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Calling Bank Of Scotland Customers

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For the past 8 years I have telephoned BoS at normal International rates to a site in Scotland and asked them to remit some of my money to my Krung Thai bank account. There have been one of two hiccups in that time including one when the money didn't arrive and I ended up paying 2K for overstaying before I could renew my visa.

4 days ago I rang the usual number and received and got the number unobtainable tone. I assumed that the international connection system was overloaded so I tried several times in the next 24 hours and received the same response. The Internet connection told me that the online computer system was down for the weekend to implement routine housekeeping procedures. I have tried other numbers and succeeded in getting to talk to people but they have all been not been able to assist me since I have offshore accounts in Jersey to which they do not have access to.

Yesterday I was passed around like a ball on a pinball table until I was able to reach their International division. I passed all the security checks, told the guy what I wanted, and he serviced my request. However I checked 6 hours later and the money was still in my account. Back to square one. Further calls were to 0845 numbers so I was paying an arm and a leg until the credit on my sim card ran out. The only resort that I have apparently to is connect to the International division again (the number that they gave me sends me a number unobtainable tone!!!). Unbelievably this division operates from 9 to 5 which means that it is of no use unless you want, say, to get up in the middle of the night, or as in my case, wait until 3 p.m.

Does anybody here remit money from BoS to Thailand and what reliable service do they use? I really need to get this problem fixed asap.

Changing banks involves filling in forms for hours thanks to the anti-laundering procedures. It seems that the only questions that they don't ask is what is my blood group and what is my inside leg measurement.

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Not sure if I understand your problem exactly, but I just transferred some money yesterday from the BOS in Jersey (Instant Access Account). I have a telephone password set up with them so just have to give my name, 3 characters from the password and then details of the accounts transferring from/to.

Sometimes they still have the previous bank transfer details on their system, so not always necessary to give full destination bank details.

The Jersey number I use is 01534 613500

I believe you can use the IOM etc numbers, but this just complicates things

Hope this helps.

PS Not checked to see if my money has arrived yet!

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Not sure if I understand your problem exactly, but I just transferred some money yesterday from the BOS in Jersey (Instant Access Account). I have a telephone password set up with them so just have to give my name, 3 characters from the password and then details of the accounts transferring from/to.

Sometimes they still have the previous bank transfer details on their system, so not always necessary to give full destination bank details.

The Jersey number I use is 01534 613500

I believe you can use the IOM etc numbers, but this just complicates things

Hope this helps.

PS Not checked to see if my money has arrived yet!

Sorry. I thought I had made myself clear. My problem is that I cannot easily make a connection. I dial 00944 and the the local number omitting the leading zero but invariably get number unobtainable tone. Yesterday I managed to get through to Jersey and they transferred me to a call centre in Scotland. My dosh is on its way only one week after my first attempt to cash myself up. I am not sure if I have a phone problem or BoS now employ orang-utans as a cost saving measure.

I have 3 or 4 months to solve the problem so I have stood myself down from my panic station.

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Sounds like your problem is with using the 009 prefix, have you tried using the standard +44 dialling code? I transact with BOSI weekly and have no problems getting through, nor with their service.

I had a similar problem using the 009 prefix when calling Halifax bank, got 'unobtainable' tone. Had to use the standard +44 prefix, which worked fine.

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Had problems myself with BOS. I usually make a cheque payable to myself and have not had any problems until recently when the cheque bounced saying they had no record of my signature. I was charged for the cheque bouncing plus the charge here for clearing the cheque. Only had the account with them for 30 years, how can they say they have no record of my signature. This is ongoing with BOS as I am seeking compensation.

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Many thanks for the heads up on a potential 009 problem. I tried 004 prefix as well with no success. I intend asking BoS if they will remit funds to me in the future if I send such a request by registered mail.

I asked my bank manager why did I have to jump through so many hoops to get access to my money and he replied it was to protect my assets and the integrity of my account. If that is so I replied why did the bank make so many dodgy loans thus creating a near melt down that the customers and taxpayers will ultimately pay the cost of? Did I ever enjoy watching him squirm?

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