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Gen Chaovalit Appointed As Supreme Commander Of People's Army Of Thailand


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How long before we see Thaksins 'Long March' from Pnom Phen to Bangkok with a Pattaya rest stop?

I would presume that he would do it exactly the same way that Mao did his, carried over hill and dale by his loyal servants.

It isn't likely, but you know what, in this mad place called Thailand, it could happen. It maybe the stuff of movies but, just ponder for a while.

If it did happen, what actually would the army do? I wouldn't expect the police to do much, and if he did get 50k people to join at the beginning and start walking, what would be the odds that by then end he wouldn't have an enormous amount (a million+ or even more)of people?

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

IMHO civil war is the only chance for the oppressed Thais to be freed. Let's hope Thaksin succeed in his revolution

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PM Abhisit: Thaksin's new 'people's army' will cause chaos in country; rules out talks with Gen Chavalit, leader of Thaksin force.


-- TNA 2010-02-04


i have it on very good authority that Abhisit is on the way out mainly as my sources say because he does not have friends in the right places to keep him in.

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Nothing like a nice civil war to pave the way for democracy - half the population on one side and half on the other. Is that what you mean? In what way is that a solution to Thailand's woes?
Glad to see someone is taking a principled stand and standing up to the Military that are bullying the democracy of Thailand and its people.

But id hate to see this as another excuse for the military to prove what a bunch of mass murderous power thirsty scoundrels they.

IMHO civil war is the only chance for the oppressed Thais to be freed. Let's hope Thaksin succeed in his revolution

You have to be kidding advocating civil war.

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IMHO civil war is the only chance for the oppressed Thais to be freed. Let's hope Thaksin succeed in his revolution

You can't possibly be serious. Have you any idea what a true civil war would do to the country of Thailand? What a completely irresponsible thing to say. :)

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

I fear you may be right. This is all getting a little silly now.


Its more like self-defence. The army has a deserved reputation as killers of innocent , defenceless, protesting civilians.

I suppose the message being sent out is "we are not just going to let you slaughter us, we WILL fight back", but im sure this position will be officially clarified shortly

Nonsense, 1992 is a long time ago now and I don't recall Thaksin opposing the army then, he was too busy making sweet deals with the top brass.

The army showed considerable restraint last Songkran with the red hooligans and don't say they were all blue shirts disguised.

Thaksin would love an army coup or crackdown to justify his holy democracy stance.

He needs some naive reds to die 'in the name of democracy'.

He must provoke, provoke, provoke but the army isn't falling for it.

The military hasn't fallen for it, but the people from the northeast that are are being pushed to the front lines are falling for it. They think their leaders will be able to protect them. They don't know any better.

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On the positive side - Thailand does seem overpopulated. So perhaps the fact that certain elements in Thai society seem obsessed with pushing the country into a bloody civil war - it will at least have some positive outcome.

On the sad side - I, like many in this forum, came here as so many Thai people are wonderful, calm, caring and friendly. Just basically decent people. And Thai culture has been beautiful and has the potential to produce a cooperative harmonious society. Thailand is rich in natural resources and rich in its culture. It already has everything it needs to be a great place - but it seems all that will be thrown away and many of those decent people will have to suffer some more, so as 'elites' can struggle for power and money.

What a strange post. Your second paragraph sounds very reasonable but is undermined by the first. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are joking or maybe you can be the first volunteer to help solve the problem of overpopulation in Thailand.

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Thaksin is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Chavalit is an ageing, increasingly senile old man pathetically still playing Politics (remember 1997?) and Soldier (remember Ban Rom Klao?) who once again has sold himself to the highest bidder, thus losing whatever shreds of dignity he may still posess.


Edit : spelling

Edited by p_brownstone
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This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

I fear you may be right. This is all getting a little silly now.


That old war horse Kun Chavalit is still clinging to the limelight. You would think the Thai people would be wise to the fact he is one of the few Thaksin could enroll to carry his propaganda

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PM Abhisit: Thaksin's new 'people's army' will cause chaos in country; rules out talks with Gen Chavalit, leader of Thaksin force.


-- TNA 2010-02-04


i have it on very good authority that Abhisit is on the way out mainly as my sources say because he does not have friends in the right places to keep him in.

I really don't think this matters at the moment. Abhisit will have no say in the judges decision, he will have no say in what the People's Army does and he will have no say in what the military does. Right now, this isn't about the government.

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Thaksin is becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Chavalit is an ageing, increasingly senile old man pathetically still playing Politics (remember 1997?) and Soldier (reember Ban Rom Klao?) who once again has sold himslef to the highest bidder, thus losing whatever shreds of dignity he may still posess.


