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Any Farang Love Thai Guy ( White Skin )


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any farang love thai guy ( white skin ).. ??ei ei..

Same as me im Thai half Chinese ( Thai nationality ) cannot speak chinese ha ha , my mother not teach me.. i do speak Thai and some english ..

I has been Australia for 2 years worked there and now moved back to Thailand and will start some business about Jatropha farm ( Biodiesel oil ) ... and after have enought money then will move to other countries ...

I heard someone my friends at Australia siad many white girls ( farang ) dont like white guy or Asain ( white skin ) ?? :) I dont know why ha ha..

when i was there at Australia ..i try before to make date with white girl ha ha.. but not esay many girls they like a man who dark skin ..ei ei.. anyone have comment ??

i try ha ha.. maybe will have some white girls like Thai guy with white skin and look like chinese ?? :D


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Im going to let this thread stay on the premise that the OP is simply wanting opinions about farang-thai relationships and preferences

but let me remind you that this forum is NOT a dating site, and particularly the ladies subforum is not to be used as a place for finding dates. its simply a discussion platform to exchange views

having said that - not being a white woman, I cant directly answer the question, but can hazard a guess that everyone has different tastes, and even within that, not everyone will be very fixated on certain physical criteria of who they want to date :)


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Well, I think thats the generalization that many Thai people like ot make about farang tastes but the truth is, what is attractive and interesting is attractive and interesting, regardless of skin color, nationality or anything else.

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OK. I am going to be completely honest here so bear with me. When I was in the UK, generally Asian men were not seen as particularly hot and when I moved to Thailand got a Thai boyfriend I think some of my friends were perplexed.. This is mainly due to stereotypes of Asian men I think. Of them being short and small framed and also perhaps a little conservative. Of course like all stereotypes, this is really not the case, but it still feeds most girls perceptions of Asian men. Also in the UK, many Asian communities (Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Vietnamese etc) tend to keep pretty tight within their communities. Unlike the afro-caribbean communities of which many (I guess due to the length of time they have been in the UK) have integrated more. This then makes Asian men seem a little unobtainable, so they get removed from the radar. (Again this is a generalisation). Most of my friends who are in Thailand in a Thai/farang relationships here had never dated an Asian man before they came to Thailand, any many had not even considered it. It was only once they were in Thailand and got more of an insight into Thai culture, that they started to understand that the cultural differences were really not as big (well debatable) as they first assumed.

My two cents...

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With all the ei ei's and Ha Ha's I'm wondering if perhaps you are a total idiot and this is why girls aren't attracted.

On a personal basis, race, colour, stereotyping etc doesn't come into it, when you meet someone you either click or you don't, the rest is automatic.

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My bf is thai/chinese and I had no idea he was considered pale in comparison to other thai men until I went there with him...even then I attributed it to the fact that we live in Canada and it's cold so people are generally pasty pale unless they spend the money on a tanning bed rather than it being a handsome thing. Regardless I think it might just be personal preference and depends on each person really.

mssabai... I agree Asian communities stay pretty tight together here too, espeacially I've noticed since I moved to the city.. it was in my small town and in a situation where my bf had to put himself out there to make friends that we came in contact. On a side note, I've always thought some asian men to be attractive...

Like I said, in my general opinion it just depends upon the circumstance and the person, don't look too hard for love, it will always find you when you least expect it. :)

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My boyfriend is Thai/Chinese, but dark skin. I think that everyone has their own thing that attracts/repels them. That being said, a great personality can override physical flaws, but personality flaws can't override extreme handsomness for very long.

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Im bored so I'll drop in my 2 cents.

I am a guy, chinese (mixed east asian) canadian., full on pasty yellow skin (its cold in canada, now Im dark), slanty eyes, straight black hair, small boned (as in bone structure :) ) and never had any problems. Never had a problem in any of the places I have lived/played/worked in either. Infact, I could "date" girls easier in the UK then I could in LOS!!!! Granted it all depends on personal taste. Some like tall, some like short, some like exotic, some people like me and some people wouldnt evn be seen in public with me....

Maybe lioness is correct maybe its just you.....In the end its the personality.

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Ken, I honestly want to know why you make such a big deal about your skin color and the fact that you are Thai-Chinese? It seems to me that everyone that is Thai-Chinese constantly mentions it, all the time... Does this part really matter? I think if you are a cool guy then girls will like you. If you aren't cool then maybe you are shooting too far out of your leauge and need to accept others that you think may be below your standards.

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