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OK I aprreciate this is an unusual one so it's a bit of a long shot - following on from my previous thread

My friend's daughter is very ill, certainly ill enough that she really needs to come to the UK asap. She is British by birth but he did not register her birth with the Kabul embassy. He is named on the birth certificate.

His plan was to have his wife and daughter join him together and he hadn't realised until I pointed out to him, that his daughter was in fact already British and didnt need a settlement visa.

The tricky thing is, he now has her medical records and it is very clerar she is very ill and urgently needs assessed.

Is there is quicker way to apply for her passport than through Kabul? He has spoke to British Embassy in Kabul and obviously and understandably they have far bigger concerns - and merely reffered him onto the Border Agency website. They do not process passports and pass them on to Pakistan or India depending on the security situation and explained that takes month.

Is this the only way - even with such circumstances? Her ill health is well documentated and records are all in English as it is private NGO hospital's that have been used.

Any assistance much appreciated :)


I'm afraid that I have nothing to suggest, other than using her Afghan passport to obtain a settlement visa for her at the same time as her mother and sorting out her British passport once in the UK.


Oh well thanks anyway - settlement visa apps there take 3-4 months I believe so not much difference in times! :) Would have thought the British passport at least had a gauranteed outcome unlike the settlement visa (for the mother at least!)

Thanks fpr response

Oh well thanks anyway - settlement visa apps there take 3-4 months I believe so not much difference in times! :) Would have thought the British passport at least had a gauranteed outcome unlike the settlement visa (for the mother at least!)

Thanks fpr response

Hold on.....there's a big difference between one month and 3-4 months and there is a guaranteed outcome for the daughter because she's British by birth. It really does not matter which kind of passport she travels on (think about it legally) though of course the passport proves the point. This is the very reason any westerner with a child in these parts should get a home passport immediately; you never know when you might need it.

You don't need to register the birth at the local embassy. You should, however, because again it makes things easier.

Having said all that, surely there is a special class of visa for medical treatment?


Thanks for your reply - the whole issue is it is unclear how long the Biristh passport application will take - Kabul couldnt say other than it was lenghty but yes I agree - has a much more gauranteed outcome than settlement.

I have suggested he tried calling them again to at least get a clearer idea on what processing times are - or even is there is any scope for an application going in here given he (the british pasport holder) has all the necessary documentation for her and obviously has his own passport and naturalisation certificate. Certainly it seems that a foreign birth can be registered here with the FCO in London's consular department if the parent has returned to the UK - I would have hoped a passport application would be the same - he lives and works here and has done all his adult life.

The little girls is seriously ill - major organ failure and I would have hoped there would be some scope for things to be looked at quickly but who knows!!

He is hoping to see an Immigration advisor next week which will be a start - but really to me the most sensible solution is to get the wee one here asap on a UK passport and the issue of settlement for his wife can be settled at a later date in due course - or as quickly as these things can take anyway. They have a huge extended family all British and settled here - so the care of the little girl here is not an issue, the issue is getting her here asap so that any possibile treatment can be explored.

Anyway thanks again for your input and hopefully something fruitful will come of things.

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