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Do Mosquitos Still Bother You?


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Lol, I thought I might be ridiculed a little for complaining about the bites, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Oh and the reason for their existance? They have a very important role apparently, and that role is to spread viruses and disease. Oh wow! What a great reason! That was the reason I got when I went to www.ask.com to find out more about mosquitos. F**king stupid reason, and we want viruses because? But I guess it's so... that we can... erm... develop... cures for viruses and things through viruses... or something. Still pretty gay reason.

Another thing that gets me, is that there are no natural predators for mosquitos. Spiders just suck and are playing out of their league and jing-jo's are just too slow and rarely in the vicinity *sigh*. That just leaves me and my electric racket. Although that electric lantern thing seems to be the thing I want. I'm surprised I've never seen one yet over here, even in butcheries or other food places.

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Lol, I thought I might be ridiculed a little for complaining about the bites, I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Oh and the reason for their existance? They have a very important role apparently, and that role is to spread viruses and disease. Oh wow! What a great reason! That was the reason I got when I went to www.ask.com to find out more about mosquitos. F**king stupid reason, and we want viruses because? But I guess it's so... that we can... erm... develop... cures for viruses and things through viruses... or something. Still pretty gay reason.

Another thing that gets me, is that there are no natural predators for mosquitos. Spiders just suck and are playing out of their league and jing-jo's are just too slow and rarely in the vicinity *sigh*. That just leaves me and my electric racket. Although that electric lantern thing seems to be the thing I want. I'm surprised I've never seen one yet over here, even in butcheries or other food places.

The electric lanterns are in Lotus stores..around THB500 i think.The daddy long legs and geakos just love the mozzies in my house. :o

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Worse place to get bitten? on the knuckle ouch.

My neighbour came up with a good solution a fan mounted above the door blowing down, just a extractor fan in reverse, he claims he can leave the screen door open and they till can't get in.

Think im lucky as I hardly notice the bites any more and that has happened over time but I visited Ko Samet recently for a weekend trip and the mozis really hurt and the bites lasted for days, very different looking to the mozis up here in the north, big black and ugly.

Had to respond to this thread cos of my handle.


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Lol moziman. Hmm... worst places to get bitten? Well I don't know, they seem to have a taste for the left-handside of myself. Prime targets are my feet and my elbows - I hate getting bitten on the elbows! It's like they KNOW it's the best place to bite you since, they're mostly always exposed and you can't see your elbows, so you don't know about it until it's too late - God ######!

I've found that bites on the hand take more time to 'recover' from since my hands are in constant use, and putting my hands in pockets helps inflame the bite. Bites on the face, although rare, don't really have the same affect as being bitten elsewhere. Doesn't really itch and it clears up real fast. It's been a while coming, but I got bit for the first time on the ass the other day...

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