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Brit Owned Chiang Mai Restaurants


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Over the years here in Chiang Mai I have noticed a change of attitude with the larger restaurant establishments towards their customers, especially regarding the Brit owned businesses.

The Red Lion.

Food is reasonable. Service average. The web site displays a photo, No Riff Raff, After all we don't just serve anybody.

This certainly doesn't give inspiration to want to dine there, thinking that you may not be welcome if the owner doesn`t like your face. Seems that the boss believes customers should consider it a favour and an honour being permitted to spend their money in that place and quite pricey.

The Pub.

Food is good and good value, but the staff are the most unfriendly that I have ever experienced in Chiang Mai, with a take it or leave it attitude and as far as the owner's concerned if you don't like it, go somewhere else.

The Irish Pub.

Food is reasonable and very good value for money. Service can be good, staff can be friendly, but depends on what mood you catch them in at the time, varies depending on which staff are on duty.

The Dukes

Food is reasonable and good value for money.

Service excellent, staff polite and friendly atmosphere.

Haus München HofBräuhaus German restaurant

Food excellent. Service polite, friendly and attentive.

Although expensive, a good eating experience

So what's the deal with these Brit owned restaurants?

Is it because they are making so much money that they can afford to put good customer service aside?

Are the owners trying to make a name for themselves as some sort of elite group of Farangs in Chiang Mai ?

Or am I seeing things in the wrong perspective? But there does seem to be a lot of arrogance amongst this group

Edited by BigWheelMan
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first time I have ever heard anyone complaining about Red Lion staff or service, one of the more pleasant and affordable places to take visitors to chiangmai, will take into consideration that you come from Romford :D if you want run of the mill smiles, mediocrity and service ,stick with Macdonalds, we have privately been taking visitors to thailand for a visit to the redlion, whether they be british, thai, german or where ever , never heard a bad word, and believe me our visitors expect to recieve good value for money, :)

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A strange post, you mention two British pubs, neither from what I can gather have given you bad service.

I think you'll find the no riff raff sign is a bit of a joke on the owners part I don't believe he has ever ejected anyone from his pub for the way they look, if he had I'm sure he would have had started a big discussion about it here :)

The pub I haven't been to in years so can't comment.

What about Tuskers - you can't beat the couple who own this place for hospitality, I've heard the owner of the Olde Bell is a friendly gent though I've never spoken to him. All Brits. I'm sure there are lots of other examples.

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first time I have ever heard anyone complaining about Red Lion staff or service, one of the more pleasant and affordable places to take visitors to chiangmai, will take into consideration that you come from Romford :D if you want run of the mill smiles, mediocrity and service ,stick with Macdonalds, we have privately been taking visitors to thailand for a visit to the redlion, whether they be british, thai, german or where ever , never heard a bad word, and believe me our visitors expect to recieve good value for money, :)

And please quote where in my post I am complaining about the Red Lion's staff or service?

I am talking about arrogance here, constructive criticism.

I find the picture on the web site; After all we don't just serve anybody, as off putting.

Nothing personal or malicious intended. I think I make fair comment and as a customer I hope the boss takes customers views into consideration.

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I have really enjoyed the service at the Red Lion in the day time and have not met the owner who is supposed to be one of the good guys. The prices are pretty close to what other pubs charge in Chiang Mai even though the rents are high in that area.

Nick at the Mad Dog is a very pleasant man, but he could be an Aussie.

The owners of Tuskers are most pleasant.

There are lots of good Brits in Chiang Mai.

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Okay, I'll bite!

- I've always seen the No Riff-Raff policy at The Red Lion as a comic deterrent, it hasn't put me off! I pop in every so often and enjoy good service and the odd chat with that strange John Cleese character.

- Haven't been to The Pub for ages but like many locals' pubs back in the UK it can be a touch cliquey; the place is the same age as me (also established in 1969) so is possibly allowed some quirks of personality. I really enjoy popping in there for a pint every so often

- The UN Irish Pub's Sandy is not much of a Brit, you are probably confusing his being offended at such an accusation with arrogance. I've never experience anything there to put me off the place; definitely on my list of watering holes.

Mad Dog is also Brit owned and seems to have become the Marmite of Chiang Mai establishments with Thai Visa posters recently . . . you either love it or hate, I like the place, enjoy the food, find the staff good and regularly meet interesting old and new faces and friends there.

Tuskers' also has Brits at the wheel, arrogance is not a word that I, nor anyone else, would use to describe the boss there . . . hard-working, friendly and welcoming are words that immediately spring to mind.

The Olde Bell boasts a Welshman and other than the odd pint of Guinness there I cannot pass any informed comment but I'm told the breakfast is well worth trying.

The (resurrected) Escape in the lane behind John's Place has one of the friendliest and most likeable hosts I've met in a long time and guess what? He's a Brit.

My point is that I'm not entirely sure what your point is BigWheelMan but I'm certain that with some footwork you will find Brit run establishments that don't offend your sensibilities. I think that, as you suggest, your perspective may be askew and I mean that in the nicest possible way! In the current economic and political climate I doubt very much that any landlord can afford to "put good customer service aside" and that any genuinely constructive criticism would be welcomed by the business owners. Failing that, vote with your wallet and feet.

Best of luck with your research :) ,


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Okay, I'll bite!

- I've always seen the No Riff-Raff policy at The Red Lion as a comic deterrent, it hasn't put me off! I pop in every so often and enjoy good service and the odd chat with that strange John Cleese character.

- Haven't been to The Pub for ages but like many locals' pubs back in the UK it can be a touch cliquey; the place is the same age as me (also established in 1969) so is possibly allowed some quirks of personality. I really enjoy popping in there for a pint every so often

- The UN Irish Pub's Sandy is not much of a Brit, you are probably confusing his being offended at such an accusation with arrogance. I've never experience anything there to put me off the place; definitely on my list of watering holes.