No one even knows if he understands that he has been appointed supreme commander of his own lunch box.

He might be standing on one side politically, but when it comes to siding against the army, I cannot believe it until it comes from his own mouth.

If it is true, he might as well book his tickets to Dubai now.

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What is the "Peoples Army of Thailand".

This has to be a <deleted> story or there is something very nasty brewing here.

"Peoples Army of........" That is always the name in Communist movements Sovjet, China etc etc.

But I worry here it will be more "Peoples comedy Army" with a very talented clown as their commander.

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IMHO civil war is the only chance for the oppressed Thais to be freed. Let's hope Thaksin succeed in his revolution

You can't possibly be serious. Have you any idea what a true civil war would do to the country of Thailand? What a completely irresponsible thing to say. :D

Itd bring down prices. :)

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:) people like thaksin and chaovalit always try to start trouble. to begin with, thaksin is not the prime minister and chaovalit is not a general. in vietnam when people like this needed money, they started trouble, many would die, then they pack the coffins with drugs or whatever, and ship them, maybe the red shirts should go do humanitarian work in haiti, democrocy is just another word for "scam". a red shirt is just another phrase for "immature children looking for self worth and a will to power" criminals to society, nothing else but.
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Thaksin's "People's Army of Thailand".

Treason is one of the first things that springs to mind.

Unfortunately, this will harden the resolve of the judges rather than intimidate them IMO.

Well if I found a People's Army in my country (I would than call it "Volksarmee"), within hours, Police and different kind of secret services would jump on me.....

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How long before we see Thaksins 'Long March' from Pnom Phen to Bangkok with a Pattaya rest stop?

This was planned last April.

"If the Army blabla....than I will lead sneak into the country and will lead the people of Isaan to Bangkok blabla, peoples uprising, blabla".

I am still waiting that he arrives.....

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Now a days I am not keeping well and my dear doctors have ordered to stay calm and away from stress. Thailand, the land of smiles supposed to be the perfect place. Nope.

I am getting stressed, just reading words like People's Army... what's going on? Can't they live in peace. I mean they have fewer problems then many other countries in SE Asia.

Hope this all finally turns out to be a farce. I am surely going to stay away from the news for a while. Where I live now, there is no TV and internet is only through my GPRS. I have a choice. Keep away from news and get healthy.


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Itd bring down prices. :)

Are you sure about that? I'm not...

If they install a red government, of course everything will be very cheap, all communist countries were always very cheap on all products. Just they never had stock. Or a bit longer delivery times.

(in East Germany, you ordered the Trabant car for your child when it was born, because they needed 18 years for delivery)

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Thaksin's "People's Army of Thailand".

Treason is one of the first things that springs to mind.

Unfortunately, this will harden the resolve of the judges rather than intimidate them IMO.

Well if I found a People's Army in my country (I would than call it "Volksarmee"), within hours, Police and different kind of secret services would jump on me.....

Good point H90. People's Amry sound really like Vietnam, North Korea and other communist country armies. Why would someone choose a stupid name like that? I wonder...

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Well, instigating a coup from within the military ranks didn't work, disguising thugs as military to "create" a coup wouldn't work now as there is too much speculation of that possibility, so they've had to fall back on the idea of a "people's army" to make their coup rumours somewhat truthful.

The military hasn't fallen for it, but the people from the northeast that are are being pushed to the front lines are falling for it. They think their leaders will be able to protect them. They don't know any better.

This is the saddest part, and I hope the general population of the north east don't fall for it. If this "people's army" consists of the few unhinged reds, (such as Khattiya and his rabid dogs), I don't think it will be a problem for the real military to deal with. If the numbers are increased with relatively untrained civilians, it will be a sad day for Thailand, but hopefully they will be contained with minimal casualties.

If Thaksin decided to do a march into Thailand, he would be stopped at, or close to the border, and it would be finished. He will only sneak in once he sees that things are completely in his favour, and then miraculously appear to lead them to greatness.

If this is going where I think it might go, I just hope that the confrontation doesn't take place in Bangkok, or any populated area. Let the boys play war somewhere that won't injure civilians.

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Accusing somebody of committing a crime without evidence is a crime in Thailand (...). This poster has called Thaksin a murderer, that is defamation (...)

At this stage, the point is not to run for cover behind a legal blanket.

It is for opinions to be expressed on a worsening struggle for power taking place for far too long with far too damage being done to all citizens.

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It was going to Iran, North Korea, Kazakhstan, just anywhere else but Bangkok, wasn't it? Hmmmm, why would those guys be released and charges dropped. Could lead to some speculation, that. :)

First thing this post brought to mind was that recently sequestered aircraft that landed in Bangkok full of weaponry.
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