Europe any "extra" tuition aint going to make any difference .

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The point that Eek and I are making is that the teachers were being paid to act as chaperones and one of the reasonable expectations of the parents is that their kids would be watched at least as carefully as they'd watch them. The teachers shouldn't have been drinking beer in front of the students -- how could they do their job as chaperones if they'd had too many beers?

We're not debating whether viewing porn or drinking alcohol will affect their development and whether it's something that "everyone" does. It's that the teachers didn't live up to the reasonable expectations of the kids parents when they paid for them to go on their cultural trip.

Yes, my mother was chaperoning 17 and 18 year olds. That's why she'd come home utterly exhausted!

We've gotten to know some 17 and 18 year old kids from North America who are here for a year on an Rotary exchange student program. Obviously, these kids can't be watched 24 hr/day, but they go thru an extensive orientation session where it's drilled in their heads that they will be sent home pronto if they engage in any of the forbidden "four Ds" -- drinking, drugs, driving and dating. Yes, driving is legal for 17 and 18 year olds here, but Rotary doesn't want their exchange students doing it. And dating is legal, too, but they don't want the kids forming exclusive relationships with a boyfriend/girlfriend during their exchange year. Mixed-sex social outings and parties are fine just so none of the "4Ds" are present. These kids all know of peers who violated the rules and were sent home, so the ones we've met have stayed true to the "4D" prohibition despite all the temptations of Thailand.

1. You make the same mistake over and over again; you are taking the content of an obscure tabloid for granted. Meaning that you take it for granted that the teachers and some students were sitting on a table "littered" with beer bottles and that they actually consumed those empty bottles....

THAT's what the journalist wrote; was he/ she there ?

Were those beer bottles (if any) from the group or old bottles from visitors who left already and the table was uncleaned ?

You see NancyL, you can't write something based on that content besides the fact the article is very biased and one-sided.

2. You're talking about 17/18 year old US students but I advise you to stay a little more close to home and go and visit some Mediterranean countries in the summer and watch the thousands of drunk youngsters, from age 15 and up, including from the UK, going nuts every single night. No chaperones there and if they cause trouble the local police know what to do; throw them in jail for 1 or 2 nights.

3. "Mixed-sex social outings and parties are fine just so none of the "4Ds" are present (NO drinking, drugs, driving and dating). " :D I wonder in what century you live.

You would be very surprised if you ask those same youngsters if they EVER consumed alcohol, sex or drugs... :)


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I was a Rotary exchange student (Brazil and Venezuela) and I was never told about the "4D's". Perhaps drugs dating driving and drinking weren't around in the mid-80's.



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