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Choking on noodles

Published on January 17, 2010

An eating contest in Phetchaburi claimed the life of a 66-year-old man late on Friday night.

Hing Laichan, a motorcycle taxi driver, was pronounced dead on arrival at Tayang Hospital after he choked on Pad Thai noodles during the contest and passed out.

The man was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late.

The event was held by the Phetchaburi Provincial Administration Organisation at a public park in Tayang district.

Police said Hing couldn't breathe while eating the second dish of noodles and lost consciousness. A hospital official reported to police that the man died of asphyxiation. Lots of noodles were pulled out of his throat.


you ca choke and die on any solid foods - the old chap forgot his false tooth for the speed eating contest and it cost him live.

some imbecil choked even on a single pretzel


RIP to the poor guy.

Surely somebody there could have given him effective first aid!

A good thump on the back would have dislodged the blocked airway!

Eating contests are so disgusting!

What amusement can anyone get from watching such a display is beyond me .. :)


Choking can result in unconsciousness and cardiopulmonary arrest.

It is often caused by food or other foreign body lodged in the throat (airway).

Indeed, choking caused by foreign body airway obstruction accounts for about 3,000 deaths each year.

The recognition and proper management of choking is of key importance to safety in homes, restaurants, and other public places and everybody should be aware of the Heimlich manouvre in order to be prepared for an incident in home, restaurant, pub etc If you are a pub/restaurant get your staff trained in Heimlich Manouvre-the life that's saved may be your own.

Essential to watch this U-Tube demo of Heimlich manouvre. It has saved many lives.

More info:-


Good luck and good health.


i never realised you would have to push in from the belly button, I thought it was higher up! thanks for posting the video.

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