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How To Price Yourself In Thailand's Job Market

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I have been interviewing with several people for IT jobs. I am a specialist in my field, and I make extremely good money in America... however here I am confused as to how much to ask for salary-wise. Is there any consistency to what companies will pay? My experience thus far is that if I choose a mid-range salary of say 45,000b, some companies will (figuratively) slam their door in my face and others look at me like I am a ridiculous bargain and accept my salary request with no negotiation. I am asking for only 10% of what I make in America, is that about right? I would obviously like to make the most possible without pricing myself out of the market.

Thanks for any help.

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Here is how you should price yourself:

1. Figure out: By adding you to their staff, how much more can that Thai employer earn in revenue (or by how much can they reduce costs) during the next six months, compared to the most recent six months without you.

2. Take the number you come up with, and divide by six. Now take 65% of that number. This is the salary that a typical Thai employer is prepared to pay you.

If you cannot place a number on your "impact" on the compnay, then they probably cannot place such a number on your value - and they will not be interested in hiring you.

If you want to live here in a stable situation, with a long-term entry permit based on qualifying employment for a qualifying employer, then you need to earn at lesat 60,000 baht per month (if you are North American or Japanese), or 50,000 baht per month if you are European/Australian.

Very few foreigners can come to Thailand, go to work for a Thai employer, and generate meaningful "payback" near-term - generating enough value differential to effectively pay their own salary, plus earn some profit for the employer. That's the harsh reality.

Good luck!

Steve Sykes

Managing Director

Indo-Siam Group


[email protected]


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To answer your question Mango-Guy, money is not everything. I prefer not to be trapped in US corporate culture at this point in my life if I can help it.

LingLing I don't dare to ask for what I make in the US, I just can't believe anyone will pay that to me in Thailand.

And Indo-Siam, I will consider your advice, for which I thank you...

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Look in www.jobdb.com, you can browse it and see offered salaries for similar jobs.

No point to compare salaries here to your American salary unless your expertese is so unique it cannot be found in Thailand.

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