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Dear Farang Ladies...

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How is Maria doing, Scampy?

Well, it would make a good post.

Nice avatar BTW.

Did you see my poem earlier?

'This Danish dame she likes the same comedians as me

We love each ohers company and more to some degree

My given name is Scampy and her name is Dear Marie

But when the phone inside her ribcage rings it's not for me.'

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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For goodness sake girls, if you fancy a guy, why don't you just tell him - or at least make it more obvious so you don't spend most of your time flirting and wondering and then leave it until the day before he goes home to get drunk enough to tell him how you feel!

This is your only flaw my sweethearts and it's caused me a lot of unnescessary hassle and wasted oppertunity.  :D  :D  :D

Scamp - you ever considered that these girls might not fancy you ?

Typical 'man' behaviour, I guess... :o

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It appears we have little choice.

At least put some sort of smiley face there or you'll be misunderstood as being cruel.

I know what you mean Scamp and another thing is why do they always assume we will be able to 'tell the signs'? I remember one episode of that sitcom called 'sex and the city' (gf loved it, forced to watch it all..but not too bad actually) where one of the characters agonises about what a guy means by not coming up to her apartment after a night out...is he trying to play it slow?...etc etc

Upon asking a male friend, she is told 'Nah..that just means he is not that into you'. I think that sums up the differences between most men and most women perfectly. :o

Edited by OxfordWill
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I'm very far from Marie these days but we're still in touch.

I recently had a wonderful re-union, well... reprise actually, with a girl called Gemma who was a little young for me when we dated for a couple of weeks back in 2000 when she was just 17.

Now, with a bit of life experience and wisdom behind her, she's ripened into a woman... I hope I don't get flamed for that comment like I have in posts about my preference of Thai girl and lack of interest in 'innocent' and inexperienced girls.

Gemma and Marie are two of the three soulmates I've met thus far yet very different.

I would love Gemma to come to Thailand and my first post in this forum was about her, but I don't think she would... Shame, I know a couple of ladies here that would have shown her a night on the tiles.

She did discuss moving to Scotland with me next week but after giving it some thought she said she didn't think it would work out.

What she actually meant was that I am still genarally unsettled, don't drive or own a home or have any financial security and therefore I would be an unwise choice to start a serious relationship.

I fully understand this, it's nature of course... The woman wants a secure provider if she's to ever contemplate children, so I have to not get depressed that I've yet to find out what I want to do, where I want to do it and who I want to do it with and just keep on trying.

I can't have my cake and eat it, but we had a good night and we're still the best of mates.

Anyway ladies... I'm right aren't I. :o

But I also know I will land on my feet someday. :D

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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You are still so young with a long life ahead of you.

Dont be so depressed,many of us older guys on here would swap places in a heartbeat.

And why would you want to settle with a 22 year old.....thats way too young to be getting hitched these days.

I'm very far from Marie these days but we're still in touch.

I recently had a wonderful re-union, well...  reprise actually, with a girl called Gemma who was a little young for me when we dated for a couple of weeks back in 2000 when she was just 17.

Now, with a bit of life experience and wisdom behind her, she's ripened into a woman... I hope I don't get flamed for that comment like I have in posts about my preference of Thai girl and lack of interest in 'innocent' and inexperienced girls.

She and Marie are two of the three soulmates I've met thus far yet very different.

I would love Gemma to come to Thailand and my first post in this forum was about her, but I don't think she would.

She did discuss moving to Scotland with me next week but after giving it some thought she said she didn't think it would work out.

What she actually meant was that I am still genarally unsettled, don't drive or own a home or have any financial security and therefore I would be an unwise choice to start a serious relationship.

I fully understand this, it's nature of course... The woman wants a secure provider if she's to ever contemplate children, so I have to not get depressed that I've yet to find out what I want to do, where I want to do it and who I want to do it with and just keep on trying.

I can't have my cake and eat it, but we had a good night and we're still the best of mates.

Anyway farang ladies...  I'm right aren't I. :o

But I also know I will land on my feet someday. :D

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You are still so young with a long life ahead of you.

Dont be so depressed,many of us older guys on here would swap places in a heartbeat.

And why would you want to settle with a 22 year old.....thats way too young to be getting hitched these days.

True, very true... It's ironic that both are what I would usually call 'too young for me' - but as my critics quite righly pointed out elsewhere, when you hit it off with somebody you don't care about the age gap or the pale skin or the slightly fatter behind! ...It was fantastic to realise I was not as shallow as I'd sometimes feared!! :D

I'm nowhere near ready to get hitched, many would at 31 but I'm nowhere near ready... It would just be nice to have a significant relationship because it has been so so so long.

One of the differences with farang girls is that they are more understanding of the fact that a relationship isn't nescessarily for life and that a bf or gf could last six weeks or six years and end amicably or end badly, it just runs it's course and isn't planned.

