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Non B Without Work Permit

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Assuming I am NOT working in Thailand, if I get a Non B do I then HAVE to get work permit too when in Thailand? Or is it common for people to just get Non B and then just do 90 day back to backs without a work permit? How much do each of these 90 day extensions cost?

It seems like most info sources I have read just assume that if you are entering on a Non B you will follow up with a WP so I'm getting a bit confused.

Perth and Hull are oft-mentioned as consulates where the ME 1yr Non O for visiting friends is given, does anyone know any other consulates that offer this visa or even better does anyone have a list? Ideally the Shanghai consulate would be one of them but I heard Asian consulates are a bit more strict than western consulates, however I am not Chinese but Dutch so I wonder if that would mean the Asian consulate would not be so hard on me.

Thanks for any input.

Edited by mrlob
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Answer the first part of your question...you can get a Non-imm B without ever getting a work permit.....The "B" in Non imm B is business....ie you could be issued a Non-imm B to persue the possiblities of setting up a business in Thailand.

Another example would be this (had this on very good authority)....Say for example a project managers company who is say Singapore based is carrying work in Thailand for a Thai company and say the PM is required to attend a weekly project meeting in BKK, The PM concerned could be issued with a 1 year Non-imm B visa (mutli-entry) to attend these meetings but doesnt need a work permit. If said PM based himself in BKK, then he would need a WP.

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Non-B visa is normally issued to people working, and a work permit is also required to work legally in Thailand. If you do not intend to work then you should consider obtaining Non-O visa.

Within the region you will need to have valid reason to issue; married to Thai, Thai child, retirement etc and may be restricted to single entry.

Outside the region some of the honorary consulates are more liberal in application of the rules, Hull and Perth being such places. Hull will currently issue multiple entry Non-O visa on basis of visiting friends with no paperwork; Perth and Brisbane will issue with signed copy of ID card/passport of Thai friend. You will receive 90 day permission to stay on entry and will have to do border runs every 90 days. Do a final border run just before your visa expires and you can stretch your stay to 15 months.

You can use Non-O visa to support a work permit application in the same way as using Non-B visa, should you decide to work.

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A friend of mine wants to move to Thailand from USA

Plans to set up a company here and be a 49% shareholder

However, he told me he has no plans to ever work in this Thai business his only goal is to get a visa Non B and live in Thailand

We makes his money in the Middle East in something entirely different

I have never heard of his idea so my question is it possible to be a business owner, get a non B visa, but never work here?

If that is plausible it sounds like a way many people could forfill their dream and move to Thailand if of course you have money to set up a business and not need money from it

Set up a business, get a multi entry business VISA, no hassle with work permit etc and bring in money as needed from else where

What about tax? If you are not working in Thailand, not taking any money from Thai company but hold a VISA are you liable for any kind of tax?

He told me he will ensure the business here earns the minimum legal amount required to stay in business but what that means to me is, he makes so much money in the Middle East he can afford to toss money away in a thai business to make it all legal just so he can live here and have a visa

Any of this make any sense to anyone?

This is a guy I have known for years and I do know he makes an ungodly amount of money each year

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Mrlob,

If you have a Non-Immigrant B visa you are not obliged to get a work permit. The Non-Immigrant B visa is the first step in obtaining a work permit but there is no requirement that states you must obtain the work permit.

A good option in this instance is a Non-Immigrant B visa sponsor package. This package will provide you with the paperwork you require to obtain a 1 year multiple entry Non-Immigrant B visa. You mentioned that you are Dutch, if you are currently residing in Holland I would recommend applying for this visa in Amsterdam. The closest destination to Thailand for making the visa application would be Australia. Under this visa, if you intend to stay in Thailand for the duration of the year, you will be required to go to the border every 90 days to get a stamp in your passport.

For more information on this option, please contact Sunbelt Asia on 02-642-0213 .

Best regards,

Foreign Business Advisor

Sunbelt Asia Co.


[email protected]

Edited by Sunbelt Asia
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