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Pakistan Man Nabbed At Airport With 1kg Heroin In Stomach


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they are putting that new scanner test to good use eh?

The body scanners cannot see inside a person. they are made to see if you have something underneath your clothing. They took him to an xray machine. I didn't know they had that technology at the airport. I guess they anticipate this kind of thing. Not sure how they pick out one man that looks nervous. I think everyone is nervous now adays. I bet they had a tip to be looking out for this guy.

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Oh wow, I love people quoting the random statistics about legalising drugs...

It is true that the heroin itself is surprisingly undamaging to the body directly, but the lifestyle it inevitably leads to is very damaging.

Can you please find unbiased statistics and compare the damages on a PER HEAD basis? I think you'd find the problems per head of people who have used heroin vs the problems per person who have drank alcohol would be far worse.

The logic of saying "I've never heard of heroin causing traffic accidents, but alcohol has a lot" - therefore we should make heroin as prolific as alcohol and seee what happens? That's idiotic.

Keep it in context.. these circular arguments are just so stupid and I'm not sure what thought process is behind them. I've tried a few illegal things in my time, but I thank god for our childrens sake that their legality made us assume there were serious dangers involved.


I work for a rehab, I see the effects at ground zero and have little time for most of the arguments to legalize drugs.

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look at Holland, has legalizing drugs has solved all their social problems?

The Netherlands have hardly any drugs related problems indeed, and there is professional care for anyone who wanna get out. Many ex junkies, dealers, criminals get back their normal positions in the society, often educate school children about their experiences.

Stigmatising is a very bad thing.

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look at Holland, has legalizing drugs has solved all their social problems?

The Netherlands have hardly any drugs related problems indeed, and there is professional care for anyone who wanna get out. Many ex junkies, dealers, criminals get back their normal positions in the society, often educate school children about their experiences.

Stigmatising is a very bad thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that drugs, even pot, is not so widely and legally available in Holland as many would wish to believe. I seem to remember that there is only one free area in Amsterdam where cafes can openly sell dope but I don't think drugs like herion are legally available. However, as you say, addicts receive far more sympathetic treatment.

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Another wasted life in the "war on drugs". This is an endless cycle where the "bad" guys perpetuate the "good" but in the end it doesn't help anyone other than the illegal drug business on one side and law enforcement (who lets face it, can be corrupt) on the other side. I will say it clearly, other than ending this guys life (good or bad) and offering an excuse for some cops to keep their job (and take our tax money) this bust will do nothing for anyone else. It will not stop drugs and drug users or drug dealers.

Addiction is a medical and physiological condition. The time, money, effort and lives that went in busting this knucklehead could have been put to such better use. The war on drugs is a war on people.

No one can do drugs without making a choice to do it, we are not talking about drugs being forced on anyone. I am not a drug user because I make a choice not to be a drug user, so to all the governments out there, when you think you need to protect me from myself, no thanks.

Fix the potholes in the road, defend me from people who want to kill me and educate our children.

Law enforcement for drugs does not help stop people from doing drugs. I creates an underground of illegal activity that fuels the whole cycle. Make drugs legal and you can tax them, identify them, treat them and help them, and get it out of the hands of criminals.

Let's have some compassion.

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Some people never learn from th mistakes of others. Farangs come to this wonderful country and disrepect the thai way of life with thier drugs. The man is going to pay and he can blame no one but himself. I know many many pro drug people here will be blaming the authorities for catching him.

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Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

I disagree very much about the heroin is a casual, pass-around recreational drug. It simply isn't. How it relates to the other drugs such as alcohol etc. is simply and precisely a matter of modern processing.

Chewing coca leaves, taking unrefined opium, drinking wine. Mild, low-concentration plant substances, relatively harmless tribal habits, not super-hard to break away from, & which have been used societally since we were walking upright.

Take those same plants & add the modern distillery, the pharma-lab, and what you have got is highly concentrated substances which are highly toxic to humans & are entirely unfound in the natural world. Such processed substances as heroin,cocaine or crack, and whisky are super~addictive and killers.

I've worked as alcohol/drug counsellor for over a decade & really you notice the damage done to people on the refined products. Heroin is a highly refined product. It can kill you on your first needle, from reflex-seizure. It is highly addictive. Even patients given IV morphine in hospital for a few weeks after major surgery, report signs of craving and even anger when the IV is withdrawn.

