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Farang girls in thailand with partners?


Farang girls in thailand with partners?  

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Mmm interesting point of view about what thai men like......from a farang man!!!

Just wondering skyprick, if you dislike farang women & thai men so much, why are you contributing stupid comments to this section of the forum? was you mommy mean to you as a child or something? Or did an old girlfriend damage your ego? Go out, find one of these tight pussy thai women that you like so much & have fun, really, you sound like you need it. Bye bye.

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oh dear,oh dear,oh dear.

what started out as an interesting discussion has now degenerated into an obscene


skywise...why dont you move on over to the bangkok tonite forum where your daft,humourless and unsubstantiated comments will be more acceptable.

ladies....please continue.

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I don't think you struck anybody's nerve. But rather annoyed the people here with your not-humorous humor. I love jokes about penis size, since it's inevitable it will come up when discussing a topic with regards to race.

If your post was something original, maybe a little more creativity, or have a story behind it, it may be entertaining. But if it's any indication that your penis size is the same as your short and dull post, then I don't know what would be more appropriate.

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Mongoloids are known to be smaller physically than the Caucasians and Negroids.

I believe you meant Mongolians...Unless you are referring to individuals with down Syndrome. The information you posted is readily available by doing a simple web search. Surely you can make a better effort in support of your insignificant other. :o

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Actually 'mongoloid' means:

1. Of or pertaining to one of the racial groups of mankind, including most of the people of N and E Asia, The Eskimo, Malaysians and some American Indian

2. Resembling a Mongol or a Mongolian

As a noun, it means a member of the mongoloid racial group.

The reference to Down's syndrome is partly correct. However, people tend not to use the word in association with Down's syndrome anymore as it often causes offences.

Just my little contribution :o

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Just a thought, but I'd be interested to know why the (farang) women on this thread think that their Thai boyfriends or husbands have chosen to pursue relationships with western girls as opposed to Thai girls.

As is well known already, most of the male contributors to this site pair off with what Bernard Trink politely refers to as "demimondaines". The dynamics of this sort of relationship are too well known to warrant further consideration.

But Thai men with western women is unusual and different. Could money be a factor, or is it the case that the men in question have become bored with pretty bimbos?

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But Thai men with western women is unusual and different. Could money be a factor, or is it the case that the men in question have become bored with pretty bimbos?

The majority of Farang women who date Thai men tend to be unattractive, by farang male standards. On the other hand, Thai men normally don't find Thai 'demimondaine' to their liking. To each his own I guess. :D

Personally, Farang women are a bit too hairy for my taste...Just an opinion. :o

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Some Thai men seem to be attracted to Farang women for some reason. There's even a brothel on Sukhumvit Soi 3 that have farang girls servicing Thais (and others too). More than a few well known politicians, businessmen and artists/actors frequent Mike's Place Hotel (that's the name of the place) and their all-fake-blonde staff from Uzbekistan.

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But Thai men with western women is unusual and different. Could money be a factor, or is it the case that the men in question have become bored with pretty bimbos?

Hi California Dave

You'll find (in regards to most of the females here) that the money factor does not enter the relationship (there's a thread in here started by Butterfly discussing this issue).

Why do thai men choose farang women over thai? I don't know - maybe the same reason why farang men choose thai women :D . In my case, my ex was physically attracted to western women - particularly the stereotypical blonde. To him white skin was beautiful and he's always wanted to have a mixed child. Everyone has their own taste, but there’s obviously more to a relationship than the physical attributes. :o

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my husband loves everything about my body & face, from my blue eyes & white skin, to the fact that I have big tits & long legs, I've also never had any complaints from the farang guys that I have known either but then, I haven't dated the whole world population :o


To say that farang girls dating thai men are unnatrative by farang man standards, is another of your unthoughtout comments, because some guys like the asian women, doesn't make them better or worse than farang, it's just personal choice. Same for me, my husband is better that all the farang guys I have dated rolled into one, just my personal choice as he has proven it to me in many many ways.

