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Thai Man Seen Beating Young Thai Woman,


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That's a sad story but incidents like that happen all too often in Thailand. It really is best not to get involved in Thai/Thai domestic disputes or things could turn on you. Many of these guys are packing a piece or at the least, a blade. Also the police see it as a domestic dispute as well.


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I think the name calling can stop right now please. The op was asking for advice on what others would do not who could piss the furthest.!!

In the UK a female victim of domestic violence waits an average of 36 attacks before reporting it to the police or leaving. Your intervention is not going to override baffling female dependency on a man.

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Absolute drivel. Sort your life out pussycat :)

You're the one specializing in drivel, or more precisely: total nonsense.

I don't think you have the slightest grasp of what i have been saying. Probably better to stick to the 2010 Calender Topic

OK, then lets see what gems you've offered for me to grasp (your quotes in parentheses):

1. I'm "juvenile/mis guided"

2. I "need to wake up"

3. I "remain locked in delusion"

4. "Absolute drivel"

5. "pussycat"

6. "stick to the 2010 Calender Topic"

Was there anything I missed?

How about you try discussing your views instead of flaming someone just because their views are different to your own.

Edited by tropo
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My piece of advice for you is stay out of the business and mind yours. This country is no business for farang! Your purpose is coming here for the girls. I don't think the victim need your hand and I guess your intention is a hero wannabe.

Cannot believe your post, l am surprised you know how to use your key board with a non intelligent comment (post) like that. You have read a post from a guy who has normal feelings for what's right and wrong in a bad situation where NORMAL thoughts from a NORMAL guy is to help a girl in distress. Sheeesh, and you seem to think that all of us are here for the girls. Perhaps you are, but don't assume this guy is. God help us, or should l say god help the girls with people like you around.

I really think you're the one that's going to need God's help the first time you actually attempt to intervene in a Thai domestic instead of talking tough on your keyboard.

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My piece of advice for you is stay out of the business and mind yours. This country is no business for farang! Your purpose is coming here for the girls. I don't think the victim need your hand and I guess your intention is a hero wannabe.

Cannot believe your post, l am surprised you know how to use your key board with a non intelligent comment (post) like that. You have read a post from a guy who has normal feelings for what's right and wrong in a bad situation where NORMAL thoughts from a NORMAL guy is to help a girl in distress. Sheeesh, and you seem to think that all of us are here for the girls. Perhaps you are, but don't assume this guy is. God help us, or should l say god help the girls with people like you around.

Don't get me wrong. I have never ever assault a girl in my life, not even my gf. I was born half Thai and not here for the girl purpose. I just hate to see a nosy farang in a foreign land trying to be like a hero. I wouldn't mind if he is a Thai. You get my point? Why the hel_l did you want to come to Thailand if not for the girl?

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My piece of advice for you is stay out of the business and mind yours. This country is no business for farang! Your purpose is coming here for the girls. I don't think the victim need your hand and I guess your intention is a hero wannabe.

Cannot believe your post, l am surprised you know how to use your key board with a non intelligent comment (post) like that. You have read a post from a guy who has normal feelings for what's right and wrong in a bad situation where NORMAL thoughts from a NORMAL guy is to help a girl in distress. Sheeesh, and you seem to think that all of us are here for the girls. Perhaps you are, but don't assume this guy is. God help us, or should l say god help the girls with people like you around.

Don't get me wrong. I have never ever assault a girl in my life, not even my gf. I was born half Thai and not here for the girl purpose. I just hate to see a nosy farang in a foreign land trying to be like a hero. I wouldn't mind if he is a Thai. You get my point? Why the hel_l did you want to come to Thailand if not for the girl?


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My piece of advice for you is stay out of the business and mind yours. This country is no business for farang! Your purpose is coming here for the girls. I don't think the victim need your hand and I guess your intention is a hero wannabe.

Cannot believe your post, l am surprised you know how to use your key board with a non intelligent comment (post) like that. You have read a post from a guy who has normal feelings for what's right and wrong in a bad situation where NORMAL thoughts from a NORMAL guy is to help a girl in distress. Sheeesh, and you seem to think that all of us are here for the girls. Perhaps you are, but don't assume this guy is. God help us, or should l say god help the girls with people like you around.

Don't get me wrong. I have never ever assault a girl in my life, not even my gf. I was born half Thai and not here for the girl purpose. I just hate to see a nosy farang in a foreign land trying to be like a hero. I wouldn't mind if he is a Thai. You get my point? Why the hel_l did you want to come to Thailand if not for the girl?

Classic indeed to make a sweeping generalization on foreign males yet most likely has no idea about the OP & his personal life. I feel the OP was trying generate comment on not only the morally correct thing to do in this stuation but also the sensible way to handle it. If the attacker all of a sudden pulled a knife & started stabbing the girl would you just advise all foreigners to just walk away & forget about this so called domestic dispute. To me your comments indicate an inferiorority complex & racism. Unless it is self defence, males assaulting females is a despicable & cowardly act & the great thing which has come out of the discussion is knowing about the reliable 1300 helpline service which should be made more widely known.

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Classic indeed to make a sweeping generalization on foreign males yet most likely has no idea about the OP & his personal life. I feel the OP was trying generate comment on not only the morally correct thing to do in this stuation but also the sensible way to handle it. If the attacker all of a sudden pulled a knife & started stabbing the girl would you just advise all foreigners to just walk away & forget about this so called domestic dispute. To me your comments indicate an inferiorority complex & racism. Unless it is self defence, males assaulting females is a despicable & cowardly act & the great thing which has come out of the discussion is knowing about the reliable 1300 helpline service which should be made more widely known.

