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How Much A Night?


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how much money for a place to stay

say the cheapest, no air conditioning just a room

im running on a low budget and just wondering

so can you tell me hotels or hostels in bangkok or chang mai or good places to go for a 17 year old

im going in late march


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Looks like you can still stay for 70-100 (US$2-3) baht/night at Khao San Road.


You will have to make your way across town to Nana (Sukhumvit Soi 4) for a beer. I have some friend from Galesburg in town in March/April.

thats good

im looking for something like 2-5 dollars a night

i could stay khao san road for a couple of nights

but i want to see more of rural thailand and just the country not really in to just partying

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17 seems to be a bit young to be alone in Thailand, You can get rooms as little as 100baht a night , but they are very very basic, Look near bus stations there are usualy rooms that the Thais stay over night .

17 a bit young to be alone in Thailand? What rubbish.

When I was 17 I was hitch-hiking and bussing it all over Iran,Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Thailand. For years, until my early twenties. And I wasn't the only one. Met quite a few people my age doing the same thing.

And that was back in the late 60s, when there was no instant communications.

No internet, no mobile phones.

You were on your own.

Good for you kevbomac for getting out there and seeing the world. You'll learn a lot, as much about yourself as about the rest of the world. Good luck to you mate. Don't worry, you can find plenty of cheap places to stay in Thailand. And you can eat good food for next to nothing too.

This isn't the best place to ask about cheap and cheapest, as most of the guys on this forum are either retired or working on western salaries here, and have never been penniless travellers, so they have no idea what living at street level is all about.

My youngest daughter was in Thailand a couple of years ago (gap year travels), and stayed in Khao San etc. If you want me to ask her for some recent info, PM me, and I'll email her.

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Looks like you can still stay for 70-100 (US$2-3) baht/night at Khao San Road.


You will have to make your way across town to Nana (Sukhumvit Soi 4) for a beer. I have some friend from Galesburg in town in March/April.

Why would he have to go to Nana for a beer? Plenty of bars in Khao San. In fact they are shoulder to shoulder all along Khao San Road.

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Looks like you can still stay for 70-100 (US$2-3) baht/night at Khao San Road.

and also for much less-strictly following the posters question-rooms like that can be had-if you are so lucky to find them empty-for 150 bt. of course no advance booking, no web-site etc. just come and see.

and to suss all the following TV-we dont know but nonetheless we post-advice to be expected; NO, not dirty, full of roaches, thieves or whatever. A small, cleam room, bath outside/shared, with a bed, fan, table+chair, space to hang clothes and even a nice riverview-from its side.

But the main verdict is more likely that this particular site is not kind for these kind of Qs: try lonelyplanet, thorntree for young and we know nothing bekpekkers. or even more pratic: BUY that book-so you have its map at hand when you descend the airport bus

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17 seems to be a bit young to be alone in Thailand, You can get rooms as little as 100baht a night , but they are very very basic, Look near bus stations there are usualy rooms that the Thais stay over night .

17 a bit young to be alone in Thailand? What rubbish.

I agree. You'll have the time of your life here. As long as you're not a muppet, you're reasonably streetwise and you do your research before you come, you'll be fine. Just use your common sense, don't let anybody rush you into anything, or make you go anywhere or do anything you weren't planning on doing. There are people over here who are just looking to take your money and they're very clever when it comes to doing it.

As for Bangkok, Khan San Road (KSR) is the cheapest place to stay. It's full of backpackers, street vendors, scam artists, beggars and thieves, and there's about two bars on the whole road, I hate the place. I was supposed to be staying there for two weeks, as a base for the rest of Bangkok, I lasted three days and left. I don't hate Bangkok, it has a lot of culture and history to see, I just didn't like KSR at all. By all means go there and see what you think, I met a couple of people who also hated it and ended up travelling with them for a while.

It's a good place to head to when you land. If you're new to Thailand you'll experience culture shock when you get here and KSR is a good place to settle in and adjust. There are plenty of cheap travel agents on and near KSR when you're ready to move on.

From what I know about elsewhere in Thailand, it doesn't get much cheaper than KSR. Try to budget for around 300 - 500 baht/night for accommodation, if you find cheaper (which you probably will), it'll be a bonus. Always better to overestimate your expenses when budgeting.

At the end of the day, you'll be here to enjoy yourself. Travel and accommodation are cheap enough to leave your plans very flexible, if you don't like somewhere just jump on a bus/train and go somewhere else.

Bottom line, have fun.

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