Obviously many synthetic drugs given as painkillers, antiseizures etc. are also addictive & harmful. And distilled spirits & cigarettes certainly are killers.

But I think people who traffic heroin by choice & for profit are in fact murderers, simply because somewhere in that 1kg bag are overdosing users and others losing their futures to addiction.

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I'm interested in the economic side of all of this.

I'm assuming that the mule was coming into Thai and not the other way round.

I'm having trouble figuring out why someone would want to come in with that stuff here...to me its like trying to sell sand to the people of the Kalahari.

If someone can throw up some hard numbers it would be interesting.

I think it would be useful to know what is:

1- The available variety of smack in Bkk/Thailand?

2- The cost of heroin in BKK these days for the street user (smallest available packages) and what is the quality like?

I know the heroin from the triangle is better quality, white vs brown, it is more refined (purity may be another matter since it can be cut by dealers prior to street sale).

Used to be a time when heroin sold on the BKK street was uncut, is this still the case?

If so, how can that Afghan / Pak crap compete? Must be a whole lot cheaper AND IF SO ...why not carry that same kilo to Europe where:

1- You could get a whole lot more for it;

2- Be able cut it (for street sale) on top of that and;

3- get a lesser sentence in much nicer surroundings if nabbed.

Is there so much demand in BKK that it outstrips the supply of Burmese heroin and the truly uneducated/unconnected or the really desperate have to buy that low-grade stuff?

To make it short what's the f#@$in' logic behind this? Is it a cash cow for Al-Qaeda/Taliban? If so, someone should tell them, the great satan lies to the west not the east.


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WIKI has this to say, "The whole digestive system is around 9 meters long. In a healthy human adult this process can take between 24 and 72 hours."

They saw that package in his stomach and just asked him to go to the toilet?

Vomiting could have been a better option.

Do they know the difference between the stomach and the intestines?

I am sure they know the difference in the Thai language, before going off with stupid comments like that go read it in Thai and tell me if it makes more sense then.

The facts are the nabbed a drug trafficker it looks like, good on them. Possibly next time they can get Sensei to come check their grammar and the contents of the toilet so they can be sure which part of the body the drugs were present in when x-raying.

good one

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The more important issue is these people coming in with a gut full of semtex or C4 ........Only a matter of time. They tried to kill a saudi prince last year, a bum bomber, with an anus stuffed with explosives triggered of by a text message.......As for H if people want it they will get it. There is more H in the world in circulation than ever before what ever the Thai, British, American or any other police do.

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Some people never learn from th mistakes of others. Farangs come to this wonderful country and disrepect the thai way of life with thier drugs. The man is going to pay and he can blame no one but himself. I know many many pro drug people here will be blaming the authorities for catching him.

You are wrong WE came to this country 30 years ago for the drugs. And it was more fun than Pakistan and Afghanistan. We bought the beautiful 'Thai Sticks, Opium and H from Thais. The bohemians opened up most third world countries, such as Morocco, India, Thailand, etc to tourism then the bourgeois judgementalists followed when it was safe. We took the risks. We opened these places up. We mixed with the people not stayed in 5 star hotels treating the people as servants. We were here before USA foreign policy threatened Thai independence. imagine if a SE Asian group of countries ordered the The USA to stop growing tobacco, making booze and stop producing cars that damage the planet. We did not come here for the Golf

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Heroin, taken in small amounts recreationally, is not as dangerous as drinking alcoholic drinks, and not as addictive as nicotine or coffee.

If the tide of human cultural development had been tweaked a slightly different way, heroin might be served (and abused) in social situations worldwide (as alcohol is), and alcohol might be designated as the satanic evil that nearly everyone perceives heroin to be.

Vested interests have no small part to play in societies' perceptions. Also, those drugs which can be controlled, such as beer and wine and hard liquor, are tolerated, whereas drugs which can be readily produced and marketed by the little guys (heroin, opium, ganga) are made to look like the devil incarnate.

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Same question re; domestic violence.

Also: how many billions of lost hours of productivity can be attributed to heroin and alcohol respectively?

Plus: How much has alcohol use increased insurance rates for all of us, compared to heroin use?

You must be joking, or do you believe in this???

Quick: how often do you hear of traffic accidents and deaths being caused by heroin?

Hey you must be joking, or????? How often do you hear from overdosed deaths? What about all the people around a heroin addicted? What about needle sharing, Hep. C/D/ etc.? How many people become criminals? Goes on and on...........