Let me suggest an alternative scenario: Japanese visitor to South London (speaking no or no adequate English) witnesses a similar scene. He can do what? Attempt to ring the Police or a helpline on which he will not be understood (as the OP did); he can attempt to intervene (and seriously risk death or bodily injury) or he can walk away. The Japanese are a pretty sensible bunch on the whole; they are not afflicted with the notion that they are as individuals entitled as of right to intervene in the lives of others whom they do not know nor understand. I think we can safely trust him to do the right thing.

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Classic indeed to make a sweeping generalization on foreign males yet most likely has no idea about the OP & his personal life. I feel the OP was trying generate comment on not only the morally correct thing to do in this stuation but also the sensible way to handle it. If the attacker all of a sudden pulled a knife & started stabbing the girl would you just advise all foreigners to just walk away & forget about this so called domestic dispute. To me your comments indicate an inferiorority complex & racism. Unless it is self defence, males assaulting females is a despicable & cowardly act & the great thing which has come out of the discussion is knowing about the reliable 1300 helpline service which should be made more widely known.

Let me suggest an alternative scenario: Japanese visitor to South London (speaking no or no adequate English) witnesses a similar scene. He can do what? Attempt to ring the Police or a helpline on which he will not be understood (as the OP did); he can attempt to intervene (and seriously risk death or bodily injury) or he can walk away. The Japanese are a pretty sensible bunch on the whole; they are not afflicted with the notion that they are as individuals entitled as of right to intervene in the lives of others whom they do not know nor understand. I think we can safely trust him to do the right thing.

All sorts of scenarios can be imagined but it boils down to a moral obligation & whether or not, as an individual, wish to get involved & if the person at the other end of the help line speaks Japanese, double Dutch or whatever one can at least try which does not involve any threat to your person. In most countries it is against the law to assault another person but unfortunately many societies tend to look on domestic violence as some sort of grey area due to many reasons one of which is the female will not wish to press charges.

We may not have the right to interfere in anyones affairs but there are moral, ethical & legal reasons to get involved not to mention the instinctive & natural feeling to help a fellow human in distress.

Edited by Valentine
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Absolute drivel. Sort your life out pussycat :)

You're the one specializing in drivel, or more precisely: total nonsense.

I don't think you have the slightest grasp of what i have been saying. Probably better to stick to the 2010 Calender Topic

OK, then lets see what gems you've offered for me to grasp (your quotes in parentheses):

1. I'm "juvenile/mis guided"

2. I "need to wake up"

3. I "remain locked in delusion"

4. "Absolute drivel"

5. "pussycat"

6. "stick to the 2010 Calender Topic"

Was there anything I missed?

How about you try discussing your views instead of flaming someone just because their views are different to your own.

OK how about this one.............GROW UP

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Mind your own business and move along...there are 10M+ Thais living in Bangkok and if the situation warrants, they will call the police. No ting-tong farang involvement is necessary. (As you pointed out, at the end, she drove off towards (back) to her "attacker [lover?]" so whatever was happening was a personal matter.

.....abuse is usually a personal matter. Physical abuse, sexual abuse..... and often continues until someone intervenes. As a foreigner your obligation is to take into account that you're not of this culture before acting as if you were at home, but that doesn't mean you have to co-opt the local attitude, and not act at all.

Locals not taking action is common all over the world, but I think it's less of a cultural issue, than an accountability issue. If you live in a place, you stand to lose from personal involvement. That's why, say, Washington DC has heaps of daylight murders with 50 bi-standers that "didn't see anything."

In Guatemala, the story is the same, but worse; rampant abuse of women, and no one wants to "interfere." Locals don't want to fall out of grace with their neighbors, so they say nothing (but probably go home and pray heaps for them!). It's made worse by the fact local authorities have the same sentiments, and live in the same community where they too abide by local expectations. So while you may have to deal with the guilt of interfering, count yourself as LUCKY that you are more free to act than locals. This principal in Guatemala leads to some of the highest rates of violence against women in the world, and the same attitude in SE Asia facilitates the rampant sex trade, because the end outcome is the diminishment of human value, and especially so for women.

As badly as a lot of us behave as foreigners, if the shear arrogance of reporting the physical abuse of an apparently helpless person is the worst offense a person commits in Thailand, I can live with it.

Edited by marcusinmotion
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I can offer first hand experience. As a veteran of Asian and global travel I have always been able to look the other way, albeit painfully, in these local cultural matters. I should add that in the West I would intervene if necessary.

Recently while working in Laos, one evening in a restaurant along the Mekong, I saw a man arguing with, grab her by her hair and then begin kicking a womans face in on the ground. When 3 other Lao men intervened and restrained him I thought I could at least pull the woman out of the fray.

Once I did, the restrained Lao got free and from behind me stabbed me nine times and cracked my skull open. (I should have at least backed out toward my motorbike, and would have been forewarned). A long coma on life support, some blood transfusions and surgeries later, I am here today to tell you in no uncertain terms, NEVER GET INVOLVED!!

A footnote to this story is that after my attack the perp kidnapped the girl at knife point and 4 KM downstream on the Mekong, cut her throat and tossed her into the river.

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i apologise if I missed the flames thrown at each other, and had not been checking on this thread often enough.

but seriously, can we stop with the bickering and insulting remarks?

or perhaps theres been enough views with regards to whether or not to intervene.

I suppose no matter what anyone says, each will be at different comfort level as to whether they would or to what extent.

so on that note, Im closing this thread


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