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Us Transportation Security Agency Goofs


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America's main transportation security agency, the TSA, formed in the aftermath of the 9-11 attack on the WTC in NYC, inadvertently released to the world, by posting a document on their website, their security guidelines for screening passengers and luggage at US airports. The document runs to almost 100 pages and describes all manner of their "standard operating procedures" when conducting passenger security and screening operations at US airports. It helpfully gives future terrorists examples of the security credentials given to CIA officers, Congressmen, and even Federal Air Marshals so as to avoid screening altogether. In addition, it provides interesting information of the sensitivity settings of the x-ray, metal detection, and other equipment used to screen passengers and luggage going aboard flights (with such useful information as to which gauge of wire to use in your carry-on bomb so as to make it undetectable to the metal detectors currently in use).

The document was apparently posted in conjunction with a bidding request for some outside work to be done for the TSA. The morons at the TSA used some computer program to redact sensitive portions of the document but apparently, it the redacted portions of the text were copied and moved to a new document or attached to an email message, the redacted text again became visible.

The document is now available as a PDF on Pirate Bay and makes for interesting reading. Just search for TSA Screening and it will come right up.

Edited by FarangBuddha
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before they were the tsa , it was the federal air transport air safety service ( until they had jackets printed up and noticed the initals were FATASS)

What would we do without America? There would be no one to laugh at???? The man who released the info obviously had 2 male apendages.... :)

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