This is possibly why I have avoided getting too involved with a Thai girl, especially a 'good' one, when I never know where I will be from one year to the next.

I'm not depressed though, I'm surviving as I always do... I'm okay. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...
One of the differences with farang girls is that they are more understanding of the fact that a relationship isn't nescessarily for life and that a bf or gf could last six weeks or six years and end amicably or end badly, it just runs it's course and isn't planned.

This is possibly why I have avoided getting too involved with a Thai girl, especially a 'good' one, when I never know where I will be from one year to the next.

You are a very wise man scampy...

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How´s the social life in Blighty?

Are you getting out a bit?

Getting worried about you lately.


Can't really afford it.

But last night I went to a loud Scottish bar called Balaclava and had an Eastern European woman in her early 40's chatting me up over the noise of the band.

Later on I met a gaggle of English girls and was invited to join them, and the best looking, the 'leader' took a fancy to me, she was only 20 trs old so it was very obvious.

I didn't really want a shag but it's always good for the confidence to know that you can... I keep forgetting that when I was in my last year at school or at college, all the best looking girls went out with men my age.

I'm not really attracted to girls as young as 20 but it's nice to pass on a bit of wisdom and impress them with my life experience! :D

After I went home I wondered why I declined the offer to go to the local night club... Probably because it would have been an expensive way of having a grope and a snog with somebody that I had no interest in having a relationship with but would do anyway because I was drunk and got off on the confidence boost.

Anyway, once I was snuggled up in bed, for some reason it was the old tart from Latvia that I was thinking about. :o

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Scamp, I don't really know what your problem is. I am 36 - retired at 27, had 3 serious relationships, what are you waiting for? You can wait until you are fat and balding and come out to Thailand and buy a wife if that is what you really want. Grow up lad - commit to something. Christ no house, no car, in your thirties - no wonder you are alone.

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Christ no house, no car, in your thirties - no wonder you are alone.

So where does it say you have to have a car and a house and by a certain age in order to "settle down"...

Some people have different priorities in life other than joining the millions of others with a 2 bed house, 2 cars on the drive and very boring lifes... including the highlight of going down the curry house once a month... :D

Don't knock someone for not conforming to your outdated views on how people should live... his investment IMHO has been made in life experience... which is invaluable..

totster :o

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Christ no house, no car, in your thirties - no wonder you are alone.

So where does it say you have to have a car and a house and by a certain age in order to "settle down"...

Some people have different priorities in life other than joining the millions of others with a 2 bed house, 2 cars on the drive and very boring lifes... including the highlight of going down the curry house once a month... :D

Don't knock someone for not conforming to your outdated views on how people should live... his investment IMHO has been made in life experience... which is invaluable..

totster :o

Tots has said it for me really and put it very well, the only think I can add is that IMO you can only settle when you know you have met the right person for you.

Unfortunatly, too many people settle when they THINK they have met the right person and before they know it they have responsibilities they are not yet ready for.

I've yet to decide where on the globe I want to live, or what I'm going to do to get there, but if I met miss right tomorrow there's nothing I'd like more than to settle down.

It wouldn't matter what nationality she was but I would want someone with a little life experience and backbone.

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Christ no house, no car, in your thirties - no wonder you are alone.

So where does it say you have to have a car and a house and by a certain age in order to "settle down"...

Some people have different priorities in life other than joining the millions of others with a 2 bed house, 2 cars on the drive and very boring lifes... including the highlight of going down the curry house once a month... :D

Don't knock someone for not conforming to your outdated views on how people should live... his investment IMHO has been made in life experience... which is invaluable..

totster :o

Tots has said it for me really and put it very well, the only think I can add is that IMO you can only settle when you know you have met the right person for you.

Unfortunatly, too many people settle when they THINK they have met the right person and before they know it they have responsibilities they are not yet ready for.

I've yet to decide where on the globe I want to live, or what I'm going to do to get there, but if I met miss right tomorrow there's nothing I'd like more than to settle down.

It wouldn't matter what nationality she was but I would want someone with a little life experience and backbone.

