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Commercial Offshore Bank Account

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I have a company based in Hong Kong and I want to get an offshore business account set up for it.

I have tried doing this with HSBC HK (who I already have a personal account with) but for the commercial offshore account they want me to fly there to open it which is a total ball ache!

Anybody got any better ideas/recommendations?

I am a UK citizen but resident in Thailand.



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dont know about falang, but HSBC Singapore will let Thais open a Singapore account by applying and singing at the Bangkok branch. (you need to contact the Singapore office first)

but really man, if you are in the position to open a "commercial" account you should really be able to get on a plane.

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Thanks all for your replies, HSBC Bangkok are pretty unhelpful, tried Standard and Charter but they cannot open commercial offshore accounts (corporate/business whatever you want to call it) within Thailand.

Hopping on a plane is obviously not a big deal I just wanted to avoid the wasted time / passport pages / hassle, though it looks like I haven't got a choice!



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If you contact Standard Chartered Singapore to open acct. (don't know about corporate though) they will normally be able to facilitate process by sending paperwork to BKK Standard Chartered for you to sign in presence of an employee there.

Contact Singapore to check, don't ask in BKK because they will probably say you can't do this :)

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