The world is a large place, open your eyes, if we all looked the same or liked the same things, then wouldn't it be boring. I know alot of thai girls who wouldn't touch a farang guy with a barge pole & some that would, same I have thai men friends who have never dated farang girls & never will, they think we are too different, but a lot like us so, one mans poison is another mans passion. That maybe why the farang brothel is so succesfull, it's just a place for thai guys to try something different and have a new experience.

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goodness gracious, get distracted for a few days with scary boat rides and flooding at home and look at what happens? some insecure misogynistic farang guy takes over the thread. unable to come up with anything remotely interesting about a topic he really obviously knows nothing about he instead prefers to be nasty. didn't your momma teach you if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?

perhaps there was a reason you couldn't pull any pretty farang women? or think they are all hairy? hmmmm....???

back to the point, people, this is not about one man's sad attempt to hijack the thread but about FARANG WOMEN LIVING IN THAILAND WITH OR WITHOUT THAI PARTNERS!!!

to answer dave's well thought out question. depends on the thai guy; my husband's family is quite well off, so it was more the case of the poor american marrying the rich thai. i know some poor thai guys with farang girlfriends but to be honest, most of them don't seem very interested in getting her to buy them things or start them off in business.

my husband says he prefers living with me because i am more straightforward, more honest and less bossy than most thai women. perhaps because i was raised in a household with a mother who did not nag and did not boss but reasoned. not to say there aren't bossy farang women, or that all thai women are bossy, but my husband has a bossy, nagging mother (oh, mother-in-law woes) and sister, so that is what he is used to in thai women. my husband also says he appreciates the fact that I am intelligent and well-educated and able to express my opnion in a direct manner. before he met me his mother tried to set up an arranged marriage for him (yes they still happen out here in the boonies) but he said talking with the girl was like talking to a brick wall. just lots of yeses and oh i don't knows. he said he thought he could never spend his life with a girl who just parroted back his own opinions. he had never dated a farang girl before me, so i don't think he was exactly looking for a farang partner, just that we clicked. he said (very sweetly too, I might add), that once he knew me, it was like we had always known each other, that he thought we had always been together, even in previous lives. naturally, that one got me! :D

here's hoping that that we can continue on in an intelligent manner?? :o

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Just wondered across this thread , Skywise's comments bored me , but tbh I found the Supersurch's post regarding HIV/AIDS figures disturbing.

Do you have a point to make regarding these statistics? Apart from the obvious ,

ie Asians in USA have a much smaller percentage of this disease in comparison to Caucasians , therefore they are smarter etc etc...

Was it just me that was disturbed by his post.

Please enlighten this non-Neanderathal if you will.

ps sorry for meandering further away from the original topic , but I'd like some substance to back up this seemingly "perfect gent's" implications.


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chonabot, perhaps he is just quoting US statistics because they are more readily available? I am not sure such pinpoint statistics are available for asia. Perhaps the fact that the US requires an HIV test for all immigrant applicants has something to do with how those statistics pan out too.

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Sbk , regardless of the availability of the statistics I was questioning the relevance of them within the post he was making. It seemed to me he was trying to imply something , a lot less savoury than the sexist posts he had targeted in this forum.

Maybe everyone else wasn't reading it the same way...

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hmm.. see what you mean chonabot. however, having gone over the previous posts i would have to say I think it wasn't aimed at farang men in general but one particularly obnoxious one who had just made nasty, denigrating remarks about thai men and their "family jewels". we all feel the need to get back at morons every once in a while!

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Just wondered across this thread , Skywise's comments bored me , but tbh I found the Supersurch's post regarding HIV/AIDS figures disturbing.

Do you have a point to make regarding these statistics? Apart from the obvious ,

ie Asians in USA have a much smaller percentage of this disease in comparison to Caucasians , therefore they are smarter etc etc...

Was it just me that was disturbed by his post.

