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Press Censorship In Pattaya


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Given the effective news blackout on the recent death in unusual circumstances of a prominent bar owner, and now the (so far) total lack of local press coverage of the rape of an unfortunate Bitish woman in Pattaya (which happened on Saturday night, so plenty of time to ignore it) only so far covered by Andrew Drummond and the Daily Mail in the UK, how reliable is it to rely on the weasly local press to report crimes against foreigners? Are they all just a joke or police/City Hall stooges?

For instance, how important is it to highlight a street cleaning PR exercise in Pattaya instead of writing about serious crimes committed against foreigners in Pattaya?

I wonder if our regular media mogul can enlighten us?

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They could, but they won't. The recent debacle of the Aussie con artist with alleged links to Niels Colov went unreported except in the Pattaya Times, the recent rape, etc. etc. Let's face it, the Oz con man fleeced expats out of millions and his subsequent arrest, imprisonment, bail, fleeing the country would make a decent movie

Except in a very rare case, they local press are all tools of the real estate mafias and are actually too happy to fall into line with the administration's request that they tone down their reporting, lest it show Pattay in a bad light.

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They could, but they won't. The recent debacle of the Aussie con artist with alleged links to Niels Colov went unreported except in the Pattaya Times, the recent rape, etc. etc. Let's face it, the Oz con man fleeced expats out of millions and his subsequent arrest, imprisonment, bail, fleeing the country would make a decent movie

Except in a very rare case, they local press are all tools of the real estate mafias and are actually too happy to fall into line with the administration's request that they tone down their reporting, lest it show Pattay in a bad light.

they are afraid to lose theire uniform and can no more tourist police

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Apart from the crimes that are not reported by the media, why are the ones they do report never followed up?

You may often read about people being arrested, but very rarely do they report the conviction or punishment.

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The Pattaya press??? I buy it for the crossword puzzles, sudoku and some jokes that are meant to be serious news reports. My maid uses it to clean windows and glass. My puppy pee'd and shat on it during toilet training. And I line the bottom of bins with it. But it's the same with most small time media operating in a small market. Taken for what it is, I have no complaints. Oh, also it's the right size to read on the beach with a stiff breeze because the BKK Post becomes a sail flapping away in the wind.

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The Pattaya press is the same as toilet roll,how many times do we have to read and see pictures of the major,pattaya news is diabolical,it should be called the Majors Love fest.And Mr Burns is and always will be a slimey snake.I know a girl who used to work for him and i would love to repeat some of the stories that she told me about him in here but they would be removed as soon as a mod took a glance at them.I actually think Howard isnt as bad as some think.

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The key issue is when tourism is down as it is this year, there is an obvious effort in the country to NOT REPORT things that will hurt tourism even more.

The rape of a British tourist brings shutters through the whole govt because they know this one event could seriously effect tourism and the amount of money tourism brings in.

I find the same censoring thing about the Bangkokpost. When ever there is an article to comment on, they will never post your comment if you are in direct disagreement with the article.

So yes there is censorship going and there is no such thing as unbiased news here.

If there was a powerful unbiased news organization like CNN, BBC, etc. and a hoard of paparrazi, then all the shady officials in Thailand would be exposed.

Being able to keep the public uninformed is one way to control the people.

But catching various offenders in the act with video and splashing it across the news is one way to clean things up.

Remember when the former PM (other brother), the one with the red sports car, was tailed and videoed picking up 20 year old girls why he was suppose to working as the PM?

The videos hit Youtube but after one day in the Thai news everything disappeared. He denied it at first even though his license plate was clearly visable in one of the videos.

That scandal should have been huge news here but it was all whitewashed out of the news in less than a day.

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If there was a powerful unbiased news organization like CNN, BBC, etc. and a hoard of paparrazi, then all the shady officials in Thailand would be exposed.

Being able to keep the public uninformed is one way to control the people.


Being able to keep the public MISINFORMED is one way to control the people.

It's worked in your case.

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Why all the belief in Andrew Drummond? This guy loves writing bad news stories about Pattaya. Most of which are exaggerated - doesn't anyone remember his World Cup hooligan stories?

I also remember another "rape" story nearly along the lines of the one just reported - except it turned out the girl was too embarrassed to tell her friends that she had a quickie with the motorcycle taxi driver. Not saying this story isn't true but why only 1 report in 1 newspaper?

