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People Magazine's Sexiest Men Alive 2009


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he has that same look as Cusack in my opinion

besides, Im only looking...nothing else you know.... :)

still waiting for you, even if that makes me really really old! HAHA

dont you run off with MsJangles now!

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yeah, I got to Adam lambert and thought <deleted>? Are they kidding me? no, most aren't to my taste at all and I was really surprised they overlooked this Aussie actor who has a hit show on tv in the US



Simon Baker.

Yes, I know who he is, and he is my idea of a seriously yummy man. :)

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Funny how what one persons "bag" is, isnt anothers. Simon Baker does nothing for me looks-wise.

Of course, thats just going by looks. I have often grown a real attraction to a guy based on his personality and the way he makes me feel, even if initial physical attraction wasnt there for me.

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hes an actor. you are not interacting with him

so yeah you will have to judge him on looks :D (you can include voice and accent, walk, dress style I suppose.....)

but basically they are eye candy :)

you cant add a qualifier and say..oh u dont think hes cute, but u could think he is if u like his personality :D

u either think he is or he isnt, cant have it both ways :D

me and football players on the other hand, is a different story :D

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Which is why Johnny Depp made number one at what is he 40 something? The man is gorgeous, smart, sexy and a really nice guy to boot. He has a very lucky wife.

Last I heard, he was married to Vanessa Paradis, Mr Depp is the lucky one in that relationship. World's sexiest woman, particularly with that French accent. Ooh La La!!

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whos rain ? :D

i thought rain is a what, rather than a who :D

Can't say I've ever heard of him either, miggie. cute but not really my type. Nice abs tho :D

WAH! what planet have you been living on girls? :Dhttp://www.rain-jihoon.com/main.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rain_(entertainer)

Rain is a really famous Korean entertainer (call it a bit of a jack of all trades: singer, actor, dancer, model, etc etc). I actually didnt look at him twice because he was very young and "pretty boy". But for me hes suddenly become a tad more appealing as hes gotten closer to his 30's :) The longer hair is a bit of a clincher for me too. :D

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I dont know what to say :)

on the abs - one sees too many with that kinda body these days (atleast where I am :D ) so it doesnt really do anything for me

(yes Im tough to please :D )

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"one sees too many with that kinda body these days (atleast where I am tongue.gif )" WAHH! Well if your bored of them miggy, send them over this way. :)

...Anyway, Rain, hes just tooo young. :D WIsh he had an older brother for me to drool instead. But regardless..he IS just so very very cute:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Patsy puts her big boot into the conversation.

Simon Baker has those come to bed eyes....

Johnny Depp has those come to bed and I shall ravage you eyes....

But Keanu has those come to bed and never get out of it while I ravage you eyes....

I prefere ugly fat intelligent men myself... with personal hygiene problems :):D

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I prefere ugly fat intelligent men myself... with personal hygiene problems :):D


Missed you patsy!

Don't worry, the big fat hairy feminazi is back with bells on!!! God, i missed you lot. I watched a lot of TV and the computer collected dust. And, as i said, it was the <deleted> cat that knocked the plug out chasing a spider.

Gonna get a dog next time.... Nah.... Rains too much here. So, I cannot see myself in my galoshes walking a dog. Sou'wester, anyone?!!

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Johnny is HOT.

He's dangerous because

1.) He's extremely physically attractive

2.) He's so talented

In conversations, I always have to make a comment about his acting skills because people go on about how hot he is (which is true), but he is also such a great actor.

I don't know anything about rugby, but this person is fun to look at:


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