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"love, You Need A Shave"


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one of my wifes friends (beautiful girl i might add) has this problem, but it is in only one spot on her body, she has a little ring of hair about 3 in. above each ankle, not to noticable, but just enough to see. I was drunk one night and called her a hobbit, she didnt understand what it was, but the wife did......i payed for that one......

Girls, can't you buy Immac in Thailand ?

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All the Thai birds I've seen necked have had virtually no body hair barring a light touch on the cooch, armpits and maybe a few leg hairs. Nothing to worry about and certainly not enough to warrant shaving; smooth as silk. :D


I agree with that . But then I did not go for the hairy one's . Reminded me to much of my Xwife . :o

Back to the OP I think I would try to be subtle and not come out and say it .

Something like place a can of shaving cream under her pillow .

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Lol! No seriously, I do NOT have a girlfriend! I wouldn't dump someone because of some extra hair here and there, god knows I've got my own flaws.

I only asked for curiosity/fun and because I met a friend of a friend, (now my friend) one night and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, the next day I met her, I did notice a little 'tasche, but it's grown on me now, or rather her :o.

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god knows I've got my own flaws.

Your Avitar Errawan being your biggest, it reminds me of the Scarecrow in the Movie Dr.Sin. (dont supose you will remember it) It aint nice, frightening to some a bit like Jason maybee, takes 2 minutes to put on a brave face :o I wish the Mods would remove it as a choice, I just personally dont like it. Simbo has it as well, come on guys lighten up, sure you are nice people but your Avitars look threatening and menacing, and when you came up with the lighthearted comment at the top of this post it shows you are are a funny guy and I really dont think its in keeping with your name Erawan comes from the Shrine right?

Up to you, this is not a punchy post, just how I see it

Much respect and its your choice to ignore it if you so desire.

there is a poll in Hang Loy Kratt (all spelt wrong ) regarding Avatars-check it out



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Lol ThaiPauly, I chose it because I thought I identified with it, a little crazy and because I too have a big grin. It's not meant to be threatening or menacing, although I accept your comment and I will change my avatar to show that I'm really a nice, huggable guy :o. I should try to find my own personal avatar when I can be bothered... if ever... Too lazy to look, let's see what TV has on offer.

Ok, how's this? Now I'm just a big pussy :D. Ohsocuteandcuddly though.

Edited by Erawan
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Sometimes, "subtle" doesn't work...

Years ago, my employer offered a sabbatical - essentially 8 weeks of vacation with pay. I stopped shaving and, after 3 days, my girlfriend asked what I was doing. I told her that I was growing a beard. Her response was, "I want to support you, and I'm not going to shave until you do." THAT'S why I shave twice a day...

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Lol ThaiPauly, I chose it because I thought I identified with it, a little crazy and because I too have a big grin. It's not meant to be threatening or menacing, although I accept your comment and I will change my avatar to show that I'm really a nice, huggable guy :o. I should try to find my own personal avatar when I can be bothered... if ever... Too lazy to look, let's see what TV has on offer.

Ok, how's this? Now I'm just a big pussy :D. Ohsocuteandcuddly though.

Nice one Erawan, now dont send me anymore silly PM's and w can have civilised conversations and be freinds- let me send you a Bic.

Well done you, (bit too much fur-needs a good facial shave) :D

Best Wishes


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