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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

Simple as that case closed,tell that to the poor girl who got raped by dirty Thugs."because he thought the story would cause pattaya a lot of harm" There good at keeping things quiet, ask Mr Burns. :) I'm not suprised that the girl wanted to pursue this any further,because she would have to deal with a bunch of idiots who dont care about her.

Edited by Dpolenz
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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

A good few years ago there was a similar case on Koh Tao where two girls claimed to of had their drinks spiked and then raped in their rooms by a farang.

They didn't want to stick around on the island and wanted to forget about the whole thing. So they left and the local cop said without a witness/victim testimony nothing could be done.

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My view is that much of the press in Pattaya will only print/report stories that suit their own business interests.

I agree 100%. Just tune in to one of the English Pattaya TV channels and listen to them call the mayor of Pattaya a 'superstar,' and you know what the score is.

It's disgusting.

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I have just found out the arrest of the two men happened on 12th November and the woman was adamant that she did not want a fuss over the story. She wanted to return to UK as quickly as possible. She is now in UK and with no one willing to proceed with the case, the two men will likely be released with no charge. Apparently the alleged rape occurred somewhere on Walking Street. Talking with Mr. Drummond I have found out that he received the report from a local Thai Reporter who seems to have kept it quiet from other local Thai Reporters. Also the officer in charge of the case tried to keep it quiet because he thought the story would cause Pattaya a lot of harm. The UK Foreign Office were also not informed of the case. I understand the woman left for the UK very quickly after the "rape" took place.

So thats that really....case closed.

Thanks Howard. The police really take the biscuit here (with their tea), as do the press, I'm sorry to say, but everyone is just trying to make a living, not get deported, killed, tea moneyed to bankruptcy and to keep their noses clean, with some serious downsides for those who don't.

But serious crimes should be reported to stop them happening to other tourists who should be made aware of the dangers by the proper reporting of them locally, nationally and internationally.

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Some people need to read better and more and bitch less.

The bar owner story was in the Pattaya Mail


The rape story is in Friday's Pattaya Mail. And, as howard accurately stated, the victim herself inissted the matter not be disclosed to the press.

Since when did the victims wishes get granted?

What about all the poor old guys who happened to die from heart attacks or whatever, who are being smeared all over tv and newspaper, photos of them dead, face down, naked, with their arse out and all. Discusting. You should think there was such a thing as respect for the dead, but not by the media here!

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Some people need to read better and more and bitch less.

The bar owner story was in the Pattaya Mail


The rape story is in Friday's Pattaya Mail. And, as howard accurately stated, the victim herself inissted the matter not be disclosed to the press.

Since when did the victims wishes get granted?

What about all the poor old guys who happened to die from heart attacks or whatever, who are being smeared all over tv and newspaper, photos of them dead, face down, naked, with their arse out and all. Discusting. You should think there was such a thing as respect for the dead, but not by the media here!

Good post Phil spot on.Like i said before i do love pattaya but its never gona be a high end tourist destination or a place for the familly to go.The police are idiots the Media is a disgrace and the Major is a joke,

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Some people need to read better and more and bitch less.

The bar owner story was in the Pattaya Mail


The rape story is in Friday's Pattaya Mail. And, as howard accurately stated, the victim herself inissted the matter not be disclosed to the press.

Thank you for proving my point, although you need to be more attentive to dates.

1. The bar owner died on October 1st, was removed to Bangkok, autopsied and brought back for cremation with zero publicity here. The Pattaya Mail story appeared over 2 weeks after the death and after the temple rights and only as a result of the Pattaya Ghost journalist’s involvement. No crime scene photos or report, and no follow-up on the bizarre death story.

2. Re the rape, the Pattaya Mail isn't out yet. We have many daily news bulletins on the internet, some of which have no fear where others do. None have so far covered this story in the time since it occurred.

I don't recall the poor father whose son drowned in Pattaya Water Park having much say in blanking out news coverage. Didn't he get fined for trying?

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If memory serves, the father was shouting about it for all to hear round the world. As was the mother back in the UK.

As the Pattaya Mail story will point out, the rape victim's request was honored as the inicdent is both damaging to Pattya's image and embarassing to the police, as it happend so close to the Tourist Police box on Walking Street.

BTW, the Mail is the best of the papers if for any other reason than they don't run photos of blood and dead bodies. ANd no "death and destruction" on the front page.

Shame about its website, though.

