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Thank You, Chiang Mai !


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Dear Chiang Mai,

We know our eleven year relationship has had its ups and downs, with most of the "downs" related to places my human got his head in, often related to rather stupid or unaware behavior on his part, and many of the "ups" are related to where my human got his head out of the way, and just appreciated the cycle of your beauty for what it is : with "new eyes," and an "open heart."

But today, like so many other days, we had a feeling that : yes, today is one of the best "days of our lives," even though we did nothing special or unusual today.

Just bicycled to the market, bought Plaa Too for the kitty cat, some of Mae LaeLai's divine eggplant dish for my human, just read a book, and did some computer programming, listened to music.

Was it just imagination that an almost tangible sense of "kindness" seemed salient in our small interactions in the market, and with our neighbors ? The way a scent lingers ?

Even the chicken who continually screams "imaturkey" suddenly sounded sweet today, as if some sub-audible chord was playing in the background that he was somehow in "tune" with.

The taste of soy-milk with a little of the wonderful nam peung baa honey from Mae Hong Son was extra special.

So, thank you, Chiang Mai, for another day in paradise, and for what seems like wonderfully clear and sweet air so far this month.

Knowing how much chaos is going on in the world (everywhere) makes this gift of a day on an "island of at-homeness" even more precious.

Knowing this lingering top-note of an indescribable sweetness, of a meta-honey, is not intoxication, or dullness, or a forgetting of the savagery and brutality always co-existent with its opposite, makes it even more appreciated.

best, ~o:37;

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"So, thank you, Chiang Mai, for another day in paradise, and for what seems like wonderfully clear and sweet air so far this month."

wish I could agree on this quote, but unfortunately I've got all windows closed this evening, sprinklers on to try & clean the air, thanks to local burning, happens most evenings. On top of that, the hills on the eastern edge of the valley are ablaze, was out past Mae On this morning, & everywhere was "scorched earth".  Unfortunately, we seem to live on different planets  :)

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I'm in town for a few days... shot about 100+ photos at and around the flower festival parade yesterday, caught up with Ulysses G and Anonymouse, found a book I'd been after for a while, had dinner with Mcgriffith at the Chiang Mai Saloon.... thank you Chiang Mai.

Looking forward to Walking Street tonight.

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Orang's world is available to all of us. Just as one can see all the colors of the rainbow if one holds one's Crystal at just the right angle.

One of the greatest human discoveries is not the awesome power of the atom or the remarkable language of one's and zero's, but this: That it's possible to change one's world by changing one's mind.

Thanks, Orang for reminding me of the simple life that's possible here in CM (though not just in CM).

'Tis the gift to be simple,

'tis the gift to be free,

'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,

And when we find ourselves in the place just right,

It will be in the valley of love and delight.

by Joseph Brackett, Jr., 1848

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I'm in town for a few days... shot about 100+ photos at and around the flower festival parade yesterday, caught up with Ulysses G and Anonymouse, found a book I'd been after for a while, had dinner with Mcgriffith at the Chiang Mai Saloon.... thank you Chiang Mai.

Looking forward to Walking Street tonight.

Glad your enjoying the delights of Chiang Mai, Nice to have met you and your friend albeit briefly :)

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Carry on past Mae On to the coffee & tea growing areas around Mae Kampong & the like, where they don't seem to burn - they wouldn't want to destroy their coffee plantations, & the air is so much cleaner, the vegetation is so green. (maybe even as clear as the city centre :) )  Don't be put off by the charred landscape either side of hwy1317 around the hot springs, keep going past Huay Keaw where the "tree shops" are, just out of the main valley.   Lovely up there.  Unfortunately the views on the return trip as you drop down onto the CM plain are awful.  You really notice the filth in the air.  The rock outcrop nr the hot springs where folk climb looks like a volcano, so many smoke plumes on its sides.  

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