Please enlighten this non-Neanderathal if you will.

ps sorry for meandering further away from the original topic , but I'd like some substance to back up this seemingly "perfect gent's" implications.

Yes, isn't it senseless to take parting shots at someone who is only your figure of imagination without validity or justification? Maybe Skywise could answer that. :o

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Parting shots? No, not at all. My comments are validated based on feedback from disillusioned farang and Thai women.

Just wondering how many of you 'ladies' are actually in Thailand, or are these relationships with Thai men merely a fantasy on your 'to-do' list? :o

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actually skywise, I have been living in thailand for 15 years and happily married to a thai man for 14 years. how long have you been here??? :o

and do you really think disillusioned people (of either sex) will give you an honest appraisal of anyone?

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Just wondering how many of you 'ladies' are actually in Thailand, or are these relationships with Thai men merely a fantasy on your 'to-do' list? :D

I have been here permanently for the last 4 years. why would anyone fantasy around over a non-existing relationship, I guess farang girls here have better things to do. Men of any nationality can disillusion and believe me, it's not the size that matters. 'disillusioned', 'to-do-list' seems like some are missing something... :o

but spot on guys like you who come over here and satisfy all the disillusioned women B)

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Dear Amyji,

Not only thai men are player--but men all over the country are player as well.

Like the other have said....use your common sense, be aware of your

surrounding. Keep away from bar/niteclub and tourist area---i don't mean

that there's no good men at the bar/club. Some of the guys well dress and well respected can be very deceitful. So it doesn't really matter where you meet.

However...maybe you shouldn't be looking for the right one, instead try to be the right one.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  Supersuch - Thu 2003-11-13, 15:51:41 

I was wondering why it took so long for the neanderthals to make a comment on this.

There are several ways to deal effectively with Neanderthals, including:

1. ignoring them (effective)

2. using rational arguments to try to shut them up (usually ineffective)

Unfortunately, you chose to use a PSEUDO-statistical approach.

Estimated numbers of diagnoses of AIDS through December 2002, by race or ethnicity:

Race or Ethnicity # of Cumulative AIDS Cases

White, not Hispanic 364,458

Black, not Hispanic 347,491

Hispanic 163,940

Asian/Pacific Islander 6,924

American Indian/Alaska Native 2,875

Unknown or multiple race 887

National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention

Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention

First of all, it is not clear what your point was. Why did you choose to bring up AIDS vs ethnicity statistics???? Did you want to emphasize the seemingly extraordinarily high number of AIDS diagnoses in Whites vs the seemingly negligible numbers in Asians (????).

If so, let’s look at the diagnosis rates.

According to the US Census Bureau, in 2002 the “white alone” population in the US was 196,845,000. The Asian/Pacific Islander population numbered 12,043,000 individuals.

Source: http://www.census.gov/statab/www/poprace.html

Thus, the estimated rate in whites was 1,851 diagnoses/1 million. The estimated rate for Asians/Pacific Islanders was 577 diagnoses/1 million. The white/asian ratio of AIDS diagnoses is 3.2. The difference is not as huge as suggested by the raw data (estimated numbers of diagnoses not normalized with respect to the white vs Asian population numbers). Furthermore, these are ESTIMATED numbers. The fact that the numbers were estimated, rather than collected in a rigorous, statistically-valid manner, makes the relevance of the ratio very iffy. The 3.2 ratio is not statistically valid and is, more likely than not, an order-of-magnitude guesstimate.

And yet, still today the subject of penis size comes up as a show of power and self-absorbtion. But one does not realize that speaking and thinking of one's penis or anybody elses for that matter is a lack of one's identity and a subconscious guilt of wanting to touch another man's penis.
Jeez, what a bunch of blah, blah, blah psycho-babble garbage. Simple explanation – the more a man brags about his penis size, the more likely it is that he is a pencil-dixx. There is nothing “subconscious” about being a pencil-dixx.
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