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Well Hello Poeple ,

I am planning on getting a small Bar/ Hotel in Pattaya as Farangs what would you Like to see

Music food etc or things about Girls things that you thought be a good idea i want the bar to stand out to Farangs as i want it to work as Thais do not have the cash .

Don't Be Shy say want you Wanted And Never Got

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Free beer at weekends and bar fines maximum 100 Baht should do it - Oh, and no khatoeys

(I'm going to hang around on this topic just to see if it lasts the hour out)

Edited by Chaimai
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yah mean to add to the already 3000 bars already in Pattaya? :)

I'm not sure you could supply what is now not already available. :D

I hate being negative, but on my visit a couple months ago in high season I didn't see as many punters as there were 10 years ago... but there was construction everywhere.

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I think it could actually be informative, if people let it run for the right reasons, but already it appears that if the it continues it will be derailed and shut fairly quickly.

Keep the info constructive I say

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Cold clean glasses containing draught beer with a head on it, instead of the usual flat beer with ice in a dirty glass.

Works for me, 2 for the price of 1


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Yes i know Running a Bar Will be Hard but i think Maybe that would be the Best Bussiness to buy into But if you people Have some Ideas Here Come and say em ,, thx

My advice would be the same to someone thinking about opening a bar in Spain or France etc - Don't do it unless you are prepared to subsidise it from income/capital from your own country.

If you have the resources and it is your life's dream - then give it a go as a life-style business. OK if it doesn't cost you anymore than any other hobby.

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Frosted clean glasses

A clean establishment

Efficient and effective bar staff

A well stocked bar

A position where customers can sit and just people watch

No need to mention location

Readily available snacks

Something different on a Sunday afternoon perhaps, good old sausages and roast potatoes should keep the Brits happy

Clean Loos

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^Okay, I wont knock you OP, but you really need to do some serious HOMEWORK, theres been no shortage of guys come over here on a 10 minute holiday, fallen in love with the bar scene, throw everything away back home and race over here with all their change and blow it on a beer bar......my advice,

Walk around a few of these tourist areas in the off season and see how many beer bars are sitting idle.

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Well i Have a few Pounds to Spent i want to live there so will need work ,,lol or Get a bussiness

Sorry, I misread you post. Did you say you have a few "POUND".I thought you had some real money. Sorry, nobody is accepting that currency anymore, apparently it has something to do with the imbociles running your government, I think you get 1 baht for every 100 pounds these days :)

Edited by neverdie
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Well i Have a few Pounds to Spent i want to live there so will need work ,,lol or Get a bussiness

Sorry, I misread you post. Did you say you have a few "POUND".I thought you had some real money. Sorry, nobody is accepting that currency anymore, apparently it has something to do with the imbociles running your government, I think you get 1 baht for every 100 pounds these days :D

:):D :D

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Frosted clean glasses

A clean establishment

Efficient and effective bar staff

A well stocked bar

A position where customers can sit and just people watch

No need to mention location

Readily available snacks

Something different on a Sunday afternoon perhaps, good old sausages and roast potatoes should keep the Brits happy

Clean Loos

No short-time rooms ?

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Cold clean glasses containing draught beer with a head on it, instead of the usual flat beer with ice in a dirty glass.

definatly good head on it is required in bar here, bit of dirty stuff as well. OP i think you know the answer already.

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Frosted clean glasses

A clean establishment

Efficient and effective bar staff

A well stocked bar

A position where customers can sit and just people watch

No need to mention location

Readily available snacks

Something different on a Sunday afternoon perhaps, good old sausages and roast potatoes should keep the Brits happy

Clean Loos

No short-time rooms ?

Is that all you think about?

Co's you beat me to it

Well spotted


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Get a beach bar .... walk down to the beach after a few months trading, wrap whatever money you have in tissue paper, walk out as far as you can, drop your little packages into the sea and then walk back to the shore and retrieve them on the beach.

There's your answer and don't forget to put your name at the bottom of the list of all those people who have had the same idea.

Good luck!

(Being realistic! :) )

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I looked into owning a bar then quickly found out that it was a bad idea, there are very few bars that make enough to justify owning. Most long term bars have already signed long leases for a small amount of rent hence why they are still there, bars now have huge rents and special rent so much so that making money or a living is very difficult that coupled with dire exchange rates.

So what i would like to see would be:

50 baht a beer

Short time rooms at 200 baht

Fresh rotation of girls and 3 holers (Fresh from the farm lol)

Girls must not wear shorts under skirt

Thai looking bar not one that has the farang touch (Shiney pub)

No Katoey

Cashier who is hot as fuc_k who refuses to go long time

If you can manage some of the above and get by good luck to ye!!

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