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New body scanner tested at airport

I found this story odd I don't understand why the scanners are focusing on departures not arrivals?

So this guy swallowed 1kg of smack, firstly that's a LOT to swallow and there is no way he would be able to do that much without practice so he is to a degree experienced at what he is doing.

Ahmad Shabbir was arrested during immigration procedures when customs officers believed him to be acting suspiciously

Sorry don't fit again the amount and the fact he was working export he would know how to play the game regarding police/customs remember someone has invested a lot of money in him doing the job, his "Boss" would not of given a job of that size to a first timer.

The detainee was ordered to a toilet to defecate and officials found 90 packages of heroin, weighing nearly one kilogramme.

Rubbish as already stated it takes AT LEAST 24 hours to pass but can be anything up to 4 days, you think they would let him sit in a toilet cubicle and wait? He would be taken to a nice special place pretty much Hanibal Lecter style glass secure room and held there everything he needed to use the toilet it comes straight out and some fool SOB has to go through it. Either that or he would be taken to hospital and opened up. As he was export I would go with the hospital thing because it was smack if a bag breaks he is dead before he knows whats hit him, more work for Thai officials, if he was import they would not care and hold him till nature takes its course.

Of course this is purely IMO.

Edited by Para
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Addiction is a medical and physiological condition. No one can do drugs without making a choice to do it, we are not talking about drugs being forced on anyone.

Law enforcement for drugs does not help stop people from doing drugs. I creates an underground of illegal activity that fuels the whole cycle. Make drugs legal and you can tax them, identify them, treat them and help them, and get it out of the hands of criminals. Let's have some compassion.

I agree. I'll also ease off a bit on my earlier comparisons of heroin and alcohol. I appreciate the input of those who have more direct experience with dealing with junkies - than I do. A key word mentioned earlier was 'refined'. Heroin is more refined than opium, similar to whiskey being a more refined form of alcoholic drink than beer. The street quality heroin is cut with all sorts of things, and would be comparable to bathtub gin, in terms of danger. Not a whole lot different than the 50% alcohol varnish remover that's sold as rice wine in many mom and pop shops throughout Thailand.

If drugs were legal, then quality and doses could be monitored. Also, counseling and clean needles would be available. There's no magic wand which is going to eradicate abuse of drugs, so it comes down to a question of whether we, as a society put up metal doors with multiple locks and deputize our police to run around like para-military (which we're doing now), or do we try to find ways to communicate with the dregs of society, and try to find ways to try bring them out of their harmful ways? Criminalize and fight?, or open doors and talk?, ....those are essentially the tough decisions re; drugs. Plus, continuing to make certain drugs illegal creates a scene where unscrupulous drug lords (and crooked cops) get rich.

Would you rather live in a concrete and metal castle with guards everywhere - and whackos ranting around on the streets .....or would you rather live in a house with windows open to the outside, with some disturbed but relatively harmless people roaming around?

Edited by brahmburgers
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  • 5 months later...

New body scanner tested at airport

I found this story odd I don't understand why the scanners are focusing on departures not arrivals?

So this guy swallowed 1kg of smack, firstly that's a LOT to swallow and there is no way he would be able to do that much without practice so he is to a degree experienced at what he is doing.

Ahmad Shabbir was arrested during immigration procedures when customs officers believed him to be acting suspiciously

Sorry don't fit again the amount and the fact he was working export he would know how to play the game regarding police/customs remember someone has invested a lot of money in him doing the job, his "Boss" would not of given a job of that size to a first timer.

The detainee was ordered to a toilet to defecate and officials found 90 packages of heroin, weighing nearly one kilogramme.

Rubbish as already stated it takes AT LEAST 24 hours to pass but can be anything up to 4 days, you think they would let him sit in a toilet cubicle and wait? He would be taken to a nice special place pretty much Hanibal Lecter style glass secure room and held there everything he needed to use the toilet it comes straight out and some fool SOB has to go through it. Either that or he would be taken to hospital and opened up. As he was export I would go with the hospital thing because it was smack if a bag breaks he is dead before he knows whats hit him, more work for Thai officials, if he was import they would not care and hold him till nature takes its course.

Of course this is purely IMO.

I think its good the they dont scan people inbound . I know a lot of boys that would land up in the bangkok hilton if they where.

I bet on a good day you could bring 1kg.

After all you are ex para.

The Mule.

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