Mad Dog is also Brit owned and seems to have become the Marmite of Chiang Mai establishments with Thai Visa posters recently . . . you either love it or hate, I like the place, enjoy the food, find the staff good and regularly meet interesting old and new faces and friends there.

Tuskers' also has Brits at the wheel, arrogance is not a word that I, nor anyone else, would use to describe the boss there . . . hard-working, friendly and welcoming are words that immediately spring to mind.

The Olde Bell boasts a Welshman and other than the odd pint of Guinness there I cannot pass any informed comment but I'm told the breakfast is well worth trying.

The (resurrected) Escape in the lane behind John's Place has one of the friendliest and most likeable hosts I've met in a long time and guess what? He's a Brit.

My point is that I'm not entirely sure what your point is BigWheelMan but I'm certain that with some footwork you will find Brit run establishments that don't offend your sensibilities. I think that, as you suggest, your perspective may be askew and I mean that in the nicest possible way! In the current economic and political climate I doubt very much that any landlord can afford to "put good customer service aside" and that any genuinely constructive criticism would be welcomed by the business owners. Failing that, vote with your wallet and feet.

Best of luck with your research :) ,


Thank you for your comments and will certainly try some of the places you mention.

Although I have been a regular visitor to Chaing Mai, only recently decided to lay down my hat and live here.

I am presently finding my feet and trying to find restaurants and other entertainment places that I feel comfortable in and make them my regular haunts.

No intention of discrediting any businesses, only commenting on my first impressions of these establishments.

Will try other places and will post my opinions in the Chaing Mai forum from time to time.

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Do you honestly think that the 'No Riff Raff' sign is to be taken seriously? I have been called some odd names before but never 'arrogant'. A working class lad from Kirkby doesn't have much cause to be arrogant. 

Having said that, we don't get much Riff Raff so maybe it works. :)

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I can't comment on the various restaurants, but I will say this. That lady who operates the German restaurant you mention has a very well trained staff. IMO, all Chang Mai restaurants could take a lesson from her on how to provide customer service.

I think food could be a lot better.

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first time I have ever heard anyone complaining about Red Lion staff or service

I had a really crap experience there with my folks about 5/6 years ago, to the point of being embarrassing. Fully intended to eat but after all the hassle of getting the drinks wrong twice (and to actually be waited on) and just a feeling of them not giving shit (we were actually the main customers at the time), we absconded empty-bellied. Pretty sure Kevin wasn't there then, or, if he was the owner, he wasn't onsite plus the bad vibes were from the Thai staff, in particular the head bird. My folks are what you'd call middle class in the UK; polite, well dressed, moneyed... anyway, RL lost several thousand baht in a hit. Could have been an off day and I've been back on my tod a number of times since, but one needs to be firing on all four cylinders all the time to be fair. :D

Perhaps the op has been catching all the Brit places on these off days, but on them being arrogant as a rule, think he's talking a load of tosh and is looking for something to happen. Perhaps more things in a row went right in the German place and op was in the frame of mind for something not to go wrong as it's easier to be critical of your own brethren.

Anyway, reckon the thread lost all credibility on positing the Dukes' food 'reasonable.' :) Certainly no gastronome.

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Great - a Brit who doesn't recognize Brit irony!

got me as well, I thought it might be Kevin under a pseudonym drumming up business again :)

Kevin does not need to drum up business. He is so busy he can turn the riff raff away.

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Great - a Brit who doesn't recognize Brit irony!

got me as well, I thought it might be Kevin under a pseudonym drumming up business again :D

Not me, I wanted to be a train driver!! (Still do).

Talking of Bus drivers, I had a customer that used to be a coach driver. If anyone ever mentioned that he was a bus-driver he got all uppity, and with a sniff, declared that he had never been a bus driver - he was a coach driver!! Public transport workers snobbery!!?! He almost implied that he wouldn't lower himself to driving a bus. :)

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Great - a Brit who doesn't recognize Brit irony!

got me as well, I thought it might be Kevin under a pseudonym drumming up business again :D

Not me, I wanted to be a train driver!! (Still do).

Talking of Bus drivers, I had a customer that used to be a coach driver. If anyone ever mentioned that he was a bus-driver he got all uppity, and with a sniff, declared that he had never been a bus driver - he was a coach driver!! Public transport workers snobbery!!?! He almost implied that he wouldn't lower himself to driving a bus. :)

Did he have a no riff raff sign on his coach :D

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For the love of god, not another Red Lion self promotional thread, enough already.
Self promotional? I didn't raise the topic so how is it self promotional? Besides, I thought he was critcising not promoting? 

By the way, six restaurants were mentioned, not just The Red Lion.You're right though, I hate self-promotion, it drives me to drink. That's why I'm now going to The Red Lion to have a pint of Guinness, or maybe Tetley's and to watch the football on the huge 72inch projector with surround sound. I hear the Fish n Chips are quite good, too. :)  Fancy joining me? I'll get the first one.

Edited by KevinHunt
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Let's not carry this "no riff-raff" idea too far.

If the powers above view this thread, they might get ideas.

And then we'll all be perusing a telly test pattern.... :)

Red Lion has a genuinely interesting character of an owner, great classic rock 60's and 70's tunes- and a broad selection of schnapps.

Sounds like a weiner (sic), to me.


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- I've always seen the No Riff-Raff policy at The Red Lion as a comic deterrent, it hasn't put me off! I pop in every so often and enjoy good service and the odd chat with that strange John Cleese character.


Thanks for that link, I hadn't seen it before. I know the people in the picture at the bar so the "no riff-raff" policy is obviously not enforced.

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