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When Is Loy Krathong 2010?


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  • 2 months later...
I'm pretty sure that if you can find the date of the 12th full moon in the 2010 lunar calendar then you will have the date for Loy Krathong 2010.

Not a direct answer but I'm sure if you add that info to your googling then you'll find what you are looking for.


November 21st but depending on which place, their celebration events may differ by a day. From my past experiences, Chiang Mai and Sukhothai never share the same final day for the last few years.

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  • 1 month later...
Loy Kratong falls on November 21st- the 10,000 lantern launch held at the Tudong Temple near Maejo will be on Saturday November 20th. If you've never seen that event you need to go.

Where is Tudong Temple ? How far is it from Chiang Mai ? What time is the event ?

Did you ever find out? All I can get from numerous Googling is it's somewhere in "northern Thailand".

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The khom-loy release is at the Dhamma centre next to Maejo university usually at 7:00 or 7:30

Just drive out of CM (about 12km) past Maejo Uni, do a u-ey then follow all the cars motorcycles round the back roads.

M/c is best as it's always gridlock for cars.


If Loy Kratong is on 21, I doubt that the khom-loy release is on 20th ....... more like 13th.

But I will be there whatever day they have it on. The biggest event on the calendar IMHO.

The temple is a Part of the Dammakaya foundation known worldwide as DMC.

Looks like it is on 20th November 2010

Kom-Loy Photos Maejo 2009

Edited by sarahsbloke
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