Sorry I replied for you scamp... but I had to... parts of toni157's post kind of applies to me also... :D

totster :D

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I am going to reply to this as a friend & who only has your best interests at heart :o


OK, shouting over :D - As with everyone, your life will take it's own natural course, not all women want a man to provide for her (some of us are quite happy & capable to take care of ourselves), if your destiny is to meet a girl, settle down with a mortgage, 2 kids & a people carrier :D , then so be it, if your destined to spend your life wandering the world, then do it with a positive outlook & a sense of wonder at all the things you wil see or do & if your destined to stay in the UK, as a life long batchelor, then enjoy the company of women but don't make them any false promises. It's simple, if you meet someone who you feel a connection with then your life & plans may change, but none of us know if a relationship is forever, it's a leap of faith & the one thing I do know, you can't make comparisons between this girl ot that, we are all individual & bring to the table something different & want & expect different things from life :D

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I am going to reply to this as a friend & who only has your best interests at heart :o


OK, shouting over  :D - As with everyone, your life will take it's own natural course, not all women want a man to provide for her (some of us are quite happy & capable to take care of ourselves), if your destiny is to meet a girl, settle down with a mortgage, 2 kids & a people carrier :D , then so be it, if your destined to spend your life wandering the world, then do it with a positive outlook & a sense of wonder at all the things you wil see or do & if your destined to stay in the UK, as a life long batchelor, then enjoy the company of women but don't make them any false promises. It's simple, if you meet someone who you feel a connection with then your life & plans may change, but none of us know if a relationship is forever, it's a leap of faith & the one thing I do know, you can't make comparisons between this girl ot that, we are all individual & bring to the table something different & want & expect different things from life :D

Put very well indeed and trust me, I am slowly coming round to that way of thinking and although I still want to have my cake and eat it I am certainly more positive.

Boo, I hope we can both make it to this Thai food festival in July as there maybe some TV mini meet going on... I told my mate in London I'd like to meet Boo.

She said, "Boo who?"

I told her not to get upset.

Do I win 5 pounds? :D:D

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My addittion that Scamp has nothing at his, relatively, young age wasn't meant to promote the 2.5 kids, get married lifestyle. If you read his mails you will see that he has no idea what he wants to do in life! speaking as somebody who has given it all up, (believe me I was right up there as an investment banker), I just think he should wake up and decide what he wants to do in life. None of us can tell him what to do, but after all this time travelling around the world and coming from a dirt poor Glasgow background, I'll say stand up and be a man!

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coming from a dirt poor Glasgow background

What gave you that idea? :D

I was born in the Isle Of Wight and fostered by a middle class couple at 3yrs old, I'm up in Scotland 'cause I was fed up with Chesham... The town I moved to when I left home and returned to as a base on and off for the fifteen years that followed.

But your philosophy is correct, I don't have a clue what I should do but I know what I want to do, and everytime I surrender to the fact that I may never make a living from my talents, THAT'S when I decide that the only thing that would bring happiness and contentment is a significant other.

Unfortunatly, being unsettled and in persuit of happiness is not the best way to get a significant anything, especially income. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...
coming from a dirt poor Glasgow background

What gave you that idea? :D

I was born in the Isle Of Wight and fostered by a middle class couple at 3yrs old, I'm up in Scotland 'cause I was fed up with Chesham... The town I moved to when I left home and returned to as a base on and off for the fifteen years that followed.

But your philosophy is correct, I don't have a clue what I should do but I know what I want to do, and everytime I surrender to the fact that I may never make a living from my talents, THAT'S when I decide that the only thing that would bring happiness and contentment is a significant other.

Unfortunatly, being unsettled and in persuit of happiness is not the best way to get a significant anything, especially income. :D


Didn't actually read your original posting but... you sound a little like me, wandering the planet in search of self and stopping in between to take on educational pursuits. But that is what life on this planet is all about... isn't it? Living and learning? I gotta keep reminding myself of that all the time... so thankyou for once again reminding me that my life is a huge learning curve. But oh, when will I learn all my lessons?


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For goodness sake girls, if you fancy a guy, why don't you just tell him - or at least make it more obvious so you don't spend most of your time flirting and wondering and then leave it until the day before he goes home to get drunk enough to tell him how you feel!

This is your only flaw my sweethearts and it's caused me a lot of unnescessary hassle and wasted oppertunity.  :D  :D  :D


Now I get it... I just read your original post. Well let me tell you... everytime I do tell him how I feel, he usually runs. Guys just don't seem to know a good thing when they see it these days. :o

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In my experience the house, car and financial stability is certainly "nice" things to have and SOME women will find these things as being part of the attraction.

But the best relationships I have had have been with girls who didn't give a rats a.. about those things.


Scandinavien man / 30 years old / living in BKK

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  • 2 weeks later...
If this post is to continue, bear in mind that I have evolved from my original posting and that I have had my faith in farang women more than restored since I have been back in the U.K. :D

Women in general are just fantastic, and they are to be respected and loved, but never understood. :o

Wear this sticker proudly on the back of your Expat car : "We love Scampy" :D

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If this post is to continue, bear in mind that I have evolved from my original posting and that I have had my faith in farang women more than restored since I have been back in the U.K. :D

Women in general are just fantastic, and they are to be respected and loved, but never understood. :D

Wear this sticker proudly on the back of your Expat car : "We love Scampy" :D

And another below it that says...

"But just as a friend." :o

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