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Why all the belief in Andrew Drummond? This guy loves writing bad news stories about Pattaya. Most of which are exaggerated - doesn't anyone remember his World Cup hooligan stories?

I also remember another "rape" story nearly along the lines of the one just reported - except it turned out the girl was too embarrassed to tell her friends that she had a quickie with the motorcycle taxi driver. Not saying this story isn't true but why only 1 report in 1 newspaper?

Some truth there.

The original story on Andrew Drummonds website is written in a tone which suggests unconfirmed hearsay, eg a girl was "raped" (in quotes) and "she alleged..." etc.

Thats likely because he got it secondhand from someone else.

In the Mail version, unsurprisingly, its reported as hard fact "A girl was raped"....

Thats just how the press works of course. At the end of the day a news reporter makes a living from getting stories in print. No story, no income. So even a secondhand story with no evidence to back it up will get filed.

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If memory serves, the father was shouting about it for all to hear round the world. As was the mother back in the UK.

As the Pattaya Mail story will point out, the rape victim's request was honored as the inicdent is both damaging to Pattya's image and embarassing to the police, as it happend so close to the Tourist Police box on Walking Street.

BTW, the Mail is the best of the papers if for any other reason than they don't run photos of blood and dead bodies. ANd no "death and destruction" on the front page.

Shame about its website, though.

At the risk of subverting this thread, may I ask exactly how far from the Tourist Police Assistants' campervan this happened on Walking Street? And where were they when this went down - recharging their pacemakers?

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If memory serves, the father was shouting about it for all to hear round the world. As was the mother back in the UK.

As the Pattaya Mail story will point out, the rape victim's request was honored as the inicdent is both damaging to Pattya's image and embarassing to the police, as it happend so close to the Tourist Police box on Walking Street.

BTW, the Mail is the best of the papers if for any other reason than they don't run photos of blood and dead bodies. ANd no "death and destruction" on the front page.

Shame about its website, though.

At the risk of subverting this thread, may I ask exactly how far from the Tourist Police Assistants' campervan this happened on Walking Street? And where were they when this went down - recharging their pacemakers?

If you mean the Tourist Police Mobile Unit, we dealt with no cases of sexual assault of any kind last week. I would say that the statement that "the incident happened close to the Tourist Police Mobile Unit" is a bit misleading - was she assaulted in the street? I doubt it very much. Was she taken up one of the side roads (soi 14 or 15) and taken to a secluded area and assaulted? A little more possible but surely her screams would have alerted someone. Was she taken to a hotel room or a private room close to the Mobile Unit and assaulted? The most plausable theory. Also, what time did the assault take place as we are gone by 2.30am?

Without more details on this case, it is hard for me to comment more, Apparently Mr. Drummond worked off a Police Report which was made on the case. I would like to see this report before commenting further.

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We all know what goes on here...its stupid as, as stupid isnt. Someone somewhere knows the details and they are being made to keep silent. typical day in paradise. And the powers that be ( paper editors) know more than they are letting on. As I said just another day in our (their) beautiful city.

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We don't have any details on what precisely happened to this girl or how it happened.

This makes the whole story suspicious.

The papers normally would pay a good price for a story full of disgusting details, but no... no story. Strange?

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Cockroaches’ arrested in Walking Street rape of British woman

Boonlua Chatree / Pattaya Mail

Police have arrested two Thai men who allegedly raped and robbed a 25-year-old British woman after dragging her off Walking Street only 20 meters from a Tourist Police box.

Krajon Senkam, 29, and Surasak Kovekasan, 20, allegedly grabbed the woman in the early hours of Saturday morning as she was exiting a bar where she’d been drinking with friends. Too drunk too resist, she told police the men dragged her into the Thaithong Inn where they raped her then stole an ATM card, cash and valuables.

At the victim’s request, the attack was not disclosed by police until it was reported in a U.K. newspaper Tuesday. Officers obliged as it not only damages Pattaya’s reputation but because it occurred so close to where officers were stationed.

Both men were charged with rape and theft. The victim said they took her bank card, 3,000 baht, a bracelet worth about 5,500 baht and a digital camera worth 8,000 baht.

Police told the U.K. newspaper that the suspects were found quickly as they are were known in the area, calling them maeng da, a Thai phrase literally translating to “cockroaches” and used to describe jobless men who live off the proceeds of their prostitute girlfriends.

Edited by Pattaya Diver
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